Top Items:

Yahoo to Lead Ad Sales in Microsoft Search Deal — Online Ad Business Braces for Shakeup as Pact Gives Bing Nearly 30% of Market to Rival Google's 65% — NEW YORK ( — Microsoft and Yahoo tomorrow are expected to announce the search pact earlier reported by Advertising Age …

Microsoft, Yahoo! Change Search Landscape — Global Deal Creates Better Choice for Consumers and Advertisers — Yahoo! and Microsoft announced an agreement that will improve the Web search experience for users and advertisers, and deliver sustained innovation to the industry.

Microsoft-Yahoo Deal Struck-Will Be Announced Within Next 24 Hours — Multiple sources close to the situation said that the online search and advertising deal between Microsoft and Yahoo has been struck and will be announced within the next 24 hours. — While it is not clear if the actual papers …
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Yahoo To Get 110 Percent of Search Revenue in First Two Years of Deal With Microsoft — Oh, the details keep rolling in about the terms of the Yahoo-Microsoft online advertising and search deal, which is expected to be announced sometime tomorrow. — According to several sources close to the situation …

Yahoo's Bing Deal Puts Delicious, BOSS & More at Risk — Multiple reports tonight say that Microsoft and Yahoo! will announce a deal tomorrow wherein Microsoft's Bing will become the new Yahoo! search engine and Yahoo! will sell ads against those search results on its site.

It's Finally Official, Microsoft & Yahoo Make A Deal, Yahoo Gives Up On Search — As expected, Microsoft and Yahoo have finally struck a deal, one that with regulatory approval, they hope will be in place by early 2010. Microsoft has issued a press release and created a minisite about the deal.

Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal: The Most Important Facts (And Some Opinion)

With Microsoft search deal Yahoo risks becoming AOL

New Front Page! — Today we're trying a redesigned front page for folks who are new to If you're a regular around these parts, then you won't notice the new look unless you sign out of your account. Helping people access Twitter in more relevant and useful ways upon …
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New Twitter Homepage Goes Live With Search Front And Center — Twitter has just rolled out the new version of its homepage that new potential users will see, or users who are not logged in will see. The design has been completely overhauled from the previous version which was fairly cluttered.

Pirate Bay Sale Dead in the Water — Last month the BitTorrent community was shaken up when GGF publicly announced that it would take over The Pirate Bay and turn it into a legal outfit. They said they would harvest computing resources from some of its users, money from others …
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How To Hijack ‘Every iPhone In The World’ — On Thursday, two researchers plan to reveal an unpatched iPhone bug that could virally infect phones via SMS. — If you receive a text message on your iPhone any time after Thursday afternoon containing only a single square character, Charlie Miller would suggest you turn the device off.

iPhone Jailbreaking Could Crash Cellphone Towers, Apple Claims — The nation's cellphone networks could suffer “potentially catastrophic” cyberattacks by iPhone-wielding hackers at home and abroad if iPhone owners are permitted to legally jailbreak their shiny wireless devices — that's what Apple claims.

Get on-the-go restaurant reservations without any reservations — OpenTable for Palm webOS is the latest addition to the Palm Pre's beta App Catalog. The popular restaurant reservation service adds a few new goodies to the menu thanks to the unique capabilities of Palm webOS.

Palm's webOS gets a couple more apps — are the floodgates opening?

SugarSync extends backup/sync/share service to Android, eyes netbook market — We've written before about Sharpcast and its creation, the SugarSync system that let users backup, sync, and share files from their computers and smartphones. VentureBeat writer Anthony Ha called it “the simplest and most usable sync service I'd seen.”

Has Wikipedia Created a Rorschach Cheat Sheet? — There are tests that have right answers, which are returned with a number on top in a red circle, and there are tests with open-ended questions, which provide insight into the test taker's mind. — The Rorschach test, a series …
Softpedia News

T-Mobile announces HTC Touch Pro2 for August 12 availability — Sure, the Touch Pro2 from HTC is available from a variety of carriers around the world at this point — but you won't find many (read: none) that are offering it in the US right now, which makes T-Mobile's launch especially notable.

Microsoft names new PR chief (again) — Microsoft said on Tuesday that it has tapped Frank Shaw, a longtime executive from its Waggener Edstrom PR agency, to serve as the software maker's vice president of corporate communications. — Shaw, who has headed the Microsoft account at the agency …
Beyond Search

Pigs Fly As Facebook And Google Work Together On An Android App — Well, we never thought it would happen because of its intense rivalry with Google, but Facebook is almost ready to launch an official app for Android phones. Hints are already popping up here and there, but I've been able to confirm it.

What if...Microsoft Had a Windows App Store? — I continue to think of my iPhone not as a phone but as a personal computer. Which is why I continue to be so nonplussed about Apple's barring of some applications on the grounds that they compete with its own apps, and others at (reportedly) …

‘Maybe Media Will Be a Hobby Rather than a Job’ — In a SPIEGEL interview, Chris Anderson, the editor in chief of US technology and culture magazine Wired discusses the Internet's challenge to the traditional press, new business models on the Web and why he would rather read Twitter than a daily newspaper.

It Was AT&T — I just posted the following correction to today's earlier piece on the Google Voice/App Store thing: