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What's up with those ads? — As I did previously, I'm posting this on behalf of my colleague David Webster. — Since my last post here as a guest blogger a few weeks back was to give you some context on the Mojave Experiment, I figured I should do the same for the other little campaign we're running on TV right now.
Between the Lines, Technologizer, BetaNews, Windows Vista Weblog, Business Technology, Digital Daily, Reel Pop and VentureBeat

Bill Gates/Jerry Seinfeld Commercial #2: I Remain Confused — I'm starting to feel bad for Microsoft PR, who've been tasked with defending these Microsoft ads featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. I just didn't connect with the first ad, which barely mentioned Microsoft and didn't do much to tell …

Yahoo Open: Finally, a real answer to Google — SUNNYVALE, Calif.—On Friday, 300 programmers will descend upon Sunnyvale, Calif., to plant the seeds of what Yahoo hopes will be an answer to Google's Internet might. — The event is called Open Hack Day 2008, and at it the coders …

Yahoo Details Plans To Open Up Web Sites
Between the Lines, Practical Blogging, SitePoint Blogs, Guardian, OStatic blogs, The Open Road and Mashable!

First look: iPhone OS loses beta feel with 2.1 update — We're back after updating to iPhone OS 2.1, and we're happy to report that the install process went well. Really well, actually. Now that we've had some time to play with the new features and fixes, we have some hands-on info and screenshots for you.

End Runs Around Vista — The operating system is turning off users, so HP and others are trying to capitalize on its weakness — The ecosystem that Microsoft (MSFT) has built up around its Windows operating system is showing signs of strain. In one of several recent moves by partners …

Did Amazon Delete Spore Reviews? [Updated] — Want to know how not to respond to criticism? By deleting it. Yet, it appears that's what Amazon has done. Earlier this week we wrote about the controversy of EA's decision to put cumbersome DRM on the highly anticipated video game, Spore.

Amazon temporarily gags Spore critics, deletes and restores all customer reviews
GamePolitics News

MySpace sets music free — Coming soon to MySpace pages everywhere: Kid Rock, free. Christina Aguilera, free. T.I., free. Just about any music out there, free. (With ads, of course.) — (Fortune Magazine) — Myspace founders Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson have had an uneasy relationship with the music industry.

iTunes 8: If Windows Vista displays a blue screen error message when connecting iPhone or iPod — Symptoms — After installing iTunes 8 for Windows, some users may see a blue screen error message when connecting iPhone or iPod to a Windows Vista computer.
CNET News, The iPhone Blog, BetaNews, AppleInsider, ReadWriteWeb,, Technology Live, Mobility Site, Gizmodo, webmonkey and AppScout

Apple rolls back problem driver in new iTunes 8 update — Apple has responded quickly to reports that its initial release of iTunes 8 caused STOP errors (AKA the Blue Screen of Death) on some Windows machines. — The issue is documented in support article TS2280, “iTunes 8 …

We've been Googled! — Disclaimer: The contents in this post may pertain to the author's personal interests. — They say “All good things come in threes” - well, the year 2008 was the living proof of that phrase for me. Firstly, Sara and I had our first baby son, Issac, who is our biggest blessing.
GigaOM, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Portfolio, InformationWeek, p2pnet, Epicenter, WebProNews,, Valleywag, AppScout, Pulse 2.0, Open Gardens,, PC World and The Next Web

Apple Estimates Trimmed By AmTech: Shift Toward Cheaper Macs (AAPL) — Not even Apple (AAPL) is immune to a downturn: AmTech's Shaw Wu says he's cutting his September quarter, December quarter, and 2009 revenue and EPS estimates, for three main reasons: — People buying cheaper Macs …

Analyst trims Apple estimates, says Air seeing decreased demand
Macsimum News

Digital Entertainment Industry Announces One DRM To Rule Them All — A consortium of digital entertainment companies including movie studios, digital device manufacturers, and electronics retailers are trying to take on Apple by standardizing their DRM practices.

YouTube Bans Videos That Incite Violence — The video-sharing service YouTube is banning submissions that involve “inciting others to violence,” following criticism from Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) that the site was too open to terrorist groups disseminating militant propaganda.

So That's Who Uses AOL — In honor of a redesign of AOL's home page, we asked Bits readers earlier this week “Who Uses AOL and Why?” So far, we've heard from more than 380 of you. — The sheer range of opinions about AOL, built up over a complex two-decade history …

Google Adds Location To Mobile Web Search — Last November, Google introduced its My Location feature in Google Maps for Mobile. It uses cell tower IDs to triangulate the location of the phone and then identifies that location on the Google Maps interface.
Epicenter, Crave, eWeek, Search Engine Watch, WebProNews, Computerworld Blogs blogs,, MarketingVOX and Lifehacker

Pew: 69 Percent of Americans Use Cloud Apps — Most Americans don't yet understand cloud computing, but are using cloud-based online applications, according to a new survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Sixty nine percent of online Americans use cloud computing in some form …

Podcaster rejeceted because it duplicates iTunes functionality — Today I finally got a reply from Apple about the status of Podcaster. — Apple Rep says: Since Podcaster assists in the distribution of podcasts, it duplicates the functionality of the Podcast section of iTunes.

Hackers attack Large Hadron Collider — Hackers have mounted an attack on the Large Hadron Collider, raising concerns about the security of the biggest experiment in the world as it passes an important new milestone. — The scientists behind the £4.4bn atom smasher …

Why Virginia is right to overturn spam conviction — The Virginia Supreme Court on Friday overturned the conviction of a notorious AOL spammer, the first spamming defendant to be convicted of a felony, saying the state junk e-mail law is too broad and violates the First Amendment.