Top Items:

Quicken Online strikes back at upstarts with iPhone app — There's been a lot of buzz around personal finance websites like Mint and Wesabe, but finance software maker Intuit has joined the online fray too- and no, not just by sending threatening letters to Mint.
Agence France Presse, The Toybox, TechSpot, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Macworld and CNET News, Thanks:davedonohue

Inside Facebook's Photo Factory — Ever since I got BlackBerry 8900 with a 3.2 Megapixel camera, I've been busy taking photos — randomly at times — and uploading them to my Facebook account to share with 2,000 or so of my closest friends. Apparently I'm just one of millions of people …

What Disney-Hulu Means for Apple — The growing popularity of free video-viewing site Hulu could test the viability of Apple's pay-as-you-go iTunes download business — When Walt Disney (DIS) said it would start streaming shows via online video site Hulu, attention immediately turned …

Odd Net Out CBS Responds To Disney Joining News Corp-NBCU In Hulu

Google Giving Away 250,000 Google Profile Business Cards — Google has teamed up with to offer free Google Profile business cards to the first 10,000 people who claim them. Each person can get a set of 25 cards that shows the home page with his/her Google Profile URL underneath it in green.

Sony's motion sensing controller for PS3 to be unveiled at E3 — Sony's much rumored motion sensing controller for the Playstation 3 is real and it will likely be unveiled at E3. — That's what I've been hearing from several sources, one of whom has seen the device and two of whom …
Engadget,, Kotaku, I4U News, VG247, SlashGear, Gizmodo, Edge Online and GoNintendo

Want To Avoid Swine Flu? There's An App For That Too. — Yesterday, we talked a bit about how some companies are clearly trying to capitalize on the Swine Flu craze that is sweeping the nation. Naturally, someone just had to make an iPhone app. — And the winner is IntuApps …

Broadband without Internet ain't worth squat — We communications professionals risk forgetting why the — networks we build and run are valuable. We forget what we're — connecting to what. We get so close to the ducts and splices — and boxes and protocols that we lose the big picture.
Joho the Blog

With New Software, Iranians and Others Outwit Net Censors — The Iranian government, more than almost any other, censors what citizens can read online, using elaborate technology to block millions of Web sites offering news, commentary, videos, music and, until recently, Facebook and YouTube.

Twitter Search for Everyone! — Every public update sent to Twitter from anywhere in the world 24/7 can be instantly indexed and made discoverable via our newly launched real-time search. What was that loud noise outside your apartment? Did you just feel an earthquake?

Microsoft Offers Secure Windows ... But Only to the Government — It's the most secure distribution version of Windows XP ever produced by Microsoft: More than 600 settings are locked down tight, and critical security patches can be installed in an average of 72 hours instead of 57 days.

70 percent of Kindle owners over 40? — Back in March, I did a post titled, “What's the average age of Kindle owners?” I cited a thread in's forums discussing Kindle owners' ages. — Well, I have a little follow-up on the whole issue. Apparently, someone went ahead …

New in Labs: Google Search right in Gmail — I used to have a problem. People would ask me questions, over chat or email, and I'd have to leave Gmail to search Google for an answer. Then I'd have to select the answer, copy it, go back to Gmail and paste the answer into the chat window or my reply.
Mashable!, ReadWriteWeb, TechCrunch, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, VentureBeat and SmoothSpan Blog, Thanks:atul

Google Likes To Steal Other's Thunder — In the office, Rich and Greg were noting that some of Google's recent announcements had some pretty interesting timing. To wit: — * This past Tuesday, Wolfram Alpha announces its structured data search product. On the same day, Google announced its new structured data product.
Sunlight Foundation …

Twitter. Triumph of humanity. — Twitter's meteoric rise to ubiquity is proof positive that the world, in all its complexity, is eager to embrace simplicity. Wielding more impact on social networking than most communication tools this generation has yet seen, Twitter is one of those universal phenomena …

iPhone App Developers Threaten To Sue Apple Over Late Payments — We've reported in the past on how Apple has not only been late on payments to iPhone app developers, but has also neglected to pay some developers for their app sales at the store entirely. We thought that perhaps our post might call Apple's attention to the problem.

The Wolfram Alpha Demo Returns, This Time With Actual Footage Of The Service — Yesterday, days of hype culminated in the unveiling of the Wolfram Alpha search engine, which made its debut at a presentation put on by Harvard University's Berkman Center. Unfortunately the resulting video footage turned …

Next iPhone to Easily Record, Edit and Share Movies? — Considering all the leaked evidence of video recording and editing in the iPhone 3.0 beta, it's not really a stretch to predict that the next iPhone will offer long-requested video features. Still, Businessweek's Peter Burrows confirms …

Oracle to expand Web-based software offerings: source — BOSTON (Reuters) - Oracle Corp, the world's No. 2 business software maker, plans to expand its small line of programs that companies access via the Web, said a person familiar with the strategy. — The person, who was not authorized …

Google's Android Angst — A software developer has sued the Internet giant over the trademarked term Android. — Could a lawsuit hold up Android, Google's high-priority, open-source software project? — It could if Erich Specht gets his way. The software developer is seeking close …

Intelius buys Spock, the people search engine — Intelius, a company that performs background checks on people, has acquired Spock, a people search engine, for an undisclosed amount. — The deal was signed today, VentureBeat just confirmed with Spock's co-founder Jaideep Singh.

New Zealand Officials To Scrap Copyright Law; Start From Scratch — There was a lot of controversy over the past few months concerning an attempt to change copyright law in New Zealand. After tremendous uproar over the fact that the law (a version of three strikes) basically …

Analyst: “The Pre Is DOA” — Here's the flip side of reports that Palm plans to deliberately keep supplies of the Pre artificially low to foster the perception of a shortage and spur demand: There will be a shortage, but it won't be deliberate or artificial.

Tech vendors: We're ready to help you spend Obama's stimulus money — If you don't think tech will be one of the first sectors to recover from the current economic conditions, think again. — Technology taps into pretty much every sector out there - from manufacturing and health care to education and energy.

GoDaddy Advises Against Buying a Domain Name from a Disappearing Island — If you want to buy a .tv domain name, Bob Parsons's GoDaddy registrar will sell it to you. But not without a tsk-tsk lecture about how the island of Tuvalu, which owns .tv, is sinking.

update on Warner Music — As you may have read me tweet, the organization that hosted me for this talk: — Received a notice that Warner Music had objected to its being posted on copyright grounds. Apparently, YouTube's content-ID algorithm had found music in the video that they claimed ownership to.