Top Items:

Hey Twitter I Have A Few Questions Too — Lately Twitter has been cleaning house, raising money, doing interviews and actually talking to users. In a blog post last week they did a Q&A session, directly answering questions about Twitter's architecture. — So I have a couple of questions …

Clearing the air with Twitter — Yesterday Evan Williams (co-founder of Twitter, his Twitter account is here) wrote me an email telling me he wasn't blaming me and trying to clear the air. I said “can I come over?” to talk more about these issues face-to-face.

Wikipedia 3.0: You can now edit any page on Mahalo — The most powerful feature of Wikipedia is that anyone can edit any page at any time. This feature has allowed everyone to get involved, even if their contribution is bad. The brilliance of this move is that the bad editors grow to be poor editors …

Can Anything Replace My Old Reliable Friend? — IF you reach me on my cellphone when I'm home, I always ask, “Can I call you back on my landline?” Then we enjoy a crystal-clear connection, and I say to myself, “Nothing matches POTS,” or Plain Old Telephone Service.
VoIP Watch

Google To Launch Large Scale Geo-Services — Our sister publication Techcrunch UK noticed that a Location services API had been added to Google Gears. The developers behind Gears have been plotting out future API additions for a while, and those plans have included having Geo-data available …

Gillmor Gang 05.30.08 — The Gillmor Gang talks with FriendFeed co-founders Bret Taylor and Paul Buchheit. Recorded Friday, May 30, 2008. — Standard Podcast [71:45m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (116)
Outside the Lines

What Friendfeed's “MicroMeme” Means For You, Brands, and The Web — Bret Taylor, one of Friendfeed's four founders — After experimenting with Friendfeed (add me) on and off since March, and more heavily the last few weeks, I decided it was time to meet Founder Bret Taylor …

Casual Fridays: Mac users don't like people touching their technology — A few weeks ago, Greta got a new iPod. I was, naturally, interested to see how it worked since it was supposed to be the latest technology, but Greta would hardly let me touch it: “It's mine, and I want to learn how to use it before you do,” she told me.

More Gray Tribute: Setting the benchmarks, and achieving immortality — BERKELEY, Calif. - The post-lunch session began with David DeWitt, a former University of Wisconsin professor who heads Microsoft's new Jim Gray Systems Lab in Madison that was announced last month.

Gartner Reveals Top 10 Technologies — The good folks over at the Gartner Group have revealed the top 10 technologies that they believe will change the world over the next four years: — Multicore and hybrid processors — Virtualization and fabric computing — Social networks and social software

Phoenix to Earthlings: I've Landed! Awesome! — @infoholic Yup, I can dig into frozen ground as hard as concrete. The scoop has special blades and a powered “rasp” to scrape ice. Cool! — Whoever thought a NASA spacecraft could be so adept at social networking and Web 2.0?
Mashable!, p2pnet, UMBC ebiquity, Life On the Wicked Stage, Brij's One More Idea and Twitter Blog

Net Neutrality Finally Rears Ugly Head in Canada — At one time, Canada was among the world leaders in Internet access, ranking second beyond South Korea in broadband penetration. — Those days now seem like a distance memory as Canada moves ever closer to becoming a second-tier online country that discourages innovation.

Understanding Amazon Web Services — There are two ways to look at as a retailer, and as a software company that runs a retailing application. Both are accurate, and in combination they explain why Amazon, rather than a traditional computer company, has become the most successful early mover …