Top Items:

Haptic Feedback, Fingerprint Identification, and RFID Tag Readers in Future iPhones? — Apple has let loose a number of revealing new patent applications that cover some interesting technologies that could be used in future iPhones. — Haptic Tactile Feedback
VentureBeat, AppleInsider, Engadget, The iPhone Blog, The Apple Core, 9 to 5 Mac, Boy Genius Report, I4U News, MobileCrunch,, PalmAddicts and FierceWireless

Apple developing “active packaging” for iPods and iPhones — Known for thinking outside the box, electronics maker Apple Inc. is now apparently working on an in-the-box concept that could provide power to iPods, iPhones and other electronics devices still inside their retail packaging …

iPhone 4.0 OS: event based modes, intellingent and scheduled communications — Now that with 3.0 OS iPhone has basically caught up with the traditional smartphones in functionality, it may be time to look how Apple can make the next generation devices even smarter.

Microsoft chucks vomit ad — Earlier this week, we were all rather intrigued by the appearance of a Microsoft ad, in which a wife borrows her husband's laptop and suffers a technicolor nightmare when she espies a site that he has been, um, enjoying. — By Wednesday night, however …
The Register, Macworld, paidContent, MediaMemo, NewTeeVee, PC World, ithinkdifferent, Gawker, Beyond Search, Technically Incorrect and Mashable!

Leaked AT&T memo: Apple iPhone 3GS generated ‘best ever sales day’ — Multiple sources have provided MacDailyNews with an internal AT&T memo that highlights the company's recent milestones and successes: … [Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers who shall remain nameless for the heads up.]

And Yet More Proof Of Why AT&T Needs To Keep That iPhone Exclusivity

Microsoft to offer Family Pack for Windows 7 Home Premium — In two recent posts (Windows 7 versus Snow Leopard: How much do upgrades really cost? and Do you need more than Windows 7 Home Premium?), I took a closer look at the differences between Windows 7 editions and their counterparts from Apple.
Joe Wilcox, The Download Blog, Kristan Kenney's Digital Life, BetaNews, CNET News, Electronista, All about Microsoft, ChannelWeb, Technologizer, Softpedia News,, Download Squad, jkOnTheRun, Lockergnome Blog Network, ithinkdifferent,, Techgeist and Microsoft News Tracker, Thanks:edbott

Update - Apple Pulls BeautyMeter App With Nude 15-Year-Old — Yesterday's BeautyMeter article resulted in quite the firestorm. Media outlets such as Fox News, Wired, Gizmodo, DownloadSqaud and others, carried the “Nude 15-Year-Old Pictures” story ... as well as social media activity from Digg, Twitter and more.
MacRumors, Redmond Pie, PC World, Contentinople, iPhone Savior, Gizmodo, ChannelWeb, Gadget Lab, InformationWeek and GMSV

Apple Issues Heat Advisory for iPhone 3G, 3GS — Whether anecdotal reports of iPhones overheating are true or not, Apple has taken them seriously enough to reveal the presence of a temperature warning screen for the iPhone 3G and 3GS. — Here's the deal: an unknown but probably very small number …
MacRumors, Macworld, PC World, ithinkdifferent, InformationWeek, Pulse2, Guardian, Gizmodo,, O'Grady's PowerPage, jkOnTheRun, Smalltalk Tidbits … and

No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam — But can enterprises take open-source alternatives Hadoop, Voldemort seriously? — Computerworld - The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party.

Facebook Connect Is A Huge Success — By The Numbers — As much as Beacon was Facebook's low point, that service's replacement, Facebook Connect, is vaulting the company to new heights six months after its November 2008 launch. — CEO Mark Zuckerberg occasionally hints …

Google App Engine Broken For 4 Hours And Counting — A little over two hours ago, a Google employee posted a note in this Google Groups thread indicating that Google App Engine was “seeing elevated Datastore latency and error-rates, as well as elevated serving error-rates.”

Craigslist Sued For Trademark Based On Listing — In what appears to be a first, listings site Craigslist has been sued for trademark infringement based on ads posted by users. — The lawsuit was brought by Texas real estate company First Call Properties, which alleges that it began advertising …

New Linux patch could circumvent Microsoft's FAT patents — Microsoft's recent lawsuit against TomTom, alleging infringement of filesystem patents, has left many questions unanswered about the legal implications of distributing open source implementations of Microsoft's FAT filesystem.

New Blog Search tools: Feeds, Hot Queries and Latest Posts — Ever since the new Google Blog Search homepage launched, we've been fielding requests for a myriad of different features. Today we're happy to announce the launch of our most requested feature: RSS and Atom feeds.

