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New York Times API Coming — As print circulation continues its slide at most newspapers, one of the United States' most respect the New York Times is taking steps to boost online readership. The paper is already the third most cited web site on Techmeme, and the first on Memeorandum …

Demo of iPhone Earth — Want to see what the earth would look like in your iPhone? Watch the video below, which was shot by Frank Taylor of the Google Earth Blog. It shows a demo of the “coolest thing” he saw at the recent Where 2.0 conference from a Boulder-Colorado startup called Earthscape..
Tech Blog

Should services charge “super users”? — Om Malik says that Twitter should charge super users like me and come up with a business model. — Dare Obasanjo, in a separate, but similar post comes to the conclusion that Twitter's problems are due to super users like me. — Interesting that both of these guys are wrong.
ParisLemon, Mark Evans, Loic Le Meur Blog, Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life and Outside the Lines

Blazing Samsung 256GB SSD Is the One We've Been Waiting For — This is the solid-state drive that we've been waiting for: a full 256GB, which Samsung says is “the world's fastest and largest capacity 2.5-inch, MLC-based SSD with SATA II Interface.” Sick sequential read and sequential write speeds …

Sometimes Crowds Aren't That Wise — Last week, computer book publisher SitePoint relayed a story about recent experiences with Digg that demonstrates that the Digg system is far from perfect. We've written recently on ReadWriteWeb about the decline and fall of quality on Digg …

Brando's iPhone Super Grip makes sure your iPhone never slips away — iPhone may be a beautiful phone but without a proper case it can easily slip away. On the other hand, that same case makes the device look uglier, but I guess that's a trade off for protecting it against falls.

Google Temporarily Penalizes Blogspot & Info Domains — Over the weekend, I noticed reports from WebmasterWorld and DigitalPoint Forums suggesting that Google dropped .info and blogspot results from its index. — First reports came in at around 9:50am (EST) on May 23rd at both forums.
Google Operating System

Nvidia has two CPU lines — Meet the Tegra APX and CSX — NVIDIA IS GOING to release two types of CPUs in the near future. On June 3rd, according to the slides from this week's reviewers day. Luckily as they forgot to invite us, they forgot to NDA us as well so we can tell …

Advertisement holds web 2.0 in a death grip — Scott Karp has written a good post on why traditional advertisement fails on the web. I am not sure if I agree with all of his observations/explanations, but I do like his take on it. In the end it boils down to something I have written many times too …

The Biggest Drawing in The World: Created With the Help of GPS and DHL — I have to hand it to Erik Nordenankar and DHL for devising what has to be the most creative fusion of art and technology to date. The concept was simple but brilliant: place a GPS device in a briefcase and mail …

Via set to fight Intel in microprocessor arena — Several years ago, a tiny Taiwanese chipmaker created a family of microprocessors that could run Windows software using less electricity than it takes to light a compact fluorescent bulb. — Now, Via Technologies of Taipei must defend …

Evolta robot climbs Grand Canyon cliff — On May 24, a 17-centimeter tall, 130-gram Panasonic Evolta battery mascot robot scaled a 500-meter cliff at the Grand Canyon in a publicity stunt to showcase the endurance of the Evolta AA alkaline battery, which the Guinness Book …