Top Items:

The Kindle: Good Before, Better Now — In the high-tech industry, you live for the day when your product name becomes a verb. “I Googled him.” “She's been Photo- shopped.” — Amazon, however, is hoping that its product name, a verb, becomes a noun. “Have you bought the new Kindle?”

Microsoft backtracks on severance issue — This story was updated at 3:45 p.m. PST with an official statement from Microsoft. — Amid a wave of criticism, Microsoft is backtracking on a decision to require laid off workers to pay back money that the software maker said was in excess of its planned severance, CNET News has learned.
The Register, Between the Lines, TechCrunch, Computerworld, Microsoft Pri0, Switched, TechFlash, Digital Daily, Silicon Alley Insider,, DailyTech, InformationWeek, PC World, MacDailyNews, Ars Technica, Gizmodo, ZDNet, Pulse2, Macworld, Tech Central, ChannelWeb, FierceCIO News,, BloggingStocks and Maximum PC all

Google Shakes Up Its Philanthropic Division — It looks like Google is getting more disciplined, reorganizing, its philanthropic arm, to become a more tightly focused organization. — Through the company's official blog, Dr. Larry Brilliant announced that he'd be stepping down as director of

The Next Chapter for — When Larry and Sergey laid out their vision for, they hoped that this “experiment in active philanthropy” would one day have an even greater impact on the world than Google itself. They committed resources from Google's profits …

So, You Want to Be an Entrepreneur — First, answer these questions to see if you have what it takes — Thinking about starting a business? Make sure you're cut out for it first. — In this bleak economy, lots of people are contemplating striking out on their own …

Snow Leopard screenshots show interface tweaks — A gallery of screenshots from the latest build of Apple's upcoming Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system showcases a handful of minor design tweaks that have been reported around the web in recent weeks.

A Look at Build 10A261 of Snow Leopard [Images + Video] — The latest build (10a261) of Mac OS X “10.6″ Snow Leopard was released towards the start of February, much like many of the previous builds it contained very little user interface changes compared to Mac OS X “10.5″ Leopard.

With Chernin Out At News Corp, What Happens To FIM? — Peter Chernin, the long-time president and COO of News Corp, is leaving the company after protracted negotiations over his contract could not be resolved. Chernin's salary was $28.8 million in the last fiscal year …

It's Official: Chernin's Tenure As News Corp. COO Will Expire …
Tech Trader Daily, Between the Lines, Los Angeles Times, Silicon Alley Insider and MediaMemo

Yahoo to offer tools to match users, ads- WSJ — Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O) is set to unveil several tools on Tuesday to help marketers better target their online adverts, as the Internet company tries to win back business during a recession, the Wall Street Journal said, citing senior company officials.

Google Gmail service down … Email users opting to use Google's Gmail email service were thrown into a panic as the service went down on Tuesday. — “Gmail down, PANIC STATIONS, PANIC STATIONS. Or I could go and make a cuppa, I suppose”, summed up the cries on Twitter as users looked at communicating with people in other ways.
Telegraph, VentureBeat, TechCrunch,, Mashable!, Search Engine Roundtable and PC Pro

Who's Advising Tom Friedman? I Have a Guess — A lot of people have been expressing their surprise and disappointment in the recent writings of Thomas Friedman, the New York Times columnist who has, inarguably, become one of the nation's most influential journalists over the past decade.

Another Reason Friedman's Wrong: Most Startups Bomb

Which startup's collapse will end the Web 2.0 era? — The Silicon Valley machine is still going, for now — Here in Palo Alto, the Silicon Valley machine is still going strong - entrepreneurs are still starting companies, angels and VCs are still investing, and engineers are still coding.

Eircom to block Pirate Bay — ‘Automatic’ music label salute — Eircom, Ireland's biggest internet provider, has agreed to block access to any website the music industry says is responsible for illegal music-swapping. — In a letter sent to ISPs across the country last week …

Pirate Bay Prosecution Hires Hypocrite Pirate Author for PR

A Note About Sabeer Bhatia's Interview — I received evidence yesterday that some of the things Sabeer Bhatia said in his interview in Founders at Work were false. The evidence indicates that (a) Tim Draper rather than Jack Smith had the idea of putting a Hotmail ad at the bottom of emails sent …

Journalism, or irresponsible rumour-mongering? — TechCrunch, one of the Web's top tech blogs, sparked a firestorm of criticism with a recent story about — the popular music-sharing network that CBS acquired last year — by reporting that the service had turned over a pile …

Apple to Verizon: Can you hear me now? Maybe. — Before it settled on AT&T as the carrier for the iPhone in the United States, Apple shopped the phone to Verizon Wireless and was shot down. It's thought that Verizon didn't want to make the concessions (including ceding a lot of control) to Apple which AT&T ended up doing.

Apple to allow Verizon connections
PC World, TG Daily, Macsimum News, Silicon Alley Insider, CNET News, Between the Lines, DSLreports, Tech Trader Daily and ecpm blog

Do you really think Apple's going to take business advice from a bunch of cheapskates? — I can't be the only one who'd tired of reading about the opinions of cheapskates who feel that Apple, for some bizarre reason, owes them a low-cost Mac OS powered computer. Read my lips: It's not gonna happen!
Tech Trader Daily

The Twenty Five Most Valuable Blogs — It is extremely difficult to put accurate financial values on blogs. Almost all of them are private companies. Some do raise VC money and those sums can be used as guidelines if and when they are disclosed. Like many content businesses, the only worthwhile value is what an acquirer will pay.

VUDU first on-demand service to sell HD and HDX movies — VUDU made some pretty big waves with its Blu-ray-rivaling HDX downloadable format, and now it's pushing the envelope once again by becoming the first on-demand service to actually sell (as in, for keeps... on your box, anyway) HD and HDX movies.

Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy? — Last week, we had a wave of panic roll through Facebook users as many realized that the site had changed its terms of service in a way that implied it might soon broadcast their most embarrassing photographs to parents, teachers, and prospective employers.

OneSwarm Turns P2P into F2F — New friend-to-friend (F2F) data sharing application allows users complete control over how data is shared, with the public, with friends, with some friends but not others, and so forth. — Some of the same researchers at the University of Washington …

Major Label Acts Get Hip to Music Apps — Apple's app store is doing for music promotion what the company already did for music sales: making it portable, desirable and easy to access. Forget about ringtones and Rhapsody; these apps let you subscribe to artists.

White House names Internet team — The White House on Monday officially rolled out the names of its new-media team, which includes a former Google product manager. — Macon Phillips was officially named the director of new media, though he wrote his first White House blog post in that capacity the day President Obama took office.

Hidden Cameras in DTV Converters? YouTube Hoax Fans Conspiracy Fears — Ever wonder what the government is really up to paying for all those digital TV converter boxes? Last week a Spokane, Washington man claimed he'd discovered the horrifying truth, and he produced a YouTube video to prove it.

Intel Makes Non-Specific Shelf Filing To Raise Capital — Intel (INTC) this morning filed with the SEC for a potential future securities offering. The shelf filing provides no specific information on any immediate plans to raise cash, and covers the potential sale of equity, debt …