Apple Patching Serious SMS Vulnerability on IPhone — Apple is working to fix an iPhone vulnerability that could allow an attacker to remotely install and run unsigned software code with root access to the phone. — The attack in question exploits a weakness in the way iPhones handle text …

Hammering Usernames — Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) at Facebook is always under pressure to keep the site and all the moving pieces behind the scenes running while still delivering an excellent user experience. The recent launch of usernames to our 200 million active users on a single night …

iPhone App Prices Fluctuate As Developers Adjust To OS 3.0; Nav Apps Gain Pricing Power — Ever since OS. 3., the latest operating system for the iPhone, launched on June 17, prices among the top 100 apps in the iTunes App Store have been fluctuating wildly as developers push …

Murdoch Talks Media — NWSA , GE , NYT , GOOG , YHOO , TWX — Rupert Murdoch has not allowed the crisis in his most-loved medium — the newspaper — stop the growth of his global empire. — Murdoch, the 78-year-old News Corp. (NWSA Quote) chairman and CEO who moved television news considerably …

Mozilla's Crowdsourcing Mystique — As the maker of the Firefox Web browser relies on volunteer developers, such for-profit companies as Google and LinkedIn strain to copy the Mozilla model — There's a cool new video player in the Firefox Web browser that Mozilla released on June 30.

GoDaddy Wants You to Go Twitter — Ideally, your brand has the same name across all of the social sites you use, and, it matches your domain name (for example, we're,, and — Realizing this fact, popular domain registrar GoDaddy …

bringing a bit of twitter to bing — There has been much discussion of real-time search and the premium on immediacy of data that has been created primarily by Twitter. We've been watching this phenomenon with great interest, and listening carefully to what consumers really want in this space.
eWeek, Telegraph, Between the Lines, Search Engine Watch, PC World, Tech Beat, Pulse2, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Search Engine Roundtable, Search Engine Land, GMSV, InformationWeek, Silicon Alley Insider, The Register, Mashable!, Bits, The Microsoft Blog, TechCrunch, ithinkdifferent, Fast Company, Gaea Times …, John Battelle's Searchblog, News, Technologizer, TechFlash, LiveSide, Softpedia News, BoomTown, Mark Evans, MarketingVOX,, Techgeist,, AppScout, paidContent, Search Engine Journal, CNET News, MSDN Blogs, Scobleizer and Digital Daily, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Verizon has a change of heart, prepares to open BlackBerry Tour pre-orders to all — Following our post yesterday and the ensuing outcry, it looks like Verizon had a change of heart where BlackBerry Tour pre-orders are concerned. Are you a current Verizon Wireless subscriber whose spirits …

Voyager, Steamboat Ventures line up behind secretive Ground Truth — Last week, we reported on the secretive mobile analytics startup Ground Truth, noting the involvement of some heavy hitters from the Seattle tech startup scene. At the time of that post, we reported that a venture round was nearing completion with Voyager Capital.

Companies pledge more openness about Web tracking — Companies that track consumer behavior online for advertising purposes are vowing to make their practices more transparent and to give people a way to decline being shadowed. — It's unclear how much of an effect the new policies will have.

Jammie Thomas will appeal, lawyer says — It's official: Jammie Thomas-Rasset intends to appeal her case, one of her lawyers told CNET News on Wednesday. — “She's not interested in settling,” attorney Joe Sibley said in a brief phone interview. “She wants to take the issue up on appeal on the constitutionality of the damages.

The Coolness Index — Some artists just are not cool - your mom likes ABBA, so there's no way you are going to listen to them, even if you think Mamma Mia is rather catchy. Likewise you may think High School Musical's ‘Bop to the top’ is mucho gusto, but you don't want anyone to know it.
Music Ally

Unlocking the unlocked cell phone market — Nokia and Sony Ericsson are targeting the U.S. with a new set of unlocked phones, but without hefty carrier subsidies will they ever be able to crack the U.S. market? — There is no question that when it comes to features, Nokia and Sony Ericsson's …

Twitter followers ‘can be bought’ — Twitter users who lack an audience for their messages can now buy followers. — Australian social media marketing company uSocial is offering a paid service that finds followers for users of the micro-blogging service.

Verizon: Cut Your Landline To Save Money - Wait. Who are you and what have you done with Verizon? — For years the baby bells have been trying to slow (or ignore) the death of the landline by forcing DSL customers to bundle one, whether they wanted it or not.

Improvements to Google Apps contacts — Today, we're happy to announce updates to contacts in Google Apps: new features that many of our enterprise customers have been asking for. — For starters, we've launched a new API that, when combined with the existing shared contacts API …