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Google Voice invites on their way — A couple of months ago we announced Google Voice, a service that gives you one phone number to link all your phones and makes voicemail as easy as email. We are happy to share that Google Voice is beginning to open up beyond former GrandCentral users.
Between the Lines, jkOnTheRun, Bits, Technologizer, Digits, Network World,, InformationWeek,, Mashable!, CNET News, The SiliconANGLE, WMExperts, AppScout, Technology Live, eWeek, ChannelWeb, DSLreports and Gadgetwise, Thanks:sinkercat

The Web Collapses Under The Weight Of Michael Jackson's Death — In terms of well-known celebrities, few are bigger than Michael Jackson. Love him or hate him, pretty much everyone on the planet knows him. And that caused big problems for a lot of huge websites today with the news of his passing.
VentureBeat, CNET News,, Data Center Knowledge, Kotaku, All Facebook, Search Engine Journal and paidContent

Twitter Confirms That People Can't Spell ‘Michael Jackson’ — Michael Jackson, the king of pop, is dead, TMZ reports. We can't imagine what strain the AOL-owned site's servers are going under right now. — But Twitter's “trending topics” have proven once again what every Michael knows: People can't spell your name.

Announcing the Windows 7 Upgrade Option Program & Windows 7 Pricing - Bring on GA! — Today we have some news to share around Windows 7 including answering what may be some of the “hottest” questions people have as we head toward General Availability (GA) on October 22nd.
Microsoft, HP, BBC, The Loop, Tech Central, Joe Wilcox, Engadget, VentureBeat, Silicon Alley Insider, Reuters, Gadgetwise, CNET News, Channel 10,, jkOnTheRun, Fast Company, ChannelWeb,, Softpedia News,, Digital Daily, Obsessable,, Tech Trader Daily,, BetaNews, All about Microsoft, Technologizer, ithinkdifferent, Gizmodo, SlashGear, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report, Microsoft News Tracker, TechSpot,, Techgeist, and TechLifeWeb

Windows 7 pricing announced: cheaper than Vista (Updated)
AppleInsider, PC World, Gizmodo, eWeek, Boy Genius Report, Lifehacker,, AppScout, Macworld,, TechFlash and Ed Bott's Microsoft Report

WSJ publisher calls Google ‘digital vampire’ — The Internet search giant is “sucking the blood” out of the newspaper business, Dow Jones Chief Executive Les Hinton complains, before hinting he's working on a cure. — The gloves are coming off in the intensifying battle between newspaper publishers and Google.
Techdirt, Elias Bizannes, Guardian, Patricia Handschiegel, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Techgeist and Gawker

China throttles Google, U.S. ratchets up trade war over Green Dam — With less than a week until July 1 - the deadline for PC makers to start intalling the spyware called Green Dam Youth Escort - China appears to be cutting off access to Google after a bitter campaign accusing the American company of spreading porn.
BBC, New York Times, DailyTech, Washington Post, The Register, Freedom to Tinker, Digital Daily and CircleID

Mobile Uploads to YouTube Increase Exponentially — In the last six months, we've seen uploads from mobile phones to YouTube jump 1700%; just since last Friday, when the iPhone 3GS came out, uploads increased by 400% a day. — This growth represents three things coming together …
PC Magazine, Macworld, Ars Technica, Gadget Lab, NewTeeVee, Mashable!, MacRumors, InformationWeek, TUAW, AppAdvice, TechCrunch, mocoNews, AppleInsider and AppScout

Kayak to Bing: Stop Copying Us! - Update — Kayak, the popular multi-airline airfare search engine, thinks Microsoft Bing's new travel search engine looks so much like its own that it's confusing Kayak users. The travel search company sent Microsoft a legal letter last week telling them to cut it out, has learned.
The Register, Search Engine Journal, The Noisy Channel, Search Engine Land, CNET News, Telegraph, Geekword, LiveSide and Tech Trader Daily

There May Be 50,000 Apps For The iPhone, But Only A Select Few Become Popular — AdMob has released its metrics report for May 2009 (PDF download link), and looked closely at the actual distribution of users of the iPhone apps in their network this time. The main take-away?

