Top Items:

Even Facebook Employees Hate the Redesign — The feedback on Facebook's new look, which emphasizes a stream of Twitter-like status updates, is almost universally, howlingly negative. Why isn't CEO Mark Zuckerberg listening to users? Because he doesn't have to, he's told employees.

Facebook's redesign: Good concept, but not there yet — Has Facebook just destroyed its usefulness? Is the design, introduced a week ago, killing the site's ability to help you share information with your real-life friends? That's what a vocal and perhaps large group of people think.

Google's “designer drain” — Doug Bowman left Google today for Twitter. Kevin Fox, the talented fellow behind Gmail and Google Reader's first redesign, left in the beginning of last year to join FriendFeed. Jeff Veen, and the rest of the original Measure Map team, left middle of last year to start Small Batch.

Google's Data Fetish Drives Away Its Top Designer — As we reported last week, Doug Bowman, Google's top designer, has confirmed that he's leaving (we hear to Twitter). Bowman's reasons for quitting are fascinating — and they show why Google's losing its cool.

Firefox May Already Be Dead — This is an exciting time for Web browsers. Google Chrome is now available in alpha for Linux, and I downloaded it for Ubuntu. Despite the fact that I was running it on my rather underpowered Dell Mini 9, it started in the blink of an eye.

Craigslist Top Search Term Last Week — For the first time in three years, searches for ‘craigslist’ surpassed ‘myspace,’ highlighting the increasing popularity of online classifieds during the economic downturn.U.S. searches on the term “craigslist” have increased 105 percent for the week ending March 14 …

Apple Leaks Announcement of 17-inch iMac at $899 — Apple's own education site seems to have leaked news of a “new” 17-inch iMac, coming in at $899. Apple's official store still only has 20s and 24s. [ via Apple Lounge]

Report: Improper use of Deep Packet Inspection could be Internet game-changer — There are legitimate uses for a technology called Deep Packet Inspection. But it's the “improper” use of the technology that prompted Washington-based Free Press to release a report this week entitled …

Facebook Bug Reveals Private Photos, Wall Posts — Earlier this evening we came across a privacy flaw on Facebook that allowed users to gain access to portions of their friends' profiles that they should not have been able to see. We contacted Facebook about the issue over an hour ago …

Is Oracle Forking Red Hat Linux? — There are key differences. But is it a fork? Oracle's top Linux exec explains. — For the last two and a half years, Oracle has been selling its own supported version of Linux based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). — But the company claims it's not a fork.

Source: Apple's next-gen iPhone has video camera — Apple this year will finally introduce video recording capabilities on at least one of its upcoming iPhone models, AppleInsider has been told. — An iPhone with a video cam — Details are few and far between, but the information comes …
MobileCrunch, TechSpot, Cell …, The iPhone Blog, VentureBeat, CNET News, Edible Apple, iLounge and The Register

Why Do Internet People Think Content People Are Stupid ? — I was reading an article where the Boxee CEO said content would eventually be al a Carte. Why does he, like so many other internet people think content producers are stupid ? Has he, along with so many others pushing internet video …

Google Watches Its Language — Last week I dipped my toe into the emerging world of consumer opt-in/opt-out through BlueKai's very attractive consumer-facing interface. BlueKai is trying not only to simplify the process of managing one's online behavioral profile, but to incentivize consumers to opt-in.

Shake-Up At Sequoia — The VC firm has lost some key managers, raising questions about its expansion plans. — BURLINGAME, Calif.—Venture-capital star Sequoia Capital, the backer of companies like Google and Cisco, last year laid the groundwork for a big expansion.

Report links Russian intelligence to cyber attacks — I like it! — A follow-up report authored by a group of cyber-security experts claims that Russian intelligence agencies were probably involved in the 2008 cyber attacks on Georgia. — The report, released Friday, concludes that there is a …

Internet Explorer 8 launch fails to dent Firefox — The release of Internet Explorer 8 hasn't had any significant impact on Firefox or any other competing browser, data collected by StatsCounter shows. While the final release of IE8 increased its market share slightly on launch day to 1.39 percent …

Next Office version to ship in 32-bit and 64-bit versions — You learn the most interesting things when you poke around in some of the arcane files that are included with Windows 7 beta releases. In the most recent build of Windows 7 that I've been able to examine, I've confirmed …

Report: IBM combs through Sun contracts — IBM is reportedly wading through Sun Microsystems' contracts and documents for potential conflicts or problems, as it works its way through the due diligence process toward a merger, according to a report Friday in The Wall Street Journal.