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Microsoft Enlists Jerry Seinfeld In Its Ad Battle Against Apple — Microsoft Corp., weary of being cast as a stodgy oldster by Apple Inc.'s advertising, is turning for help to Jerry Seinfeld. — The software giant's new $300 million advertising campaign, devised by a newly hired ad agency, has been closely guarded.
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Microsoft enlists Seinfeld, Gates to battle “Get a Mac” ads — Those Apple “Get a Mac” ads have long been an annoyance to Microsoft and to Bill Gates in particular. No surprise as an emboldened Apple with rising market share has continued to ratchet up the venom with quips like …
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Microsoft launches 3D wonder Photosynth for consumers — On Wednesday night, Photosynth, a technology demo from Microsoft Live Labs, is graduating from its “ooh, that's pretty” status to being a viable Web service for consumers. — The technology, which takes a grouping of photographs …
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Photosynthing the nation's capital — WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Monday, I got a demo of how Microsoft was opening up Photosynth to consumers. On Wednesday, I put it to the test. — With my Canon Digital Rebel XT in tow, I headed to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to try it out.

Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) - Bring Us Your Data — A few months ago I talked about our plans to offer a persistent storage feature for Amazon EC2. At that time I indicated that the service was in a limited alpha release with a small number of customers.

Welcome, Freshmen. Have an iPod. — Taking a step that professors may view as a bit counterproductive, some universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-capable iPods to students. — The always-on Internet devices raise some novel possibilities, like tracking where students congregate.

Ten Things I Want On My Mobile Phone — 1) Shazam for places - I blogged about this when I was in Scotland earlier this month. I met a company at TechStars yesterday that might be able to build it. I hope they do. — 2) Shazam for people - same idea. even more possibilities for this one.
Mobile Industry News

Judge: Copyright Owners Must Consider ‘Fair Use’ Before Sending Takedown Notice — In the nation's first such ruling, a federal judge on Wednesday said copyright owners must consider “fair use” of their works before sending takedown notices to online video-sharing sites.
Silicon Alley Insider, Podcasting News, Life On the Wicked Stage, Geek News Central and Imaging Insider

Microsoft demands Xbox LIVE iPhone app to be set free — People seem to really like this App Store thing we keep hearing about, and apps are selling for the iPhone and iPod touch like hot cakes. One too-descriptively-named app, 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends Application (iTunes link) …

Apple hit with class-action lawsuit over iPhone 3G flakiness — We all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of time. A lawsuit has been filed against Apple over what the plaintiff is referring to as the “Defective iPhone 3G,” which she hopes will become a class-action complaint.

Zoho launches document sharing service — Today's addition to the rapidly-expanding suite of Zoho's productivity apps is Zoho Share, a straightforward utility for sharing word processing documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, and slide shows. The online app reads in several popular document formats …

Yahoo! Search brings Search Assist, SearchMonkey, and more to the iPhone — In June, my boss came to me with a challenge: bring the full Yahoo! Search experience—including SearchMonkey, Search Assist, shortcuts, and other awesome Yahoo! Search features—to the iPhone with as few compromises as possible.

LinkedIn launches an iPhone app, it's simple but it means business — If the iPhone wants to be taken serious as a business device it's going to have to have applications other than More Cowbell (the app that lets you simulate playing a cowbell). A definite must-have for business users is LinkedIn, the professional online network.

12seconds extends its 15 minutes of fame with an API — 12seconds has a goal: It wants to be the go-to platform for video status updates. In order to make a good platform, you need a good application programming interface (API). Today, 12seconds is launching that API and announcing its first three partners.

Web browser to get ‘privacy mode’ — Microsoft is planning a “privacy mode” for the next release of its Internet Explorer (IE) web browser. — By clicking a button, users of IE8 will be able to limit how much information is recorded about where they go online and what they do.

Spotted: FriendFeed Beta — coming soon — A new version of FriendFeed, which may or may not be called “FriendFeed Beta” is in the works, FriendFeed co-founder Bret Taylor just confirmed to me. — Earlier tonight I was going through my Flickr traffic logs of all things when I noticed the mysterious domain.