Top Items:

.Mac re-branding is coming — I'm not in Apple rumors business, but... hell... why not? — Apple will rename their .Mac service soon. Hints are everywhere in Mac OS X 10.5.3 update. — iCal's Localizable.strings file contains the following string: … Safari has the following lines in its Localizable.strings:
TidBITS, jkOnTheRun, Infinite Loop, Apple Watch, MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac, MacUser, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, I4U News, p2pnet, The Mac Observer, Byte of the Apple and Gizmodo

Mobile Me is the new name of .Mac. Here's the confirmation — Let's continue discovery of the new name for .Mac? See my previous post for details. — Apple registered “Mobile Me” trademark recently (thanks to commenters and John Gruber). — Here's what I found in iPhone 2.0 SDK:

Mobile Me? — Poking around the updated files in 10.5.3 …
TidBITS, Apple Gazette, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, 9 to 5 Mac, VentureBeat and One More Thing

The New iPhone's New Winner — Depending which iPhone rumor you believe, the 3G version of iPhone has either been delayed or already landed on U.S. shores and is on its way to being announced at Apple's WWDC in San Francisco next month. The interest in the 3G version of the iPhone …
Crave, Gizmodo, CNET, iPhone Savior,, Electronista, 9 to 5 Mac, Kelsey Group Blogs and Popular Mechanics

Into the wild: AdSense for feeds — We've been hinting at this for awhile, but it's finally time to spill the beans: Starting next week, we'll be rolling out AdSense for feeds to a small group of publishers, in anticipation of a full launch to all FeedBurner and AdSense publishers “coming soon”.

Microsoft Security Advisory (953818) — Blended Threat from Combined Attack Using Apple's Safari on the Windows Platform — Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a blended threat that allows remote code execution on all supported versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista when Apple's Safari for Windows has been installed.

How do you get to 10 million? — There's been some confusion about how Apple expects to get to its stated goal of having sold 10 million iPhones in 2008. — Some have said that it's 10 million by the end of 2008 and therefore should include the 3.7 million phones sold in 2007 …
The iPhone Blog

Google Gears as the Next Flash — When Google Gears was first announced, it was praised as the final nail in the coffin for desktop applications as it now made it possible to take Web applications offline. However in the past year that Gears has existed, there hasn't been as much progress …

Yahoo gets more social with new Messenger 9 beta — You can't take it with you, at least when it comes to your social graph. — But with a new beta version of Yahoo Messenger 9 software released Thursday, users have new options for reconstructing networks of friends and contacts they've built elsewhere.

Dish/EchoStar sues TiVo over DVR patent — A month after an appeals court confirmed that Dish Network's DVR software had indeed violated a TiVo patent, Dish is retaliating with a lawsuit of its own. — The Colorado-based satellite TV provider filed suit in Delaware Friday …

Is there a management exodus at Bebo? — Angel Gambino, the Bebo executive in charge of attracting record labels and musicians to the site, has resigned and she appears to be part of an executive exodus at the company following its $850 million acquisition by AOL.

Comcast Tries to Break Some Windows — As more and more video is available on the Internet, one question moves sharply into focus: What will happen to cable and satellite television providers? Do we really need specialized networks for our TV, or will the Internet be enough once someone figures …
Susan Crawford blog

TechCrunch Stats W.1 - Why Mike Arrington is popular — Sponsored by: — Here's the chart showing No. of Posts by the different Bloggers from TechCrunch: — (Aside: ‘Others’, ofcourse, included 6 ("SIX!") whole posts from Steve Gillmor that I haven't been able to make the slightest sense of.

OiNK Investigation: Police Start Making Arrests — When the OiNK tracker was shutdown in 2007, a statement appeared on the site's homepage. This time - and unusually for the UK - it would be the police investigating a file-sharing case, not some anti-piracy group flexing their muscles in civil action.

Canadian group: Facebook “a minefield of privacy invasion” — Facebook is the focus of a new complaint in Canada over its privacy policies and practices. The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) filed the complaint this morning, asking the Privacy Commissioner …