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Marissa Mayer talks about Google at 10 — and 20 — She is not nearly as famous as celebrity founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. But, in many ways, Marissa Mayer has become the public face of Google, which was incorporated 10 years ago today. — The Internet giant's first female engineer …

One Bad Apple — Apple is looking like what Microsoft was 10 years ago—a Bigfoot that squeezes smaller competitors. — From the magazine issue dated Sep 15, 2008 — A former lieutenant of Steve Jobs's once told me something surprising about his ex-boss. “Steve is a monopolist at heart,” he said.

A Web OS? Are You Dense? — People are calling Google Chrome a “Web Operating System” and a “Cloud Operating System”. Some are even calling it a Windows killer. — I think it's time to nip this horses**t in the bud, before it gets out of hand. — How Does Arringtons Know What Operating Systems Is?

Apple admit Briton DID invent iPod, but he's still not getting any money — Apple has finally admitted that a British man who left school at 15 is the inventor behind the iPod. — Kane Kramer, 52, came up with the technology that drives the digital music player nearly 30 years ago but has still not seen a penny from his invention.
MAKE Magazine, Gizmodo, Cult of Mac, Boing Boing Gadgets, CrunchGear, Insanely Great Mac and Digg

RealNetworks to Introduce a DVD Copier — People have been avidly feeding music CDs into their computers for years, ripping digital copies of albums and transferring the files to their other computers and mobile devices. — This has not happened nearly as much with DVDs, for both practical and legal reasons.

Law prof warns against coming ISP privacy apocalypse — Anyone who reads Ars knows that we have concerns about ISP monitoring and the deep packet inspection that often goes along with it, but Colorado Law School prof Paul Ohm takes these worries to the next level—then hauls them thirty floors …

Real-estate site expands ad deal with newspapers — NEW YORK - Real-estate Web site is expanding its partnership with 282 newspapers to give national advertisers new ways to reach local markets, changes that the news companies hope will allow them to raise their fees for online ads.

New E-Newspaper Reader Echoes Look of the Paper — The Plastic Logic reader, left, has a screen the size of a sheet of paper for a copy machine. Center, Sony's eReader; right,'s Kindle. The Plastic Logic device, which is yet to be named, can be updated wirelessly and store hundreds of pages of documents.

Ad trade group opposes Yahoo-Google search deal — Update at 3:03 p.m. PDT, with comments from the Attorney General from the state of Connecticut, which is one of the lead states in the multi-state antitrust review of the Yahoo-Google deal. — The Association of National Advertisers announced Sunday …

Google Chrome Receives Heavy Criticism in Germany — It doesn't get any more “official” than this here. Yesterday, Saturday at around 20:07, Germany's oldest and perhaps biggest prime time news Tagesschau announced the following under the headline “Warning against internet browser"*:

Discussion in Facebook Groups and Pages is Public and Searchable — While discussion on Facebook Pages has always been publicly accessible to the world and indexed by search engines like Google, wall posts and discussion within Facebook Groups have historically been “off limits” to search engines.

Avril's video tops 100 million views — Well, the day has finally come. A video on YouTube has finally topped 100 million views, and for better or worse it belongs to Canada's pop princess, the pride of working-class Napanee, Ontario: Avril Lavigne. The video for her song “Girlfriend” …

Intel boosts quad-core Xeons to 3.4GHz — Intel today set a pair of new speed records for its Xeon 5000 processors ahead of the introduction of their eventual Core i7 successors. The update pushes the quad-core Xeon 5400 series from its previous 3.2GHz limit up to 3.4GHz with the new Xeon X5492 …