Top Items:

Windows chief talks ‘7’ — REDMOND, Wash.—Since taking over the Windows development reins from Jim Allchin, Steven Sinofsky has chosen to fall almost completely off the public radar. — It's not that he hasn't been busy getting Vista Service Pack 1 out the door and starting work on Windows 7.

Communicating Windows 7 — Typically when Microsoft ships a new OS (like Windows Vista), we immediately start talking about the next version-which begs two questions: 1) is Microsoft working on a new version of Windows, and if so, 2) why aren't you talking about it?
Hardware 2.0, One Microsoft Way, Computerworld Blogs, All about Microsoft, BetaNews, gHacks technology news, and AppScout

Web 2.0 fails to produce cash — Many members of the Web 2.0 generation of internet companies have so far produced little in the way of revenue, despite bringing about some significant changes in online behaviour, according to some of the entrepreneurs and financiers behind the movement.

Kleiner's Pick for the Killer iPhone App — The location-based software from Pelago will allow smartphone users to find friends' picks for local restaurants, shops, and activities — Apple won't crank up the hype machine about all the new things an iPhone can do until its Worldwide Developers Conference …
Infinite Loop, Silicon Alley Insider, TechCrunch, Computerworld, MacRumors, iLounge, 9 to 5 Mac and VentureBeat

Storm warning for cloud computing — The physical location of our online services still matter a great deal, argues Bill Thompson — My friend Simon is one of those net entrepreneurs with the attention to detail it takes to have an idea and turn it into an effective company.

YouTube: Viacom dumping piranhas in our DMCA safe harbor — The YouTube/Viacom $1 billion copyright infringement lawsuit has been bumping along for so long now that many consumers probably suspect the whole thing is about to wrap up. Not so; in fact, the case is only just beginning.
The Culture of Ownership

It's Time To Rethink Copyright Law — There was more posturing today in the big YouTube-Viacom copyright showdown that began around the time that Google acquired YouTube and started talking to big copyright holders about paying them to get their content legally onto the popular video site.

Why Google is Wooing Web Developers — Google I/O is the first event for web developers that Google has run. It happens later this week on 28/29 May and Google is expecting 2,500 people to attend. The I/O stands for “Innovation/Open” (i/o is also a programmer term input/output).

Adobe Releases Three New Public Betas — For immediate release — Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Soundbooth Now Available on Adobe Labs — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today gave a sneak peek at three applications from the next release of Adobe Creative Suite …

More Than One Billion Users Will View Online Video in 2013 — Sparked by increasing broadband penetration and rising connection speeds available to a growing percentage of the world's population, over-the-top video has seen phenomenal growth in very recent years.

How A Big Record Label Could Make Itself Useful: Act As The Filter — For a while now, we've been pointing out why there is still a space in the new music landscape for record labels — but it's just that they need to adapt in significant ways. Last week, we wrote about some of what Warner Brothers Records …

TechCrunch A-W Statistics: Almost All Stats you could ever know — Sponsored by: — Why A-W? Because I'm pretty sure I missed some Do point them out so that I can do a “TechCrunch W-Z Statistics” post too — Quick Stats — Total of 7007 posts.... - ...spread over 1079 days, or just under 3 years...

Borders returns to Web retailing after 7 years — DETROIT - Borders Group is jumping back into online retailing with a Web site designed to evoke the feeling of browsing at a neighborhood bookstore, down to the popular shelves of staff picks that are familiar to its customers nationwide.
Gadgetell,, The Inquisitr, Mashable!, Deal Journal, Bits, Valleywag, WebProBlog, AppScout, TeleRead, Online Media Cultist and WebProNews

Announcing AJAX Libraries API: Speed up your Ajax apps with Google's infrastructure — I just got to announce the Google AJAX Libraries API which exists to make Ajax applications that use popular frameworks such as Prototype,, jQuery, Dojo, and MooTools faster and easier for developers.
Platform Wars

RIAA Drops Allofmp3 Lawsuit; Pretends Mp3Sparks Doesn't Exist — from the maybe-if-we-ignore-our-problems... dept — It's been quite some time since we heard about Allofmp3, the Russian online music download store that offered extremely low prices on DRM-free downloads (you even got to pick your format).

Facebook To Open Source Facebook Platform — Sometime soon, perhaps this week, Facebook will turn the year-old Facebook Platform into an open source project, multiple sources have told us. The immediate effect will be to allow any social network to become Facebook Platform compatible …