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Constraints and Rules — I believe web services benefit from doing less, not more. I believe that allowing the users to stitch web apps together to get increased functionality is better than a web service trying to do everything for everyone. The Facebook app ecosystem is one proof point of this approach.

Perhaps Pandora Must Be Our Sacrificial Lamb — Pandora made a bold political statement today, saying they'd likely shut down rather than continue to pay exorbitant fees to play music to listeners of its massively popular service. — Radio stations pay different rates depending on how they broadcast music.

CNN Doesn't Include Spoiler Alert In Tweets, Twitter Users Say It Ruined Olympics — The American media has been obsessively covering Michael Phelps on his quest to win eight gold medals this Olympiad - a feat that has never been accomplished. Up until now he has been perfect …

If you thought the internet was cool, wait until it goes space age — A founding father of the web says it's come a long way, but its potential for worldwide change can and will be greater still — The internet is still very young. It was only November 1977 when a group …

Explaining REST to Damien Katz — Damien Katz recently caused a stir on a bunch of the blogs I read with his post entitled REST, I just don't get it where he wrote … His post made the rounds on the expected social news sites like programming.reddit and Hacker News, where I was amused …

Let a hundred Facebooks bloom — Om Malik posted recently on something I've been thinking about a lot: namely, the tension between one-size-fits-all social networks such as Facebook and a more personalized approach using blogs and tools such as Moveable Type and Wordpress …
bijan sabet

Samsung fans unite! — Usually when Samsung announces a T-mobile launch the world hardly takes notice. T-mobile fans yawn and hope for something better in the future, you know something that doesn't have a VGA camera. Well sports fans, here we go, Samsung actually has something good in store for us.

David Hasselhoff Creates His Own Myspace for Fans — People are definitely beginning to understand just how crazy social networks are getting. Facebook, Myspace, Bebo and many more are taking off and taking the world by storm. With plenty of tools to create your own social network …
Pulse 2.0

Usniff, Torrent Search Made Easy — BitTorrent's popularity is increasing with new sites seemingly launched every day. Usniff is one such site, offering a fast real-time torrent search engine where users can search four of the most popular BitTorrent sites.

At School, Technology Starts to Turn a Corner — COUNT me a technological optimist, but I have always thought that the people who advocate putting computers in classrooms as a way to transform education were well intentioned but wide of the mark. It's not the problem, and it's not the answer.

Verizon Again Delivers One-of-a-Kind NFL Network Experience to Verizon Broadband and TV Customers — Live Webcasts of NFL Preseason Games Begin Aug. 17 — Verizon Broadband Connection Puts Fans in Virtual Control Booth; Choice of Camera Feeds - Plus Chat, Game Statistics, Highlights and More