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Apple iTunes 9 details, Blu-ray, app organization — We've just received a tip from a pretty reliable source that detailed for us some of iTunes 9's upcoming features and they're pretty exciting. — One of the new additions to iTunes is said to include Blu-ray support which lines up nicely …
Engadget, MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac, TechSpot,, Electronista, Edible Apple,, AppleInsider, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, I4U News and CrunchGear

The Case Against Apple-in Five Parts — About six years and $20,000 ago, I made the switch to Apple products after a 20-year love affair with Microsoft. That love affair started with the humble PCjr and ended with an IBM ThinkPad. From DOS to the first version of Windows …

Nokia RX-51 tablet captured in the wild — Not long at all after that mysterious Nokia RX-51 passed through the FCC comes shots from Indonesian message board Kaskus of the tablet-like device in the wild. The blurred box shot and the label behind the battery clearly say RX-51 prototype …
Discussion:, Gizmodo, TmoNews, Nokia Experts, Unwired View, Boing Boing Gadgets, I4U News, jkkmobile, Pocketables and UMPCPortal

Are the Glory Days Long Gone for I.T.? — IF Thomas M. Siebel can accurately see the future, computer science students with the entrepreneurial gene may want to look for a different major. And investors who think that information technology is a sector that will produce outsized returns should wake up.

The Tragedy of the Coffee Shop — Today's edition of the Wall Street Journal has an article about the Tragedy of the Commons being played out at coffee shops in New York: No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users. — This excerpt captures the general gist of the article:

Dell Retires the Mini 12 — You may have seen some recent reports from places like Engadget, liliputing and Electronista that the Inspiron Mini 12 was going away. It's true. Dell recently decided that it's time for the Mini 12 to ride off into the sunset.

What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way — Google Wave is an impressive set of technologies, the kind of stunningly slick application that literally makes developers stand up and cheer. I've played with the Google Wave test sandbox a bit, and while it's definitely too complex to live up to the …
Shooting at Bubbles, Googling Google, Google Blogoscoped, Technologizer and, Thanks:atul

3G ‘Ophone,’ Child of China Mobile, Due Next Month — China Mobile's holy grail of handsets is slated for sale next month, a phone that uses both the carrier's own mobile operating system and China's next-generation cellular standard. — Lenovo Mobile next month aims to release China's first 3G …

Microsoft joins HTML 5 standard fray in earnest — After leaving much of the matter of creating new version of HTML to Apple, Google, Opera, and Mozilla, Microsoft has begun sinking its teeth into the Web standard. — The move adds clout to the effort to renovate HyperText Markup Language …

The Cloud Politic - How Regulation, Taxes, and National Borders are shaping the infrastructure of the cloud — Most people think of ‘the cloud’ as a technical place defined by technology, the innovation of software leveraged across a scale of immense proportions and ultimately a belief …
The Register

FCC wants real answers from ISPs on broadband investment — Yes, we know—when the FCC puts out a press release (PDF) titled “Columbia Institute for Tele-Information to Conduct Independent Review of Telecom Capital Expenditures to Assist FCC,” the eyeballs begin to glaze and the limbs feel suddenly heavy.