Top Items:

Rumored Apple Tablet is a Train Wreck — Given the rumor mill chatter, it sounds like the mythical Apple tablet is all but a done deal. People seem to be talking with certainty about how, either later this year or early next year, Apple will unveil a multitouch tablet with a 10-inch screen …
Technologizer, Podcasting News, Andrew Baron, Gizmodo,,, MacDailyNews,, Obsessable and Financial Times

Apple's Tablet Is The Kindle In Technicolor (With Laser Beams) — While there's a lot of talk about Apple's rumored tablet device as it relates to new initiatives from the music industry, the device is undoubtedly a lot larger in scope. The music-angle talk is mostly thanks to the Financial Times …

The Race to Market — Today represents another significant milestone for Windows Marketplace for Mobile, and more importantly, the first big opportunity for developers. We are now accepting application submissions from all 29 supported countries and have launched a Race to Market Challenge to kick things off.
mocoNews, eWeek, InformationWeek,,, MobileTechWorld, Pocket PC, WMExperts,, Xconomy and Gizmodo

Time Warner preps for AOL spin-off; Google's 5% stake worth $283 million — Time Warner on Monday said that it bought back Google's 5 percent stake in AOL for $283 million. The deal, disclosed in regulatory filings, was part of a series of disclosures to set in motion Time Warner's spin-off of AOL as an independent company.

AOL Valued at Less Than $5.66 Billion After Google Sells Back Its 5% Stake — Time Warner Inc. bought back Google Inc.'s 5 percent stake in AOL in a transaction that values the Internet unit at less than $5.66 billion. — The $283 million purchase price also includes Google's share …

In Study, Texting Lifts Crash Risk by Large Margin — The first study of drivers texting inside their vehicles shows that the risk sharply exceeds previous estimates based on laboratory research — and far surpasses the dangers of other driving distractions.

S**tstorm Averted? AT&T Restores Access To 4chan (Which Is Now Under DDoS Attack) — AT&T has made even more people than usual angry when it started blocking/filtering parts of 4chan late last night. The popular message board, famous for being able to brew online (and offline) …
Discussion:, AT&T, Internetnews Blog, PC World, Broadband Politics, Ars Technica,, Mashable!, The Social, TechnoLlama, Erling Løken Andersen, Gizmodo, Techdirt and TechVi

Apple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store — Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they “duplicate features that come with the iPhone”.
Sean Kovacs

Suddenly, Verizon Loves Wi-Fi — What's That Apple Tablet Got To Do With It? — Verizon said today that it's inked a partnership with Wi-Fi hotspot service provider Boingo Wireless that will allow its broadband customers to use Boingo hotspots across the country, an agreement that was first reported …
Business Wire, PC World, Computerworld, Wi-Fi Networking News, jkOnTheRun, Electronista, DSLreports, CNET News, Sidecut Reports, Gizmodo, Slashdot and

Announcing - IPP Open Source Community — This morning we are announcing a new open source community for developers interested in creating connected online applications for small businesses. The community, at, lets developers work with Intuit and each …
ReadWriteWeb, Open Sources's blog, ProgrammableWeb, Irregular Enterprise, CloudAve and Between the Lines

Amazon Faces a Fight Over Its E-Books — SAN FRANCISCO — Last week, Jeffrey P. Bezos, chief executive of Amazon, offered an apparently heartfelt and anguished mea culpa to customers whose digital editions of George Orwell's “1984” were remotely deleted from their Kindle reading devices.

Layoffs, Palm Pre Coming to Verizon — This recession is a long way from over if Verizon's latest earnings are anything to judge by. Reporting second-quarter earnings that were a penny better than the 62 cents per share Wall Street had been expecting, the company said it suffered …

Twitter Not Blocked In White House, As It Turns Out — Yesterday we wondered about Robert Gibbs' statement that Twitter was blocked on White House computers: If it was, then how did the White House Twitter feed get updated? We did some web-sleuthing and discovered that not only were Tweets off …
TechCrunch, O'Reilly Radar, VentureBeat, Top of the Ticket,, techPresident and WebProNews

A NEW PAGE — Can the Kindle really improve on the book? — Amazon is very good at selling things, but, to date, it hasn't been as good at making things. Photographs by Gus Powell. — KEYWORDS … I ordered a Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could I not? There were banner ads for it all over the Web.

