Top Items:

Next Generation iPhone Model Revealed in Firmware — MacRumors has discovered that Apple's iPhone 2.x Firmware has evidence of the next generation iPhone which has been designated “iPhone2,1”. — Apple uses these models numbers to distinguish between different hardware models.
AppleInsider, 9 to 5 Mac, Silicon Alley Insider, O'Grady's PowerPage, GPS Obsessed, Gearlog, Boy Genius Report, VentureBeat, Gizmodo, The iPhone Blog,, SlashGear, Gadget Lab, Electronista, I4U News,, MobileCrunch, World of Apple, iSpazio, iPhone Savior, Engadget Mobile, iPhone Buzz and

Apple sued over ‘broken promises’ regarding 3G speeds — A new class-action lawsuit claims Apple knowingly profited from faulty iPhone 3Gs that couldn't stay connected to the faster 3G network, costing buyers inferior service and missed opportunities to use an alternative provider.
Macsimum News

Chrome, Firefox face clickjacking — Security researchers have discovered a flaw affecting Google's Chrome browser that exposes it to “clickjacking”—in which an attacker hijacks a browser's functions by substituting a legitimate link with one of the attacker's choice.

Test Center: How secure is IE? — The world's most popular browser is also the most frequently attacked, but comes with controls and management capabilities other browsers can't match — Although Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser has lost market share to worthy competitors …

New arrivals in the world's most successful mobile phone range — Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced the Nokia 6700 classic, the Nokia 6303 classic and the Nokia 2700 classic, three devices that build on the formula that made Nokia the world leader in mobile phones.

Flash and AIR: Record downloads, winning platform race — Adobe Flash, the company's platform for web applications and video, is already on virtually every computer everywhere, but the latest version is on an even faster track to world domination. Flash Player 10 and AIR have been downloaded …

Adobe AIR Is Flying: 100 Million Installations Accounted For
Adobe Blogs

Blogger Infighting Played a Role, Says TechCrunch Founder — TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington blamed fellow technology bloggers for the recent attacks on him, saying that his competitors' criticisms made him a target. … Mr. Arrington announced Wednesday he was taking a break …

Introducing Measurement Lab — When an Internet application doesn't work as expected or your connection seems flaky, how can you tell whether there is a problem caused by your broadband ISP, the application, your PC, or something else? It can be difficult for experts, let alone average Internet users …
PC World, Download Squad, Mashable!,, InfoWorld, Technology Live, InformationWeek, Silicon Republic, Lifehacker,, GigaOM, Epicenter, DSLreports, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Ars Technica, gizmag Emerging …, Network World, BetaNews, Tech Daily Dose, Telecom Trends, Technologizer, eWeek, Josh Bancroft's …, Public Knowledge, Techdirt, TechCrunch,, SitePoint, Business 2.0 Press, Digits, TechSpot, CNET News, Digital Destiny, P2P Blog, ReadWriteWeb, Slashdot, WebProNews and Cox Communications, Thanks:fredericl

The Eye of the (BlackBerry) Storm — iSuppli took apart Research In Motion's BlackBerry Storm to determine the cost of its components. Guess what? The iPhone parts are cheaper — As the battle for the smartphone market heats up, comparisons abound between Research In Motion's BlackBerry Storm …

AT&T Samsung Propel Pro in the concrete jungle — Hmm... so we've got an update to the Samsung Propel, have we? More or less, yes, this is as we're told, the Samsung Propel Pro and it brings pro-level features with it. Things like Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, an optical joystick …
WMExperts, Mobility Site, Electronista, Unwired View,,, FierceWireless, Gearlog, IntoMobile and MobileCrunch

ComScore Report: Fastest-Growing Sites And Top-Ten Advertising Magnets — Of the top 100 sites on the Web, which ones grew the fastest in 2008? In a report it is preparing to release tomorrow, The comScore 2008 Digital Year In Review (which you can sign up for here), comScore ranks the 20 fastest-growing Web properties.

Digital Britain: A tax, a quango and ISP snooping — All in a day's work for the modern bureaucrat — Digital Britain Did anyone expect more from Stephen Carter CBE? The former Ofcom boss and No.10 strategy chief (sic) has spent his career moving between the world of advertising and public relations, quangos and party.

YouTube Close to Video Deal for Pro Talent — YouTube and the William Morris Agency, the Hollywood talent agency, are close to signing a deal that would place the company's clients in made-for-the-Web productions. — The deal would underscore the ways that distribution models are evolving on the Internet.
Podcasting News, CNET News,, Silicon Alley Insider, VentureBeat, WatchingTV Online and Mashable!

Don't ever use Google Apps for anything important — Here's why you should never use Google Apps for your domain paid or unpaid. — I started using the free version Google Apps a little over a year ago for one of our intranets. Luckily it was an intranet and not the main site!

Google Updates Privacy Policy — This may slightly concern privacy advocates who continue to worry about Google storing too much data about their users. — Google today updated their privacy policy document and it now says that, in addition to retaining server logs, Google …

iLife Gets Better; Just Don't Ask It to Find a Face — While Apple's Macintosh computers are known for handsome hardware design, what really makes the Mac distinctive is its built-in software. That software includes a suite of multimedia programs, called iLife, which is preinstalled, free, on every new Mac.

Microsoft SongSmith: Flawed music software produces comedy gold — A lounge jazz version of Radiohead's Creep. The Police's Roxanne reworked with a reggae beat. Eye of the Tiger as a lo-fi love song. These are just a few of the hilarious cover versions of famous songs created …
Associated Press

You Need To See This Video (1981 TV Report On Birth Of Internet News) … Thus begins this video of a 1981 KRON report predicting the rise of news reporting on the internet. — You need to see this, it's pure gold. — My favorite quotes:

Obama Gets a Google Vet-But Not for CTO — Barack Obama has yet to announce who his chief technology officer will be. But he has hired a Silicon Valley exec for another role: Google (GOOG) product manager Katie Jacobs Stanton will be the new President's “director of citizen participation” starting in March, sources tell me.
Search Engine Journal

Friends, Until I Delete You — “UNFRIENDER” Rachel Heavers, with her daughter, Ellen, removed a lifelong pal in “a hormonal moment.” Now she says, “I really, really regret it.” During the “Whopper Sacrifice,” 234,000 people were trumped by a free burger. — A PERSON could go mad trying to pinpoint the moment he lost a friend.

We Live in Public (and the end of empathy) — This was an email to my private list which you can signup for at — Listen To This While Reading: Love Theme from Blade Runner — I've been thinking about empathy and the Internet non-stop for the past week.

Nicholas Negroponte: the Sugar daddy for future generations — It's not too hard to think up grandiose ideas to change the world, but very few people attempt to put them into effect - and even fewer succeed. Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman emeritus of MIT's Media Lab …

Nintendo Revises Down Outlook as Profits Slip, Yen Bites — Nintendo saw improved sales of its Wii and DS gaming devices during the last three months of 2008, but revised down its sales and profits forecasts due to the stronger Japanese yen. — During the April to December period …

FeedDemon and Google Reader: A Perfect Marriage — There's little doubt that FeedDemon is the best desktop based news reader for Windows while Google Reader enjoys the largest share of the pie among online feed readers. — The only issue, as noted in this comparison of FeedDemon with Google Reader …
Download Squad