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The first great battle of the Internet is over, and I'm delighted to announce that we've finished in second place — Look, I would never admit this to anyone in public, but the truth is that our deal with Google marks the end of the first great battle of the Internet era — call it Internet 1.0 — and we've lost.
NYTimes Article Reverberates Through Yahoo; Who's Their Next CEO? — When blogs and regional newspapers trash Jerry Yang it's one thing. But when the New York Times does it, people really notice. Public lynchings like this are few and far between from that bastion of traditional journalism.
WebGuild, Outside the Lines, Joe Duck, BoomTown, Silicon Alley Insider and SmoothSpan Blog
MySpace Might Have Friends, but It Wants Ad Money — When the News Corporation added MySpace to its portfolio nearly three years ago, it expected that if its base of 16 million users kept growing — and each user kept adding friends, sharing photos and swapping flirty messages — the advertising dollars would roll in.
eBay opening up selling app to outside developers — At the eBay Developers Conference this week, the auction company will announce a new marketplace for sellers' add-ons to its online auctions. Essentially the program gives developers access to all the data that eBay's existing online app …
The Great Blog Weeding of 2008 — It's coming folks. — It is inevitable. — Just as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening it is coming. — It is the event that over a period of time; which I believe has already started, when blogs - both big and small will fall by the wayside.
Five Tools I Use for Listening — As part of the social media strategy series, I thought I'd start with listening. — Social media tools are a great way to get the word out about your passions, your interests, the company's latest products, but we tend to rush right into the “speaking” …
Palm Update for Treo 700wx coming this Summer — Overview — Thanks to coolgirl, we've become aware of some upcoming updates for the Treo 700wx, Sprint Centro, and the Verizon Treo 755p (see Centro and 755p details here). Some internal training slides have been leaked onto the internet that detail the updates.
Charging by the Byte to Curb Internet Traffic — Some people use the Internet simply to check e-mail and look up phone numbers. Others are online all day, downloading big video and music files. — For years, both kinds of Web surfers have paid the same price for access.
Cocoa for Windows + Flash Killer = SproutCore — Daniel Eran Dilger — Regular readers will recall that when Safari for Windows shipped, I suggested Apple was likely looking to move its Mac OS X Cocoa development model into the Windows arena in order to broaden Cocoa's visibility and adoption.
google toolbar for firefox 3 — I asked the other day what people thought about search toolbars now that browsers all come with pretty sophisticated built-in search and find capabilities. There were some good responses both pro and con. — Today, the news is good for Google Toolbar fans.
Digital Inspiration
Nikon D90 - is this what's coming tomorrow? — A reader emailed me this picture of a Nikon D90: — For comparison here is the D80 - look at the differences. Too much details for PS job. This looks like the real thing: — and now compare the build in flash (below is the D80: — A PS-ed D300?
Microsoft stops Windows Live VOIP services from July — Last year Microsoft announced that the existing VOIP partnership with Verizon would be terminating in 2008. Currently this service allows Windows Live Messenger users to call friends and family using regular landlines and mobile phones …