Top Items:

FCC Approves ‘Wi-Fi On Steroids’: Good News For Consumers, Bad News For Telcos — As anticipated, the FCC has voted to approve the use of wireless airwaves between TV channels — so-called “white spaces” — for Internet devices. — The ruling is a victory for companies like Google (GOOG) …

A vote for broadband in the “white spaces” — All eyes are on the presidential election today, but another important vote just took place at the Federal Communications Commission. By a vote of 5-, the FCC formally agreed to open up the “white spaces” spectrum — the unused airwaves between …

F.C.C. Agrees to Open Radio Spectrum
Wi-Fi Networking News

Forget The Magic Wall. CNN Now Has Holograms — CNN is cool. In addition to the huge touchscreen “Magic Wall” (which was originally military technology), CNN's Wolf Blitzer gets to play with Holograms today during their coverage of the presidential elections.

The inventor behind CNN's election ‘Magic Wall’ — NEW YORK (CNN) — On the 16th floor of a nondescript building in lower Manhattan, a group of tech-savvy staffers clad mostly in jeans and T-shirts is changing the way Americans watch TV election coverage. — Perceptive Pixel is a high-tech startup company.

Mr. Benioff, Tear Down That Wall — Marc Benioff, CEO of, talks about how Salesforce is all for sweetness and love and openness and all the good things. As VentureBeat reports: … Now, where do I begin? As I have recounted elsewhere, our dalliance with Salesforce began …

Don't leave a trace: Private Browsing in Firefox — Today, a major feature was added to the pre-release versions of Firefox 3.1, called Private Browsing. I've been working for quite some time on this, so I thought it may be a good time to write about what this feature is and how to use it.

Top searches on Election Day (part 1) — The long, long election campaign season culminates today as people make their choices on hundreds of statewide and local contests as well as the race for the next U.S. president. Throughout the day, we're keeping an eye on Google Hot Trends to decipher …
Forbes, Brier Dudley's blog, Profy, Screenwerk, VentureBeat,, Industry Standard, InformationWeek and Tech Daily Dose

Google on Election Day: People Are Voting for Free Chicken and Ice Cream

State of the Art: Shazam! A Projector That Fits in Your Jeans Pocket — Come on, admit it: is there anything more awesome than miniaturization? — The Walkman put a stereo system in your pocket and changed the game forever. A modern digital watch has the computing power of a roomful of 1950s computer gear.

Firefox Reaches 20% Market Share for First Time Ever — The good folks at Mozilla are trumpeting a new report by global analytics service Net Applications that documented a 20% global market share for two out of four weeks in October. It's a new high bar of popularity for the 2nd most popular browser in the world.

Yammer goes down, companies all over go silent — Back in the heady, sunlit uplands of Summer 2007 we used to complain when Twitter went down, so useful had it become. Even Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis once decided Twitter was so crucial to his business that he would pay $100 a year for a premium account.

Glam slows payments to publishers in its ad network — Glam, a women's site publisher and ad network, is becoming more like most other ad networks out there. It will further delay payments that it owes to partner publishers, starting this month. — Publishers typically have to wait awhile …

Glam Media Blames Economy, Slows Down Payments To Publishers
Technology Live

Election Hoax Sent Via D.C. Based E-Campaign Group — An e-mail hoax telling 35,000 George Mason University students, faculty and staff, that the election had been moved to Nov. 5, was sent through servers run by a D.C. based company that seeks to help political campaigns promote their messages online.

Mark Papermaster Joins Apple as Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering — Apple® today announced that Mark Papermaster is joining the Company as senior vice president of Devices Hardware Engineering, reporting to Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Papermaster, who comes to Apple from IBM …
Guardian, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, DailyTech, The Mac Observer, MacBlogz, Gearlog, TheAppleBlog, Jobwire, The Tech Report, SlashGear, Coop's Corner, Gizmodo, Listening Post, Docu-Drama, GMSV, Technologizer, CNET News, Insanely Great Mac, MacUser, I4U News, Digital Daily, Between the Lines, Music Ally, 9 to 5 Mac and TUAW

FCC approves Verizon Wireless' purchase of Alltel — WASHINGTON - Federal regulators are signing off on Verizon Wireless' planned $28 billion purchase of Alltel Corp. The deal will create the nation's largest wireless carrier. — With partial dissents by the two Democrats on the five-member panel …
CNET News, Silicon Alley Insider,, Engadget, Unwired View, Gearlog,, Phone Scoop and Electronista

Dell asks employees to take unpaid time off to help cut costs — Michael Dell sent a memo to employees Monday, telling them the company needs to slash more costs and asking them to consider taking five days off without pay. — Dell said the company will consider a range of options to reduce its costs …

Fired? Don't delete your company's Exchange database — Former IT engineer Steven Barnes has been sentenced to one year in prison after pleading guilty to computer intrusion charges. But wait till you hear how it happened. — Baseball bats and server passwords

BlackBerry Bold Goes On Sale, Fervor Lacking (RIMM) — Four months ago, thousands of people waited for hours in line to buy Apple's (AAPL) new iPhone 3G. Last month, far fewer people waited in line to buy Google's first phone, the T-Mobile G1. Today, is anyone waiting in line for RIM's (RIMM) new BlackBerry Bold?
Gear Diary, Engadget Mobile, NEWSFACTOR, InformationWeek, Gizmodo, PC Magazine and Crave

New MP3 logo gets online support — Seven of Britain's largest music download sites have got together to promote a new “MP3 compatible” logo. — It aims to raise the profile of the open MP3 music format and show people what they can do with their downloads.

Two Year's Later, Google Still Can't Deliver YouTube Without Stuttering & Buffering — It's been just over two year's now since Google acquired YouTube and while the debate rages on in the industry about how YouTube will make money, few people are discussing the quality problem Google continues to have with delivering YouTube videos.

Ex-Facebook exec withdrew candidacy for MySpace Music job — Two months ago, MySpace Music appeared ready to fill its CEO position. The new music service had whittled down the candidates to Owen Van Natta, the former Facebook executive, and Andy Schuon, a longtime music industry insider.