iPhone Porn App Not Pulled By Apple, Just “Sold Out.” Other Porn Apps Available. — The drama in iPhone porn world continues. Yesterday, Hottest Girls, the first app with nudity was accepted into the App Store. But early this morning it was made unavailable, and everyone presumed Apple was behind it.
PC World, mocoNews, Obsessable, Macenstein, Mashable!, Gadget Lab, AppAdvice, Edible Apple, Life On the Wicked Stage, Engadget, MobileCrunch, Switched and Technologizer

The book that Facebook doesn't want you to read — Accidental Billionaires's author Ben Mezrich explains how he put together the tawdry tale that has Silicon Valley buzzing. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Best-selling author Ben Mezrich is the first to concede he doesn't know exactly …

Web filters to censor video games — The Federal Government has now set its sights on gamers, promising to use its internet censorship regime to block websites hosting and selling video games that are not suitable for 15 year olds. — Separately, the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy …
The Register, Ars Technica, Inquirer, Gamasutra, p2pnet, Techgeist, Kotaku, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and GoNintendo

Video: Apple's Awesomely Improved iPhone Remote App — I like the Apple TV as a device, but it's remote is awful. It's the same little dinky white one that used to come with all Apple computers a few years ago. While it's pretty good for using the FrontRow feature on a computer …

New Yahoo Homepage Spotted In The Wild — With all the chatter about Yahoo's impending roll-out of a completely overhauled brand - see Techmeme for more - this particular tip that landed in our inbox last night definitely caught our attention. — TechCrunch reader Bradley Scott Shoemaker checks …

LIVE: Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz's First Annual Meeting
Discussion:, BoomTown, The Microsoft Blog, Between the Lines, Bits and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Pirate Bay Judge Not Biased, No Retrial — A few days after the verdict in the Pirate Bay trial was made public, judge Tomas Norström was heavily criticized for his involvement with pro-copyright lobby groups. To everyone's surprise, Norström never declared these activities before he took on the case.

Making calls within your iPhone app - iPhone OS 3.0 breaks existing paradigm — When Apple introduced the iPhone SDK last year, developers around the world stood up, took notice and cheered. In the year since the release more than 50,000 apps have been created and pushed up into the App Store …

There's now a Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate 3 — Download Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate 3 for Windows from Fileforum now. — Early Betanews tests indicate some noticeable changes in the performance profile of a Release Candidate for Mozilla Firefox 3.5 that was posted to the organization's servers this morning.

Upgrade fee sees few iPod touch users updating to 3.0 software — Nearly half of all iPhone users have already jumped at the opportunity to enhance the functionality of their handsets by installing the free iPhone Software 3.0 update, but the same can't be said for iPod touch users, who …

Palm shares up after reported loss; upbeat about future with Pre, WebOS — Palm appeared to perform better in the fourth quarter than Wall Street expected and that seems to be good news for investors, especially considering that the results don't include the new Palm Pre …
Bloomberg, Tech Trader Daily, mocoNews, Silicon Alley Insider, jkOnTheRun and MacDailyNews

Teens More “Normal” Than You Think Regarding Media Usage — It's 2009: Do you know where your kids are? — They might be on the Internet, or gaming or texting... but they could also be be watching live TV, listening to the radio or reading a newspaper. At the annual What Teens Want conference …

Photobucket Layoffs Today: One-Third of Staff Let Go; Other FIM Units Also Impacted — The layoffs at Fox Interactive Media moved on to Photobucket today, as one-third of its staff of about 120 were let go, sources close to the situation said. — The photo- and video-hosting service …

Windows may install updates without asking — Windows XP and Vista have started installing updates at shutdown, in certain cases, without displaying a warning or requesting permission, according to reports by several readers. — The forced-install behavior has been witnessed at least three times …

Obama Nominates Baker for Final FCC Spot — President Obama selects former NTIA leader and telecommunications lobbyist Meredith Attwell Baker to complete the Republican side of the Federal Communications Commission. — President Obama June 25 nominated Meredith Attwell Baker …

Maryland Tech: Protecting your computer screen from the “shoulder surfers” — Every once in a while, I get to see — and sometimes write about — a fascinating new product before the consumer masses get to it. It's one of the cool perks of being a journalist, really.

Introducing Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1 — Many of you have been asking for the ability to call into native code from your Android applications. I'm glad to announce that developers can now download the Android Native Development Kit from the Android developer site.