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When Stars Twitter, a Ghost May Be Lurking — The rapper 50 Cent is among the legion of stars who have recently embraced Twitter to reach fans who crave near-continuous access to their lives and thoughts. On March 1, he shared this insight with the more than 200,000 people who follow him …
PC to Mac: I'm Cheaper — For months, Microsoft has jabbed at Apple with an, at times, baffling advertising campaign for Windows PCs. Now Microsoft may finally land a solid blow against its rival. — Video: Laptop Hunters $1000 - Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion
Jeff Bezos Works In Kentucky Distribution Center For A Week — Jeff Bezos is spending this week working in an Amazon distribution center in Lexington, Kentucky (AMZN). He apparently wants to see what it's like to be a rank-and-file Amazon employee. More CEOs should try that once in a while.
Dreaming of a PC with 192GB of RAM? Dell makes it reality — The catch: Despite a depressed memory market, it's going to cost you — Computerworld) Dell Inc. announced on Tuesday a new PC that, among its other impressive specs, can be upgraded to sport as much as 192GB of ultrafast DDR3 RAM.
Introducing the Open Cloud Manifesto — Over the last few weeks I have been working closely with several of the largest technology companies and organizations helping to co-author the Open Cloud Manifesto. Our goal is to draft a document that clearly states we (including dozens of supporting companies) …
Between the Lines, ChannelWeb, Cloud Computing Journal, CloudAve and Data Center Knowledge
Behind the music: Chris Anderson's ‘freeconomics’ don't add up — Chris Anderson's ‘freeconomics’ theory that pirating creates celebrity, which creates cash is fine for recording artists - but what about songwriters? — Of the many professed experts who claim to have found the solution …
Changes to our sales and marketing organizations — Google has grown very quickly in a very short period of time. When companies grow that quickly it's almost impossible to get everything right—and we certainly didn't. In some areas we've created overlapping organizations …
Telegraph, Silicon Alley Insider, InformationWeek, SearchViews, tinyComb, Search Engine Land, Guardian,,, Bits, The Register, eWeek, Epicenter, Search Engine Journal,, CrunchGear, AdAge, CNET News, Pulse2, Gawker, PC World, The Mac Observer, MediaMemo, Industry Standard, BetaNews, AppScout, Tech Trader Daily and Between the Lines
Google is Evil, Worse than PayPal: Don't use Google Checkout for your business — Wanting to offer an alternative to PayPal, we set up a Google Checkout account for people to buy our ebook. — The last email we received about our Google Checkout account was “Helpful tips regarding your first Google Checkout orders” on February 9th.
Beyond Search
Samsung's First Wimax Device Spotted — Today Samsung shared details on the unannounced SWD-M100 Mondi mobile Wimax device for the Clear network. According to Samsung, the Mondi has a touch screen and can access the Internet via Clear's mobile Wimax network.
SlashGear, UMPCPortal, DisplayBlog, MobileCrunch, IntoMobile, and
Samsung's WiMAX-equipped SWD-M100 MID outed as Mondi
Apple stores now selling iPhone 3G without a contract — Some Apple retail stores as of Thursday are selling unrestricted quantities of the iPhone 3G at the full, non-subsidized price of $599 for the 8GB version and $699 for the 16GB models. — The move follows AT&T's plans to sell …
End-of-Quarter Layoffs Hit Amazon, IBM, Google, and The New York Times — With the end of the first quarter of the 2009 almost here, even the strongest companies companies are making last-minute layoffs to shave costs. Today, layoffs were announced across the tech sector, from IBM to Google to Amazon.
tinyComb, Associated Press, Recovering Journalist and New York Times, Thanks:yasunishida
Twitter still has no business model. That's OK — Don't let the attention-grabbing headlines elsewhere fool you. Twitter still has not announced a business model. There are no Pro Twitter accounts. There is no TwitterWords advertising program. You still can't buy plush toy Fail Whales from Twitter.
