Top Items:

Did Microsoft Just Announce a Zune Phone on Twitter? — The blogs are buzzing over some tweets from a Twitter account run by the Office 2010 team, noting what looks like the outright announcement of a Zune phone. Something doesn't feel right. — First, the tweets:
9 to 5 Mac, Fast Company, Electronista, Boy Genius Report, Gearlog, Mobile Roar, DailyTech, DVICE, Edible Apple, Obsessable, and News

Microsoft hints at June for new Zune — Microsoft is heating up the Zune advertising and is hinting at June for a “new product launch”. — We've had the hints that a new Zune, namely the Zune HD, could be surfacing this year but an interesting twitter update from the Microsoft Office 2010 …
Engadget, SlashGear, I4U News, TechCrunch, p2pnet, Unwired View, WMExperts, Destructoid, jkOnTheRun, PMP Today, The iPhone Blog and, Thanks:everythingms

Chinese rumor claims 2009 iPhone will be modest upgrade — A forum thread on a Chinese Apple fan site is generating some interest by AppleInsider readers because one commenter claims to have used prototypes of Apple's next-gen iPhone because he purportedly has a friend working at the company's manufacturing partner Foxconn.
Ars Technica, MacRumors, Gizmodo, Digital Daily, MobileCrunch, iPhone Buzz, Unwired View, I4U News and The Apple Core

Print Books Are Target of Pirates on the Web — Ursula K. Le Guin, the science fiction writer, was perusing the Web site Scribd last month when she came across digital copies of some books that seemed quite familiar to her. No wonder. She wrote them, including a free-for-the-taking copy …

Intel outlines notebook plans for 2H09 — Intel recently outlined its plans for traditional notebook, CULV-based ultra-thin notebook and netbook product lines for its partners, according to sources at notebook makers. — Intel's next-generation Calpella notebook platform will launch …

Live Blogging Google Searchology 2009 — Almost an annual event, Google Searchology is a time when Google struts its search stuff in front of assorted reporters. Today's event gets going at 10am Pacific time. I'll be live blogging from this page, and you can also watch the event yourself via this webcast.
L.A. Times Tech Blog, TechCrunch, Google Blogoscoped, Digital Daily, VentureBeat, ReadWriteWeb and Google, Thanks:atul

Security Alert: Twitter Porn Names Scam — Popular social networking site Twitter's current top trending topic, or things that are twittered the most in a period of time has a security hole. What larger hole to patch then that of human error itself. The “twitter porn names” …

Palm and Sprint announcing Pre availability May 19th in the WSJ? — We just got a tip from a very proven tipster who informed us that Palm and Sprint were set to make a big announcement in the Wall Street Journal on May 19th. They said that there's a very good chance of Palm and Sprint announcing the Pre release date then.
Engadget, Electronista, InformationWeek,, SlashGear, I4U News, The Toybox, TechSpot, Gearlog and Gizmodo

Madison Avenue and the App Store — There are two new reports this week about how to use Apple's (AAPL) App Store as a marketing medium. — The first, in today's Wall Street Journal, cites several success stories, including Zippo's virtual lighter and Lions Gate's (LGF) Stun-O-Matic.
Wall Street Journal

Microsoft's next Apple price attack: Zune Pass vs iTunes — Microsoft's Laptop Hunter ads (one, two, three, and four) must be doing quite well, because what Microsoft started off as a price attack on Macs seems to have transcended over to the online music store business.
Silicon Alley Insider, PC World, Macworld, Music Ally, Apple 2.0, TUAW, Technologizer,, The Mobile Gadgeteer, GMSV, Softpedia News, DailyTech, Gizmodo, LiveSide, The Toybox, TechSpot, Edible Apple, PalmAddicts, Engadget, The iPhone Blog, Geek In Disguise, AppScout, TechFlash and Computerworld Blogs

Google News Gets An Update. Still Sucks. — I'm sorry, but for as good as Google is at organizing the world's data, Google News absolutely sucks. Now, to be fair, I'm going to focus on Google News from a tech news perspective, because that's what I follow. Maybe it's better in other areas, but I doubt it's much better.
Google News Blog

Apple, Dell, HP laptop owners sue Nvidia over faulty graphics — Five plaintiffs join forces to demand class-action lawsuit — Computerworld) Owners of Apple, Dell and Hewlett-Packard laptops have combined their lawsuits against Nvidia in an attempt to force the graphics chip maker …

SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone Release Imminent? Wi-Fi only? — MacRumors has heard that Sling Media's long awaited SlingPlayer Mobile may finally appear on the App Store tonight. — In addition to full support of current Slingboxes (PRO-HD and SOLO), legacy Slingboxes, which include the Classic …

At Start-Ups, Boards Spar Over Cash Plans — Managers Face Dilemma Over Whether to Save or Spend Amid Recession, Slump in Financing — SAN FRANCISCO — At a recent board meeting, Jaspersoft Corp. Chief Executive Brian Gentile found himself stuck between two camps: the savers and the spenders.

