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Google's newest venture — Today we're excited to announce Google Ventures, Google's new venture capital fund. This is Google's effort to take advantage of our resources to support innovation and encourage promising new technology companies. By borrowing the best practices of top-tier …
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Google to Announce Venture Fund — SAN FRANCISCO — Google, which has invested in many startups over the years, will announce on Tuesday that it is creating a venture capital arm whose main objective will be to turn a profit. — The group, called Google Ventures, is expected to invest up to $100 million over the next 12 months.

Skype works on AT&T's 3G on iPhone 3.0 — We just found something very interesting. When you install Skype on a 3.0 iPhone, you can use AT&T's connection to make and receive calls. Skype treats the 3G line like any other internet connection. The video is uploading now to youtube and will be posted as soon as it is there.
The Register, PC World, Mark Evans, SlashGear, The Apple Core, Obsessable, Lifehacker, The SiliconANGLE, CrunchGear, iPhone Savior, Gizmodo and TechVi

Pirates Board Apple's iPhone App Store — The iPhone's App Store is becoming an increasingly juicy target for pirates, who have illegally cracked 20 percent of paid applications for free distribution. — Apple's App Store offers about 25,000 paid apps, and iPhone analytics company Medialets estimates …

Official Skype App is Now Available in the App Store
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Microsoft Gains Support for Next Generation of Windows® Phones — EA Mobile, MySpace and Isaac Mizrahi are among early supporters of Windows® phones; new Windows® phone applications are now available. — Furthering its vision to connect the PC, Web and phone …

Microsoft announces Windows Marketplace partners, tweaked policies …
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American to add Wi-Fi service to domestic flights — Being online while being airborne is fast becoming reality for U.S travelers. — American Airlines (AMR) is announcing on Tuesday that it's joining rival Delta Air Lines (DAL) in making Wi-Fi Internet connections available to most domestic passengers.

Postini: Spam up again following McColo takedown — It has taken spammers only four months to get their botnets back up after hosting company McColo Corp. was shut down, according to statistics due to be released on Tuesday from Google's Postini e-mail security provider.

Android tethering apps pulled from Market — Google has reportedly pulled tethering apps from the Android Market. According to at least one developer, who contributed to the WiFi Tether for Root Users app, Google are citing their distribution agreements with carriers as the prompt for removal:

PlayStation 2 Will Be Available for Under $100 — Hi everyone, the last time you heard from me, I talked about the huge milestone that PlayStation 2 achieved - reaching 50 million units sold in North America. Today I'm excited to talk about another milestone in PlayStation 2's lifespan.
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iPhone Next Generation: The Most Probable Evolution — I drooled at the idea of an iPhone Pro with slide keyboard and big honkin' camera, but let's face it: It's probably never going to happen. So—using logic—what will the next iPhone look like? — Probably something like this …

Poisoned Downad/Conficker Removal Searches... Reminder: For a FREE tool to remove Conficker (and every other malware in the current pattern file) use Trend Micro's SysClean available here. — As soon as the good news breaks that it is possible to use tools such as the network scanning tool nmap …
PC World, The Register, Zero Day, Tech Sanity Check, DoxPara Research and TechRepublic Blogs

Cheating husband caught on Google Street View — He didn't even say he was working late. No, no. He said he was away on business. — However, his wife, bathing in uncontrollable suspicion, decided to do the only thing she could. She dialed up the local detective agency. Yes, Google Street View.

Authors have lost the plot in Kindle row — Amazon's Kindle 2 text-to-speech feature is not so much violating authors' copyright but rather basic consumer rights — The Amazon Kindle 2's release in February was attended by much fanfare and controversy: Kindle customers were delighted …

Next up for Microsoft's ‘real life’ Windows star: 7-Eleven ads — After setting the tech world abuzz with her criticism of Apple's Mac prices, the star of Microsoft's latest Windows ad will be featured next in promotional videos for 7-Eleven, according to a public Web site where she chronicles her burgeoning acting career.

Breaking: Internet Explorer 8.1 Eagle Eyes Leaked — Smashing Magazine tries to be at the forefront of new and exciting developments in the wide world of the web. You might have heard that we met with the IE 8 Chief Strategist in the past, so it should come as no surprise that we like to keep …

Forbes Starts A Second Round of Layoffs; Who Else Will Join Them? — Forbes Media has begun a new round of layoffs, and will let go of more than 50 people on its editorial and business teams, I'm told. The cuts are roughly proportional to the ones the business publication made in November and January …

The Twitting Point — Bill O'Reilly has the last word on Twitter for today. He thinks the Twitterati is crushing talk radio, by sucking up all our listener time. He thinks that's bad; I hope he's right and it drives Rush out of business. It won't drive The View out of business …

Twitter: Incredibly Valuable Or Utterly Useless As A Link Building Tool? — I've read so many articles lately about Twitter, from mainstream press to the sports world to the SEO world, that all seem to focus on the “phenomena” aspect of it. After the Twittles (Twitter+Skittles) thing happened, it was like a dam bursting.
US News

New method for detecting Conficker discovered, debuted — With Conficker.C slowly counting down towards its April 1 launch date, Team White Hat may have had a breakthrough. The new scanning tool developed by Dan Kaminsky, Felix Leder, and Tillman Werner may not actually remove the malware …

Analyst reports iPhone with 32GB NAND could debut in June — Apple is expected to begin production on a low-end 3G iPhone and a high-end version with 32GB of NAND flash memory beginning this spring, according to a research report released Tuesday by an analyst for Lazard Capital Markets.

What's the Password? Only Your iPhone Knows — A few weeks ago, I wondered if people would start to use their cellphones to verify their identities when logging on to Internet sites. I imagined a phone application similar to RSA's SecurID, the small gizmo many corporations issue to employees …

Interview: Gmail's product manager on Labs, beta, the future — Gmail is turning five soon, and it was given an experimental feature playground called Gmail Labs nearly a year ago. For the anniversary, Ars Technica spoke with Gmail Product Manager Todd Jackson about the evolution of communication …