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The Anatomy Of The Twitter Attack — The Twitter document leak fiasco started with a simple story that personal accounts of Twitter employees were hacked. Twitter CEO Evan Williams commented on that story, saying that Twitter itself was mostly unaffected.

The Internet Is Dead (As An Investment) — I can live all day inside the Internet. I can talk to my friends, listen to music, watch TV, trade stocks, play games, do work - all on the Internet. From 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. every day I can spend on the Internet and it would be a day well spent.

The Internet Is Alive And Well (As An Investment) — James Altucher penned a column in today's WSJ titled The Internet Is Dead (As An Investment). James is a fund manager and well read columnist on investing and he is entitled to his opinion. He puts his money where his mouth is.

AT&T Is A Big, Steaming Heap Of Failure — When Om Malik of GigaOM said he was breaking up with his iPhone 5 months ago because of the failures of AT&T, I must admit, I thought he was overreacting. I was wrong. — Since I switched to AT&T from Verizon just over 2 years ago to get the iPhone …
Between the Lines, Webomatica, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Life On the Wicked Stage, Seeking Alpha and

Toshiba Will Sell Blu-ray Player This Year — Exactly a year and five months after Toshiba brought an end to the high-definition disc format war, the Japanese consumer electronics company confirmed its plans to produce its own Blu-ray Disc player. Previously, rumors trickled …

The Hidden Cost of Microsoft's ‘Free’ Online Office Suite — Despite what you've heard, the online version of Office 2010 announced by Microsoft earlier this week won't be free to corporate users, and isn't a threat to the likes of Google, Adobe, or even Zoho, which sells online productivity software …

New vulnerability discovered for Firefox 3.5.1 — This ‘eEye’ is utterly ignorant. — NoScript features the first and best client side anti-XSS protection, therefore it's practically impossible running JavaScript code ‘from an untrusted website without the consent of the user’.
Download Squad

The Crowd Is Wise (When It's Focused) — FEW concepts in business have been as popular and appealing in recent years as the emerging discipline of “open innovation.” It is variously described as crowdsourcing, the wisdom of crowds, collective intelligence and peer production — and these terms apply to a range of practices.
I'm Not Actually a Geek

Music Industry Lures ‘Casual’ Pirates to Legal Sites — PARIS — Record company executives say there are three kinds of music fans. There are those who buy music, and those who get a kick out of never paying for it. And then there are those whom Rob Wells at Universal Music Group calls …

Yahoo board member Icahn wants Microsoft deal — SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Activist investor Carl Icahn spoke out in favor of a search deal between Yahoo Inc and Microsoft Corp, as talks between the two companies appeared to regain momentum. — Icahn declined to comment on the state …

Kazaa to return as subscription service — Kazaa is coming back from the dead. — One of the most recognizable brands in the history of illegal downloading is due to officially resurface, perhaps as early as next week, sources close to the company told CNET News.

Nokia planning a new line of handsets dubbed Cseries — Interesting, very interesting. We are all familiar with the branding nightmare that is Nokia's higher-end line of phones. Eseries for business, Nseries for fun — but even fanboy blogs seem to have a tough time remembering how to spell the brands.