What Could Go Wrong With Google: The Slideshow — Why Could Google Die... View more presentations from Ouriel Ohayon. — Want to know everything that could possibly go wrong with Google? Well, you can read the risk section of its latest SEC filing, but that's a snore.
Panasonic Discloses DMC-GH1 Pricing, Launch in Japan — Panasonic launched its DMC-GH1 hybrid camera in Japan this week and with it came some news missing from the U.S. launch two weeks ago: the price and release date. — The camera is a follow-on to the company's DMC-G1 …
Skype for iPhone to Be Released as Early as Next Week — Exclusive Heads up: A few months ago, I asked Skype CEO Josh Silverman when was he going to launch the iPhone version of the P2P voice and IM service that has now been downloaded more than 405 million times. He smiled and said, “Stay tuned.”
The Register, Alec Saunders SquawkBox, CNET News, Unwired View, PC World, iPhone Buzz, Mark Evans, I4U News, Latest Geek Stuff, MobileContentToday,,, TheAppleBlog, Local Mobile Search,, MobileCrunch, Mobile Tech Addicts, jkOnTheRun, VoIP Watch, The SiliconANGLE, VentureBeat, Engadget, The iPhone Blog,, SlashGear, The Toybox, Gizmodo and The Apple Core, Thanks:mrinaldesai
IBM: The new development powerhouse? — An IBM/Sun merger could crown Big Blue king of enterprise software development — The proposed merger between IBM and Sun Microsystems, as first reported last week by the Wall Street Journal, may well fizzle out before the buzz dies down — but let's hope not.
Google Releases Major Blog Search Blogroll Algorithm Update — The much awaited update to the Google Blog Search blogroll detector algorithm has finally been pushed through. — An updated Google Groups thread has Googler, Jeremy Hylton saying: … We did expect to see an update …
Tweet-a-Watt kits now available... Tweet-a-Watt kits are now available! A few months ago, using “off-the-shelf hardware”, we modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to “tweet” (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours).
Full SMS Service for Vodafone UK Customers! — Extending the power of the real-time network globally through the simple technology of SMS is a driving goal for Twitter. Anyone in the world can update Twitter via SMS but receiving tweets on your mobile has been restricted to North America.
TechCrunch Europe,, The Blog Herald, paidContent, Mobile Tech Addicts, mocoNews, AccMan Pro, TechCrunch,, and Mashable!, Thanks:atul
DRM is Dead / Long Live DRM: A Call for Transparency in the Emerald City — Obligatory disclaimer: I'm a student clinician in the Glushko-Samuelson Technology Law and Policy Clinic at the University of Colorado School of Law, and am, under the supervision of several law professors …
India's outsourcers fight to block trade barriers — Ameet Nivsarkar, the Indian technology industry lobbyist, has had a lot of time on flights between New Delhi and Washington lately. — Mr Nivsarkar, who handles international affairs for India's outsourcing industry group …
Google searches for holy grail of Python performance — Google's Python engineers have launched a new project called Unladen Swallow that seeks to improve the performance of the Python programming language. One of the project's goals is to replace the Python virtual machine with an LLVM-based JIT.
Researchers can ID anonymous Twitterers — I like it! — Web sites that strip personally identifiable information about their users and then share that data may be compromising their users' privacy, according to researchers at the University of Texas at Austin.
Facebook Is Hunting for More Money — The social-networking site wants as much as $100 million in debt financing, sources say. Facebook's accelerating user growth carries huge tech costs — Facebook, the fast growing social-networking Web site, is one of the many companies looking …
Gawker, Inside Facebook,, WinExtra, Silicon Alley Insider and Dealscape, Thanks:dmac1
Young people who embrace mobile tech can feel overconnected — Almost 40 percent of the American adult population has embraced mobile technologies into their lives to keep up on social networking, sharing photos, and working while on-the-go. But not everyone in this group thinks …