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Apple to launch the iPhone ‘nano’ in time for Christmas — Apple is about to launch a ‘nano’ version of the hugely successful iPhone. It is expected to be in the shops in time for Christmas. — The product will be launched in the UK at up to £150 for pay-as-you-go customers by O2 …
MacRumors,, Crave, Boing Boing Gadgets, 9 to 5 Mac, The Apple Core, iPhone Savior, VentureBeat, CrunchGear and

An “iPhone Nano?” Maybe, But Surely Not This One — There are Apple rumors that ring true. There are ones that sound like they might be true. And then there are the ones that have a whiff of fantasy about them. I'd put Simon Fluendy's report in the UK's Daily Mail of an iPhone Nano scheduled …

Warning Sign: Metered Broadband Already a Hassle — We've talked before that metered access is a boneheaded idea that is bad for innovation, bad for Microsoft and Google, and ultimately bad for you. Until today, the idea seemed like an eventuality, not an immediate reality.

Intel's Line of Graphics Chips Could Have Broader Uses — SAN FRANCISCO — Intel is planning to release on Monday the first technical details of a new family of chips intended to soup up computer graphics and, eventually, a broad range of computing tasks. — The new microprocessor family …

Taking social networks abroad - Why MySpace and Facebook are failing in Japan — Sized at an estimated $5.6 billion in 2007, Japan boasts one of the biggest online advertising markets in the world - a huge potential just waiting to be tapped by foreign social networks.

Lise Buyer to Facebook: Call Me — When former Wall Street analyst Lise Buyer helped take Google public in 2004, anything seemed possible. Yet on the heels of a quarter when not a single technology company went public, most in Silicon Valley are no longer sanguine about their options.

Applications Spur Carriers to Relax Grip on Cellphones — In the first 10 days after Apple opened its App Store for the iPhone, consumers downloaded more than 25 million applications, ranging from games like Super Monkey Ball to tools like New York City subway maps.

This Bug Man Is a Pest — George Ledin teaches students how to write viruses, and it makes computer-security software firms sick. — The Virus Professor … In a windowless underground computer lab in California, young men are busy cooking up viruses, spam and other plagues of the computer age.

Television's Future Could Be ‘Horrible’ … Song, Dance and Destruction — Made by Whedon and many of his regulars during his frustration with the writers strike, the tale of a hapless villain/song-and-dance man sparkles with all the knowing pop culture glory of “Buffy.”

Google Sites to Replace Google Page Creator — Google Pages is still a part of Google Labs but this web page creator software will never get a chance to graduate from labs as it is getting replaced by Google Sites - a new product similar to Google Pages but with a wiki.
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Supermarket Scale detects Fruits and Vegetables automatically — Some supermarkets make you weigh the fruits or vegetables you buy and put the printed sticker with the final price on the bag. A new scale developed by a German Fraunhofer institute contracted by Mettler-Toledo is automatically finding …

VGC Exclusive: Xbox 360 to Cut Arcade Prices to $199.99 on Sept. 7th — Thanks to an amazing VGChartz member, we have strong reason to believe the Ars Technica price drop rumor is indeed true, with a photo to prove it. — By Benjamin Schlichter ( )
Microsoft News Tracker, CrunchGear, Edge Online, Kotaku, Xbox 360 Fanboy, Gizmodo, Engadget and Gizmodo Australia

Venture Fund Economics: Gross and Net Returns — The comments on my initial post on this topic went right at the VC's compensation - management fees and carry - and their impact on returns. So at Ken Berger's suggestion, I will change my planned post for today and address the issue head on.