Top Items:

Yahoo! to Strengthen Competitive Position in Online Advertising Through Non-Exclusive Agreement With Google — Agreement Advances Yahoo!'s Open Strategy; Enhances Ability to — Compete in Converging Search and Display Marketplace — Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO), a leading global Internet company …
Search Engine Roundtable, Startup Meme, Tech Ticker, Traffick, Tech Trader Daily, MediaFile, Brier Dudley's blog, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Download Squad, Domain Name Wire, Google Operating System, Creative Capital, Mashable!, The Drama 2.0 Show, Between the Lines, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Industry Standard and TechCrunch

Our agreement to provide ad technology to Yahoo! — Today, we announced a non-exclusive advertising agreement that will provide Yahoo! with access to our AdSense for search and AdSense for content advertising programs on their U.S. and Canadian web properties.

Massive Destruction Of Shareholder Value, Employee Morale and Internet Balance Of Power — I don't believe that there is anything Yahoo could do at this point to further destroy their business that would surprise me. — At 1:35 pm EST yesterday we posted that we believed Yahoo would announce …

Yahoogle?: Microsoft Will “Let Loose the Dogs of War” — With the ad-outsourcing deal between Yahoo (YHOO) and Google (GOOG) finally announced-in a press release so parsed and careful, it makes me immediately suspect-one Microsoft (MSFT) source joked to me: — “Let loose the dogs of war.”

Microsoft Issues Statement Regarding Yahoo!
Tech Trader Daily, Epicenter, Paul Kedrosky's …, Tech Confidential, Industry Standard, TechCrunch and TG Daily

Yahoo! Announces Microsoft Talks Have Concluded
Startup Meme, VoIP Blog, Reuters, CenterNetworks, BBC NEWS, Coop's Corner,, Geek News Central, VentureBeat, Industry Standard, Search Engine Watch Blog, Search Engine Journal, Wall Street Journal, L.A. Times Tech Blog, The Tech Report, Between the Lines, Fred Destin, Tech Trader Daily,, New York Times, The Register, All about Microsoft,, Bits, Lost Remote, Brier Dudley's blog and Tech Beat

AP Files 7 DMCA Takedowns Against Drudge Retort — I'm currently engaged in a legal disagreement with the Associated Press, which claims that Drudge Retort users linking to its stories are violating its copyright and committing “'hot news' misappropriation under New York state law.”

FU AP — I talked to a reporter this week about the embattled Associated Press and said three times that I didn't want it to die. I might take that back. — The AP has filed truly noxious takedown notices against Rogers Cadenhead's community-created Drudge Retort, arguing copyright violations for quotes from 33 to 79 words long.

Dell E and E Slim revealed, taking on Eee and Air in one fell swoop — We got a nice helping of slides dropped on our virtual doorstep this evening, fleshing out Dell's upcoming netbook — which they seem to be calling the “Dell E.” Um, Eeenteresting name choice, but that doesn't seem set in stone …
Gizmodo, UMPCPortal, Boing Boing Gadgets, Gadgetell, SlashGear, I4U News, GottaBeMobile, Tech Blog and Ubergizmo

Redesign A First Step In Bringing Order To The MySpace Chaos — Los Angeles based social network MySpace, which has 115 million monthly visitors worldwide (Comscore, April 2008), will be launching a redesign of its site next week. The first phase of the project, internally called “MySpace 2.0,” will launch on Wednesday June 18.
The Social Times

MySpace to release major site redesign — Updated at 9:47 p.m. PDT with more details. — News Corp.'s MySpace is set to release a major redesign next week, company representatives said late Thursday evening. The site doesn't look that different; it's still clearly MySpace.

Facebook No Longer The Second Largest Social Network — It was sort of inevitable given Facebook's monster growth over the last few years, but April 2008 was the milestone: Facebook officially caught up to MySpace in terms of unique monthly worldwide visitors, according to data released by Comscore and shown above.
All Facebook

LinkedIn Could Replace Outlook and SalesForce — I have been a total skeptic on proprietary messaging within social networks. After all, who on earth would want a proprietary tool when e-mail reaches everybody? I love it, though, when circumstances change a deeply ingrained opinion.

Apple announces Mac, iPhone design award winners — Company hands out 11 awards to software developers — Wednesday Apple handed out its annual Apple Design Awards in 11 categories, including six awards honoring development on the iPhone for the first time. — Mac Awards
The Iconfactory

PayPal ambushes users with mystery Skype charges — Glitch or breach? — Vulture Central is keeping its eyes peeled for some sort of PayPal glitch or security breach, following reader reports their accounts were debited overnight to pay for Skype services they never ordered.

Google's $83 Million Escape Clause: SEC Filing Spells Out Details Of Yahoo-Google Deal — In a new filing with the SEC, Yahoo spells out the terms of the search-advertising agreement it announced yesterday with Google. Most of the filing fleshes out known details about the agreement.

May We Have Your Attention, Please? — With the workplace ever more full of distractions, researchers are developing tools to keep us on task — It's official: The average knowledge worker has the attention span of a sparrow. Roughly once every three minutes, typical cubicle dwellers …