Top Items:

Microsoft sues TomTom over Linux and other patent claims — Microsoft filed suit against TomTom today, alleging that the in-car navigation company's devices violate eight of its patents — including three that relate to TomTom's implementation of the Linux kernel.

Twitter = YouTube. — What? Is Battelle crazy? Hear me out. Think back when YouTube was growing like a weed, and Google snapped it up. Most folks (including me) saw this as Google “getting into the video business,” and sure, that in fact was one part of the equation.
Discussion:, The Blog Herald, broadstuff, Marketing Nirvana, All Facebook and SiliconAngle, Thanks:atul

How Twitter could be a threat to Google — Google's search engine is so dominant that it's hard to imagine how anyone could knock the Mountain View company from its pedestal. And yet if history is any guide, such reigns never last. IBM gave way to Microsoft, which now has been usurped by Google.

Nokia considering entering laptop industry — HELSINKI (Reuters) - The world's top mobile phone maker Nokia is eyeing entering the laptop business, its Chief Executive Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo said in an interview to Finnish national broadcaster YLE on Wednesday.
Softpedia News, GigaOM, Unwired View, Electronic Pulp, InformationWeek, Gizmodo, TeleRead, jkOnTheRun, Phone Scoop, and The Toybox

Apple shareholder meeting dominated by politics — Apple's annual shareholder meeting was dominated, as usual, by groups using the event as a soapbox for furthering their political agenda. Apple COO Tim Cook only answered a couple real questions from individuals, and the crowd sang …
Macworld, Ars Technica, CNET News,, MediaFile, Business Week, MacBlogz, The Register, tinyComb,, Epicenter, MarketWatch and World of Apple

10 reasons to buy a Kindle 2... and 10 reasons not to — Having used both Kindles 1 and 2, I thought it would helpful to list where the new Kindle excels and where it falters. The dead tree book will never die - I think it will even have more longevity and popularity than the boutique appreciation …

MobileMe: Service updates as of February 25, 2009 — The MobileMe service has recently been updated with improvements as described below. — Products Affected — MobileMe — Mail — Compose window address selector shows all email addresses for contacts, not just home and work addresses.

Google says hello to Twitter with a stream of 1s and 0s — That was the first official tweet from Google's official Twitter account today. The second tweet announced the launch of its App Status Dashboard, which we just covered. This looks to be another move in the direction of transparency …
The Drama 2.0 Show

Would You Pay Comcast $10 a Month for Online TV? — While watching Hulu and other premium online content on your big screen TV isn't a threat to cable companies right now (TV watching is at an all time high, and getting high-quality content from PC to TV isn't that easy yet) …

Ads in Google News search results — If you're in the US, starting today you may notice something a bit different when you search Google News. — Last November, we announced plans to begin experimenting with ads on a number of Google properties, including news query refinements within Google search.

President Obama Abandons Twitter — Barack Obama's online presence drove his campaign's early fundraising and his primary victory over Hillary Clinton. His use of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube proved the 46-year-old senator was part of the Web 2.0 generation.
The Blog Herald

Google blocks paid apps for unlocked G1 users — People who bought an unlocked version of the Android G1 phone are no longer allowed to download new paid applications from the Market, after a change Google made late last week. — Google is prohibiting users of the unlocked phones …

Google's EU Gambit Is Stupid — Google has long cooperated with the European Union Competition Commission and its investigations of Microsoft, but from the sidelines. My reliable sources were clear on this months ago. I blogged about Google's participation, again, on Jan. 16.

AIM for iPhone gets paid version, SMS alerts, location awareness — AIM for iPhone and iPod touch has split into free (ad-supported) and paid versions, though both feature the same enhancements for this 2.0 upgrade. New in AIM for iPhone 2.0 are SMS notifications, location-aware services, multiple accounts, and more.
Gizmodo, Macworld, ReadWriteWeb, VentureBeat, GPS Obsessed, IntoMobile, Boy Genius Report and Silicon Alley Insider

IDC forecasts first U.S. ad spending contraction since 2001 — More bad news for advertising-supported Internet and media companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook and MySpace: IDC is predicting that online ad spending in the U.S. will shrink year-on-year in the first quarter for the first time since the dot-com bubble burst in 2001.

New York Times to the Web: Hands Off Our “T”! — The New York Times is justifiably proud of the work its staff publishes on the its flagship Web site every day. It's also very proud of the first letter of its name. — That seems to be the lesson in a flap between the paper and Newser …
Between the Lines, Nieman Journalism Lab, Silicon Alley Insider, and Off the Grid

Announcing the Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 RC — This week we are announcing that Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has hit an important milestone in development: Release Candidate (RC). — Starting today, the RC of SP2 for Windows Vista …
Softpedia News, Windows Server Division WebLog,,, ChannelWeb, eWeek and AppScout

Flexible Touchscreen E-paper Signals the Rise of Touchscreens Everywhere — We've sung the praises of flexible screen technology here a few times—it'll be a key part of the next revolution in gadget technology. And now another piece of the puzzle has fallen into place …
Incremental Blogger

Hacking contest offers $10,000 for iPhone exploit — Pwn2Own your smartphone — Free whitepaper - Trend Micro marries security with Cloud Computing — An annual hacker competition planned for next month has setting its sights on Apple's iPhone and four other smart phones in a contest …

Biden Forgets's “Website Number” — This morning Vice President Biden went on the CBS early show to promote, the website that will detail where all of the money in The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be going. Unfortunately, he forgot the actual address …

Palm Energizes Developers for the Pre Phone — With the Pre just a few months from launch, Palm is wasting no time courting developers — the one group that is arguably most critical to the new phone's success. — So far, it looks like developers are taking the bait.

Is Microsoft Guilty of Push Polling? Yes. — Yesterday, blogging about some of Google's woes, I threw in a sentence claiming that Microsoft had run a “push poll” attacking its search rival. Objections followed, and I've gone back and reread the poll. The verdict? Guilty as charged.