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Court Ruling Will Expose Viewing Habits of YouTube Users — Yesterday, in the Viacom v. Google litigation, the federal court for the Southern District of New York ordered Google to produce to Viacom (over Google's objections): … The court's order grants Viacom's request and erroneously ignores …
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Judge Protects YouTube's Source Code, Throws Users To The Wolves — The ongoing Google/YouTube-Viacom litigation has now officially spilled over to users with a court order requiring Google to turn over massive amounts of user data to Viacom. If the data is actually released …

Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom — Google will have to turn over every record of every video watched by YouTube users, including users' names and IP addresses, to Viacom, which is suing Google for allowing clips of its copyright videos to appear on YouTube, a judge ruled Wednesday.

WTF! US Court Declares You Have No Privacy On YouTube — You have no privacy on YouTube. So effectively declared a US judge yesterday. And now somebody in the US government better stop grandstanding about search and privacy protection and actually get some laws enacted now.

MacBook Air SSD purchase price drops by $500 — Apple quietly slashed the price of the SSD MacBook Air this week, bringing it down from nearly $3,100 to just under $2,600. While still pricier than the lower-end, hard-drive based model ($1,799), $500 is no small change and represents …

1.8GHz SSD MacBook Air Drops $500 — Apple has quietly dropped the price of the high end MacBook Air by $500. — The high end MacBook Air comes equipped with a 1.8GHz upgrade (from 1.6GHz) and a 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD). The total price for the high end laptop is $2598.

Yahoo! Property Breakdown and Sum of the Parts — Rumors are circulating about another attempt by Microsoft to acquire part of Yahoo!. The latest rumors suggest that Microsoft will try to buy Yahoo! Search with a media company (i.e. Time Warner or News Corp) absorbing the rest of the business.

Google Talk for the iPhone — We've just released in the US a new version of Google Talk designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch browsers. In addition to sending your friends Gmail messages from your iPhone, you can now chat with them while you're on the move, too!
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Microsoft's Facebook stake influenced ConnectU case — SAN JOSE, Calif.—What is Facebook really worth? — One of the burning questions in the technology business during the past year also played a major role in the dispute between social networks ConnectU and Facebook, according to documents obtained by CNET

How To Build A Web App in Four Days For $10,000 (Say Hello To Matt) — In this post, guest author Ryan Carson goes through some of the lessons learned from building a Web app in four days. Carson is the co-founder of Carsonified, a web shop in Bath, UK. They've built four web apps …

State of U.S. Broadband: Demand Hits Speed Bumps — A new report from Pew Internet shows that broadband growth in the U.S. has slowed down to a crawl, a sign that U.S. broadband carriers would have to work hard to find ways to grow their overall businesses.

Patents Reveal Ongoing Touch and Multi-Touch Research — The United States Patent and Trademark Office revealed at least a dozen new patent applications from Apple this morning. The majority of the applications revealed ongoing multi-touch research by Wayne Westerman, the former cofounder of Fingerworks.

iPhone 2.0 OS rocks! — Okay, okay, it's early and I've only had it running for less than 24 hours but Apple made me very happy with the new 2.0 OS. I picked up an advance copy from a friend and have it running on my first gen iPhone hw. — I bought this first gen iphone on the first day it came out.

Yahoo Might Offer Carl Icahn Two Seats-But, Uh-Oh, He Wants Four — Yahoo leadership, trying to stave off a major clash at its annual meeting on Aug. 1 with activist investor Carl Icahn (pictured here), is contemplating offering him two board seats to assuage him, said several sources close to the situation.
Silicon Alley Insider, Tech Confidential, Wall Street Journal, Valleywag, BloggingStocks and VentureBeat

Stolen: Google employees' personal data — Google has confirmed that personal data of U.S. employees hired prior to 2006 have been stolen in a recent burglary. — Records kept at Colt Express Outsourcing Services, an external company Google and other companies use to handle human resources functions …