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Amazon Kindle DX to feature 9.7-inch display? Update: Pictures! — [It's still an elusive target for our old friend Mr. Blurrycam, but ]We just got some basic specs on the new, decidedly more newspaper- and college textbook-friendly Amazon Kindle DX. Here's what we know: it's got a 9.7-inch display …
Discussion:,, DisplayBlog, CrunchGear, Incremental Blogger, MobileContentToday, TechSpot, Obsessable,, Switched and

Amazon Plans Kindle for Textbooks — Amazon.comInc. on Wednesday plans to unveil a new version of its Kindle e-book reader with a larger screen and other features designed to appeal to periodical and academic textbook publishers, according to people familiar with the matter.

F.T.C. Looks Into Ties Between Apple and Google Boards — SAN FRANCISCO — The Federal Trade Commission has begun an inquiry into whether the close ties among the boards of two of technology's most prominent companies, Apple and Google, amounts to a violation of antitrust laws, according to several people briefed on the inquiry.
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Researchers hijack botnet, score 56,000 passwords in an hour — The Torpig botnet was hijacked by the good guys for ten days earlier this year before its controllers issued an update and took the botnet back. During that time, however, researchers were able to gain a glimpse into the kind …

Is THIS the New Apple Netbook??? — Cult of Mac received this image tonight from a trusted contributor - and we just had to share. — We have more images that will take time to process and details about the provenance of this device we must parse, so bear with us until all can be revealed.

Some thoughts about the PSD format — Here's what I think people want to know: Is Photoshop's PSD format a goofy, antiquated piece of crap, and by extension is Photoshop slow, clumsy, and/or outdated? — No. (Read on for details.) — The questions arise because various Web sites1 …
Imaging Insider

RIM plans next-gen Storm as it eyes untapped market — TORONTO (Reuters) - Research In Motion is planning a next-generation version of its touchscreen BlackBerry Storm smartphone as part of a continuing push into the retail market, its co-CEO said on Monday.
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Twitter Mania: Google Got Shut Down. Apple Rumors Heat Up. — Twitter! Whether you use it or not, or understand it or not, it's the hottest thing in Silicon Valley right now. It's brought up in every conversation. And no wonder - the service has exploded to somewhere north …

CrossLoop's Screen-Sharing App Comes To The Mac — After nearly five million downloads of its Windows PC client, CrossLoop brings its screen-sharing app and growing pro-am computer support community to the Mac (download here, for Intel Macs running OS X 10.4 or higher).

Exclusive: Windows 7 RC download goes live — The wait is over folks, Microsoft has published the download page for the Windows 7 RC. As we noted earlier, the download was scheduled to launch tomorrow and was to be available worldwide. Coming straight from the download page, here are Microsoft's notes for the release candidate:

Yahoo and Microsoft Deal Progress “Meaningful"-Plus the Deal Team Rosters — Recently, BoomTown reported that talks between Microsoft and Yahoo had gotten “hot and heavy.” — That mood seems to be continuing, as many sources close to the situation on both sides said that the pair …

Obama riles high-tech exec over outsourcing — Carl Guardino usually comes across as an amenable, mild-mannered Silicon Valley executive. But not on Monday. Not when he watched President Obama promising to end overseas tax breaks for U.S. companies that “create a job in Bangalore, India …

Web-to-TV Video Streaming Services Will Drive Nearly $3 Billion in Revenue by 2013 — The under-35 adult population in the US has already adopted Web-to-TV video capability, reports In-Stat Over 40% of young adult US households view Internet video on the TV at least once per month.

Google Chrome on the Mac: what's the holdup? (UpdateD) — Want Google Chrome for Mac? You can have it - though note that there's plenty that's not actually, um, working just at the moment. It's odd how many months it's taking Google to do this port (and how the shine seems to have come off Chrome …

A Manifesto — Newspapers and magazines won't vanish. But they must change. Here's how to save media. — Even a few years ago, Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele, those 18th-century London gallants and the founders of the Spectator, would have recognized the forms and modes of business …

New Application Parental Controls to let Apple put adult content on iPhone — Apple will soon have an excuse to slang those controversial potty-mouth NIN apps to all of your kids. In version 3 of the iPhone and in iTunes 8.2 (image below) you can now select parental control for apps and choose the age of the iPhone owner.
iLounge, Lockergnome Blog Network, Rolling Stone, Gizmodo, MediaPost, Technologizer, AppleInsider, MacRumors, InformationWeek and Engadget

Facebook Begins Heavily Promoting Mobile Services — Over the past day or so Facebook has begun heavily promoting their mobile services through ads on the site which all link to a new Facebook mobile landing page. They are trying to alert users to the robust set of mobile features …

Do more with Google Latitude! — When we launched Google Latitude a couple of months ago, we were flooded with feature suggestions. One frequent request was to allow you to share your location with even more people and not just your Latitude friends. Today, we're launching two applications that do just that!

Why Tech Stocks Are on a Tear — The Dow Jones Industrial Average has bounced from its early March lows, but it remains down for the year. The past few weeks have shown the major market measures bickering about whether or not they should head higher or once again retreat.

HyperMac External Battery Gives MacBooks a 32 Hour Boost — A battery that provides 32 hours of continuous MacBook use? Now we're talkin'. Sound's great until you find out that the 222Wh Hypermac external charger costs a whopping $500. — On the plus side, Hypermac is offering …

Consumer Reports Takes a Shine to Apple — Hitting for the cycle is a rare event in baseball, and rare as well in the pages of Consumer Reports. — So when you go three for three—as Apple has in the recent laptop computer-ratings issue—and score highly in other categories, it's worth at least a nod.
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Live Updating the Stream — Since introducing the new home page, we've been working to make it easier for you to stay updated with your friends and connections. Your News Feed, in the center of your home page, offers you an updated stream of what's happening with them. Beginning today, that stream is going live.

SMSGupShup (India's “Twitter") Grows To 20 million Users, $150,000/month Revenue — SMSGupShup, a Twitter-like service in India, is getting a ton of buzz over here in the U.S., too. In an interview with CEO Beerud Sheth now says the service now has 20 million users (and that's without …

Italy's Troubling View Of The Internet — For some unclear reason, this weekend there was a fair amount of press coverage of the fact that Italian officials are suing The Pirate Bay in court. This lawsuit has been ongoing, so there really isn't much new — other than the recent verdict in Sweden …

New Zealand Denies It's Scrapping Copyright Laws — Despite widespread reports last week that New Zealand was going to scrap its copyright laws, and start from scratch, Tom Rix writes in to point out that New Zealand officials are now denying this report and saying they're still working …