Booyah's iPhone app lets you record and share life's achievements — Booyah is launching a free iPhone app today that lets you create an “achievement system for your life.” Built by former game developers, the app lets you categorize and share your achievements in life with you friends.
mocoNews, Bits, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Joystiq, Digits, App Advice, Macsimum News, TUAW and MTV Multiplayer

“YouTube Can Be Very Profitable In The Near Future” — A few weeks ago, everyone agreed that YouTube was going to be a perpetual money pit. — Then, a week ago, Google said YouTube is coming along nicely and will soon be profitable. — Now everyone agrees that YouTube will soon be raking in money hand over fist.

Stealth Search Engine Blekko Raises $11.5 Million — One search engine dies, another takes a step forward. — This is a hard space to find a niche in, but the money at stake if you succeed is staggering. — Blekko, the stealth search engine we've been covering since early 2008 …

Windows XP to Windows 7: It's Going to Be a Bumpy Ride — The company's decision not to support upgrades from Windows XP is a rare misstep in the Windows 7 delivery process. — Post a — Microsoft's decision to leave Windows XP users behind, with no easy upgrade path to Windows 7, is …

Apple seeds iPhone 3.1 Beta 3 to developers — Apple provided iPhone developers Monday afternoon with a third beta of iPhone 3.1, the first planned update to its third-generation mobile operating system. — Beta 3 is only accessible to those with an existing developer account.

AVG antivirus update attacks Apple's iTunes — A database update from AVG over the weekend made the Windows antivirus software attack users' iTunes installations, mistakenly viewing the application's library files as a Trojan virus and placing them in quarantine.

Gawker Media revenues up 45% in first half — Last autumn I said media companies — including ours — should be preparing for a decline of up to 40% in advertising revenues over the economic cycle. — The plunge has already been pretty terrifying for a range of companies from Yahoo and IAC to the newspapers.

Verizon LTE Tests Planned for Seattle, Boston — Executives praise iPhone, but no plans for the smartphone on Verizon — Verizon Wireless executives on Monday declined to comment directly about whether it will soon offer the iPhone, but the company will kick off tests of its LTE network in Seattle and Boston later this year.

My Sys-Con Nightmare — A tale of intellectual property, identity, libel, and online bullying. — A little history — Beyond simply using my content without permission, they had misappropriated my identity by stating that I was one of their authors. And I wasn't the only one.

Exclusive: Friendster Shopping Itself Around In Asia — Friendster, one of the oldest social networks, is actively looking for a buyer and has hired investment bank Morgan Stanley to find a party interested in acquiring the company or at least some of its assets.

Netflix Prize Competition Closes - But No Winner Announced Yet — After almost three years, and 44,014 entries from 5,169 teams in 186 countries, the Netflix Prize competition is now closed. Don't know about the Netflix Prize? Read on. — Jon Sanders here.

The government's guide to using Twitter — Guidelines suggest tweets should be frequent, timely and credible — Even its author admits that a 20-page strategy paper for government departments on how to use Twitter might be regarded as “a bit of over the top” for a microblogging tool with a limit of 140 characters a message.

Handing Over the Reins at b5media (Or: A Year of Transition) — At the beginning of this year (literally, the 4th of January), I took nearly 2 weeks off work from b5media, the company I've been lucky enough to serve as CEO for the last 3 ish years (the original year or so was as a group of founders).
Venture Capital Dispatch, TechCrunch, The Post Money Value, The Blog Herald and One By One Media

Is Zynga a Target for State Attorneys General? — A few weeks ago a good source gave me a legal document written by a former federal prosecutor and senior Department of Justice official. It was arguing that social gaming company Zynga could be breaking multiple state and federal anti-gambling laws via its popular Texas HoldEm game.