Top Items:

3G iPhone Preference Found in Beta 5 Firmware? — While we haven't been able to independently verify this ourselves, one blog post claims the latest Beta 5 iPhone Network.plist file contains 3G preferences, and that somehow can be activated. The claim reads:

iPhone “currently unavailable” at Apple Store — Following reported shortages of iPhones by UK reseller O2 earlier this week, both the Apple Store in the US and UK “appear” to have run out of iPhones. It is probably best to say the outage is parenthetical at this time, because both the French and German stores still have stock.

Powerset's Dilemma: Go For It, Or Sell — San Francisco based search startup Powerset will be launching shortly. For now, Powerset will query only Wikipedia and Freebase. But as I said when the product was demo'd to me a few weeks ago, it is compelling nonetheless: “When I tested the service …

Is Microsoft stalking Powerset's search technology? — While Powerset is preparing for the public rollout of its unique, semantic search engine, Microsoft may be interested in acquiring the startup, according to sources. — I asked Barney Pell, Powerset co-founder and CTO, whether there was any truth to a Microsoft-Powerset deal.

My verdict on Disqus: Two thumbs up — There seems to be a mini-bitchmeme brewing, sparked by VC blogger Fred Wilson's recent post about Disqus, which is the commenting system that I use on this blog and many others use as well. Why Fred decided to write about Disqus at this point I don't know …

Three Reasons To Use Disqus — First, I'd like to be perfectly clear that our firm, Union Square Ventures, is an investor in Disqus. So I am clearly biased about what I am about to say. Second, I'd like to point out that the reason we made the investment is largely based on my experience …
Don Dodge on The Next …, David Risley, SheGeeks, Dragon Reborn, Brij's One More Idea, WinExtra and Blogcosm

Microsoft to Limit Capabilities of Cheap Laptops — Microsoft is launching a program to promote the use of its Windows OS in ultra low-cost PCs, one effect of which will be to limit the hardware capabilities of this type of device, IDG News Service has learned.
Gizmodo, TechSpot, Linux News from Linux Loop,, Engadget, GottaBeMobile, Slashdot and Digg

Viewzi May Finally Have Won Me Over to Visual Search — Apparently, Viewzi had its private beta launch when I was in San Francisco for Web 2.0 Expo, because how I missed it, I have no idea. I've never been a big fan of visual search, but I'm always willing to give it a try …
The Inquisitr

Security flaw turns Gmail into open-relay server — A recently-discovered flaw in Gmail is capable of turning Google's e-mail service into a highly effective spam machine. According to the Information Security Research Team (INSERT), Gmail is susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack …

Structure and Velocity — Several people have asked me about the differences between Om Malik's Structure conference and our Velocity Web Performance & Operations conference. Velocity is on June 23 & 24th at the SFO Mariott, and Structure follows on June 25th in San Francisco.

The Growing Backlash Against PR Spam, And The Rationale For MicroPR — Gina Trapani, of Lifehacker, has created a prspammers wiki where she and others can publicly out PR firms that are spamming bloggers at their personal email addresses, or using other unsavory spammish practices.

Making Mistakes and Amends in Blogger and Media Relations
POP! PR Jots, broadstuff, PR Interactive, PR Squared, A Whole Lotta Nothing, infOpinions? and socialTNT

The iFund Has Competition: $150 Million Blackberry Fund To Be Announced Soon — The platform wars are going mobile. Whether it's the iPhone, Blackberry,Android or Windows Mobile, the mobile platform that will win in the end will be the one with the best and broadest collection of applications.