Adobe beams up new Strobe video framework — As part of the Streaming Media East conference in New York, Adobe has unveiled “Strobe,” the “open framework” for its Flash video player that the company first announced last month. It's expected to be available in the third quarter of this year.

An approach to fair ad blocking — Update: Sorry but I won't answer most comments individually any more - they are just reiterating points that have been mentioned already. I am going to summarize the feedback in a new blog post soon. — As I stated many times before …
ReadWriteWeb, The Register, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and InformationWeek, Thanks:atul

Tracking Cyberspies Through the Web Wilderness — For old-fashioned detectives, the problem was always acquiring information. For the cybersleuth, hunting evidence in the data tangle of the Internet, the problem is different. — “The holy grail is how can you distinguish between information …

Nightline Teams Up With Twitter for New Web Show — Join the Conversation With Nightline Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. ET — “Nightline” is expanding its ongoing relationship with Twitter to develop “NightTline,” a new half-hour digital program hosted by the show's anchors and correspondents …

Up to 24 percent of software purchases now open source — Open source has become big business, suggests an article in the Investors Business Daily, but it has done so by becoming more like the proprietary-software world it purports to leave behind. — The article cites recent research …
Investor's Business Daily

Facebook to test payments system with developers “in a few weeks” — Developers may be making tens of millions of dollars through games and virtual goods on Facebook's platform, but the social network itself hasn't had a way to get a share of that money. This may be about to change …

Google Hit With Major Class Action Trademark Lawsuit Over Trademarked Keyword Ad Sales—FPX v. Google — FPX, LLC v. Google, Inc., 2:2009cv00142 (E.D. Tex. complaint filed May 11, 2009) — In retrospect, it seems so obvious. Why were the lawyers for these chickenscratch plaintiffs (Rescuecom?

Android, Palm Pre a New Headache for IT? — First it was the iPhone, now a wave of new devices will challenge IT departments used to dealing with RIM BlackBerry and Windows Mobile. — Even in a down economy, a raft of new mobile devices is tempting consumers and inevitably, the corporate workforce.

StockTwits Takes Over To Enrich Trading Chatter On Twitter — Now businesses that are being built on top of Twitter are starting to consume others that were in fact features of those very businesses to begin with. Case in point: StockTwits has just acquired, which is a tremendously logical deal.
The Post Money Value

Call to ‘disconnect file-sharers’ — Persistent illegal file-sharers should be cut off from the net, an alliance of UK creative industries will tell the government on Tuesday. — The alliance wants the government to force internet service providers (ISPs) to disconnect users …
TorrentFreak, CrunchGear, p2pnet, Dean Bubley's Disruptive …, The Blog Pirate and

DHS to Bolster Protection of Civilian Computer Networks — The Department of Homeland Security will assume greater responsibility for securing civilian computer networks against cyber attacks in coming years, seeing increases in funding, personnel and operations now scattered across government agencies …

Facebook Remains Stubbornly Proud Of Position On Holocaust Denial — Facebook is apparently done talking about Holocaust denial for now. A couple of groups that got more out of hand than the rest were taken down, but the company's policy of permitting the groups on the site remains.
Business Week, Contentinople, PC World, CNET News, techPresident, PC Magazine, CloudAve, Fred Destin, BlogHer and Pulse2

Make Room for the Wide Load Ads — When the going gets tough, the ads get bigger. — Amid all the hand-wringing about the decline of the news business and the need for subscription revenue, big publishers are doing something concrete: They are trying to sell more ads for more money.

AMD Gains Processor Market Share on Intel — After five quarters of declining market share, Advanced Micro Devices gained ground in chip shipments over chief rival Intel during the first quarter of 2009, IDC said on Tuesday. — AMD saw its market share in processor shipments reach 22.3 percent during …

SeeqPod Seeks New Life at Microsoft — Seeqpod CEO Kasian Franks confirmed to Monday that the embattled music search engine was talking to Microsoft about a sale of part of the company, and said other parts of its search engine, which corrals MP3s from around the web …

Another Ad Network? Yes, and This One's for iPhone Apps: Medialets Raises $4 Million. — Apple iPhone and iPod Touch users have downloaded one billion apps for their devices in nine months. Someone other than Steve Jobs and co. ought to be able to make money from that, right?
VentureBeat, alarm:clock, TechCrunch, Seth Levine's VC Adventure, mocoNews, Techgeist and Silicon Alley Insider

BSA Finds that Software Piracy Continues to Climb — The BSA's 2008 Piracy Study starts off optimistically, but immediately grounds itself in reality by admitting some bad news. In short, the BSA's new study finds that piracy rates have either stabilized or declined in some geographical regions …