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Facebook to let employees sell some stock — at internal $4 billion valuation — Facebook has an internal valuation of $4 billion, as we've previously reported. It will begin letting current employees sell 20 percent of their fully vested stock options at that valuation, starting this fall, I've learned from well-connected sources.
Valleywag,, Digital Daily, Pulse 2.0, The Social Times, and WebProNews

Is Facebook Letting Employees Cash Out? — Facebook employees are in an enviable position: Each of them owns a small piece of a company that's worth billions of dollars, which means each of them is looking at the prospect of a windfall — one day. But until Facebook sells or goes public …

Why is Sanjay Jha so popular on Google? — Who the heck is Sanjay Jha? He had risen to the top of Google's Hot Trends rankings, which means he was being searched for vigorously. — People were probably looking for the Sanjay Jha who until recently was chief operating officer of Qualcomm, the San Diego-based chip maker.

Motorola Hires New Cellphone CEO: Qualcomm's Sanjay Jha (MOT)
Big Tech, Forbes, PR Newswire, E-Commerce Times,, The Register, Docu-Drama, Technology news and Between the Lines

Google Translation Center, a New Human Translations Service in the Making — Google is working on a new service called Google Translation Center. Just a short while ago, we noticed that “center” had been added to Google's robots.txt file, and now co-editor Tony Ruscoe discovered the link …

Google Takes On Mechanical Turk With Translation Center

Lenovo Dives into Sub-Notebook Computing with its First Consumer “Netbook” — IdeaPad S10 Combines Tiny Technology, High Fashion and Extreme Portability — Lenovo today announced it is entering the “netbook” PC market with the new IdeaPad S10 netbook PC.

Appeals Court: Cablevision Can Offer Network DVR; Big Win For Cable; Bad News For Content, Satellite Cos — In a stunning ruling that has huge implications for the cable industry, the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York has cleared the way for Cablevision (CVC) to offer so called “network DVRs …

Shawn Fanning's Incredible Shrinking Pay Day: EA Bought Game Company for $15 Million, Not $30 — From the can't-believe-everything-you- read department: Earlier this year, reports circulated (which we repeated) that Napster founder Shawn Fanning had finally made some real money by selling …

Midori musings: Thoughts on a “post-Windows” OS — The big excitement in Microsoftland this week has been further news of Midori. Midori is claimed to be Microsoft's “post-Windows” operating system—a new platform for the future. The SD Times claims to have seen internal Microsoft documents describing …

Foxconn Building 800,000 iPhones A Week — Foxconn, the Taiwanese electronics giant that produces the iPhone 3G for Apple, has ramped up production to 800,000 units per week, says a source close to Apple with direct knowledge of the numbers. This is “above current full capacity” and there may be some concerns with quality control.
Infinite Loop, Tech Trader Daily, 9 to 5 Mac, Gadget Lab, iLounge, I4U News, One More Thing, CrunchGear, Insanely Great Mac, Lockergnome, TUAW, MacRumors, Gizmodo, Macsimum News and The iPhone Blog

Feedburner hack: how to get 2500 subscribers overnight (video) — Established blogs like ReadWriteWeb and Techcrunch proudly show a Feedburner chicklet that displays the sites popularity. But beware - since people are more likely to subscribe to a site with a bigger amount of readers, some sites manipulate the counter.

Press Release — IOC Launches Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Online Channel — The IOC will launch an online Channel to broadcast the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in 77 territories* across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, including India, Republic of Korea, Nigeria and Indonesia, it was announced today.

Yahoo Shareholder Vote Number-Crunching-Whither Cap Re's No Vote? — There is a mini-tempest brewing over how shares were tallied in the Yahoo annual meeting last Friday, specifically around whether a group of votes withheld by one of Yahoo's major shareholders was not counted …

Zappos tries computers on for size — As I made the usual morning slog through my in-box Monday, I was about to skip past a news release touting a back-to-school promotion for Live Search Cashback, when I noticed one of the featured deals was on a ThinkPad tablet PC from electronic shoe retailer
Search Engine Watch Blog

Video games can't be blamed for humanity's problems — Sorry, but I refuse to believe that video games can be the scapegoat for all of our problems. Call me a video game apologist or just another gamer hack, but it's true. Why should the video game industry be blamed for the problems all of humanity faces?

Got iBugs? Get your iPhone 2.0.1 software now — It's been just over three weeks since the launch of the iPhone 3G and the 2.0 software for the iPhone. If there is one thing that everyone can agree on, it's that the software is fairly buggy. — Today comes the first update …

Apple Yanks Another Popular App from iTunes, This Time Box Office — Last week, Apple quietly stopped distributing NetShare, put it back up, and now appears to have pulled it again. But what could we expect? It was a piece of software allowing users to transform their iPhones into Wi-Fi hotspots.
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MPAA Want to Bung-Up “Analog Hole,” Disable Piracy-Enabling Cable Box Outputs — Movies movies movies... we all love a good show, but the lovely MPAA is up to some pretty strange shenanigans to ensure that you get to see some shows just once—until they're out on DVD at least.

MacBook redesign leaked? Probably not — Are these really leaked pics of a redesigned MacBook, widely expected later this year? Probably not, as Apple has always done an excellent job of keeping their new designs under wraps. But the Interwebs are abuzz with this series of shots …

In online ad space, blank-faced hipsters in panties prove powerful — It's no surprise to anyone who reads blogs about celebrity gossip, nightlife, indie music, or pretty much any other niche of pop culture: American Apparel, the Los Angeles-based retailer infamous for bringing back the '80s aerobics look …

Judge Hints at Mistrial in RIAA v. Jammie Thomas — DULUTH, Minnesota — The federal judge who presided over the nation's only peer-to-peer copyright-infringement trial announced from the bench here Monday that he is likely to declare a mistrial. — “Certainly, I have sent a signal …