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Revealed: the environmental impact of Google searches — Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross says that performing two Google searches uses up as much energy as boiling the kettle for a cup of tea — Performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount …

Are We Killing The Planet One Google Search At A Time? — Right now the top stories on Techmeme revolve around a new piece in The Times of London that focuses on The Environmental Impact of Google Searches. In it, Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross (a star MIT graduate who is now at Harvard) …
Googling Google

Hold your breath while Googling to save the planet — The Times and Telegraph have picked on some rather dubious stats on Google energy use: … but … So client-side, a search costs 0.02g/s - to get to 7g you look at it for 350s, or nearly 6 minutes. But hang on:

Windows 7. The Vista “dot” release — At 6:00 AM yesterday morning I started downloading the Windows 7 x64 release. By 9:30 AM I was installing it. Yes, I admit it, I'm a keener. I've used every Windows beta since Windows 3.1 in 1992, and I still find it a thrill to be on the bleeding edge of new technologies.

Facebook Prepares To Launch FriendFeed “Like” Feature — Last week we published a video that Facebook had posted describing how to publish feed stories with Facebook Connect. Today one of our readers, Amin Issa, posted an interesting observation from the video: the addition of the word “Like” which was hyperlinked.

Motorola's Handset Arm Prepping for Massive Layoffs — Phone Scoop has learned that Motorola's handset division is expecting a large round of layoffs as soon as this week, according to someone familiar with Motorola's plans. The layoffs are confirmed to be significant and may amount to 50% of the entire handset operation.

The Search For The Next Steve Jobs — From the magazine issue dated Jan 19, 2009 — Who will run Apple after its visionary CEO and product guru Steve Jobs leaves? The question has been hanging over the company since last summer when Jobs appeared onstage at a conference looking terribly ill. Jobs …

Work on Stuff that Matters: First Principles — I spent a lot of last year urging people to work on stuff that matters. This led to many questions about what that “stuff” might be. I've been a bit reluctant to answer those questions, because the list is different for everyone.

Intel to bring out chip for lower-cost thin laptops — Intel will bring out a new Core-architecture processor for lower-cost ultra-thin laptops later this year, according to Intel sources at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. — The processors will distinguish themselves by targeting …

Karl Rove Is on Twitter — Everyone's favorite White House adviser, Karl Rove, is now on Twitter: KarlRoveChannel — Naturally, when you hear something like this, you want proof. You can see people wondering about this on this FriendFeed entry about this. And here's a great write up from the #TCOT Report.

Google Shows 57% More Ads Per Keyword In Q4 (GOOG) — Perhaps as a part of new CFO Patrick Pichette's push for more financial discipline, Google (GOOG) ratcheted-up the amount of ads it shows during Q4 to 4.01 per keyword, up from 2.544 in Q3 — a 57% increase.

Nielsen to Track Online Video Consumption with Audio Signature Files — Accurate monitoring of online video consumption across multiple platforms is not an easy task. But for publishers and advertisers hoping to make a business of this, complete metrics is essential.
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