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Why Yahoo Shares Lost Only 15% — The bottom didn't fall out of the stock after Microsoft yanked its bid. One reason, says CEO Yang: “We have more alternatives” than before the offer — Justin Sullivan/Getty Images — When Microsoft (MSFT) pulled its sweetened, $33-a-share offer …

Yahoo Chief Says Microsoft Was the Stubborn One
BoomTown, PDA, Silicon Alley Insider, Webomatica, Electronista, WebProNews, Digital Daily, InformationWeek Weblog, Deal Journal, Searchviews, Wired News, Salon and GMSV

Google, From Stirrer to Spoiler, Ends Microsoft's Yahoo Search
The Register

The Declining Value Of Redundant News Content On The Web

Yahoo Chief Yang Open to Bids, Even From Microsoft
WebProNews, Reuters, GracefulFlavor, Digital Daily, Outside the Lines and Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

We Lost A Blogging Giant Today: Duncan Riley Leaves TechCrunch — Today was Duncan Riley's last day at TechCrunch, and he will be greatly missed. — Duncan joined us exactly one year ago and was our most prolific writer, covering tech and startup news seven days a week.

Signing Off, And What Does A TechCrunch Writer Actually Use? — This is my last post at TechCrunch as a full time writer (I may yet do the occasional guest post). It's exactly 12 months to the day since I started writing here and the date seemed like a good time to go.

Vodafone to Offer Apple's iPhone in Ten Markets — Vodafone today announced it has signed an agreement with Apple to sell the iPhone in ten of its markets around the globe. Later this year, Vodafone customers in Australia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, Portugal …

iPhones for Vodafone: Apple's biggest deal yet — Having lost the bidding war to carry the iPhone in its home market to O2, UK-based Vodafone (VOD) got its revenge Tuesday. The news came in a terse, two-sentence press release: … This is a big deal. Vodafone (VOD) is the world's second …

Share anything. Anytime. Anywhere. — Have you ever wanted to share something that you were reading, but you didn't want to go through the hassle of subscribing to a whole feed for a single interesting article? And what about sharing content from sites with no feeds?
Duff's Device, Google Operating System, Lifehacker,, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, TechCrunch, TechBays, David Risley, Google Blogoscoped, Micro Persuasion, Mashable!, Scobleizer, EirePreneur, Brij's One More Idea, Googlified, VentureBeat, Search Engine Journal, The Last Podcast and WebGuild

Google's PR Head Elliot Schrage Heads to Facebook — The Googlefication of Facebook continues, as Elliot Schrage, the search giant's vice president of global communications and public affairs, takes the title of vice president of communications and public policy at the popular social networking site.
Search Engine Land, FaceReviews, Valleywag, Mashable!, All Facebook, Inside Facebook and WebGuild

A Safer Way to Search — Today, we're announcing the beta release of SearchScan, a new feature from Yahoo! Search that helps protect users from viruses, spyware and spam. We've heard from users that security and privacy continue to be major concerns when they are online.
Search Engine Journal, Yodel Anecdotal, Digital Alchemy dot TV, WebProNews and Search Engine Land

Yahoo To Flag Malware Sites In Search Results — Tomorrow Yahoo will launch a partnership with McAfee and will integrate their Site Advisor malware scanning product into Yahoo search. — The most dangerous websites are simply being removed from search results.

Free Wi-Fi, but Not for All — The battle between free and paid wireless Internet access is starting to look like a draw. Or more accurately, a third variation is winning — a combination of the two. — Travelers want to log on everywhere at no charge, while hotels …

The day the music died — This is a letter I sent to my father to explain what it means that Microsoft is pulling support for MSN Music. Tech issues like this often bubble up into the media that he reads, but they are rarely explained well. My father assumes I have an opinion on such stories, and he is rarely wrong.

That Didn't Take Long: Verizon Wireless Trying To Get Out Of Open Spectrum Requirements — from the not-hard-to-see-that-coming dept — We noted recently that Verizon Wireless' new PR campaign around its “open” network offerings seemed open in name only, and it appears that the same concept …

Live in London: ‘HTC Touch Diamond’ announcement — Doug Aamoth here in London at the HTC announcement. Hit the jump for more. — VIDEOS TOO! — 12:00 - Peter Chow takes the stage. Introduces a guy from Orange and a guy from Microsoft. Talks about the HTC Touch and the TouchFLO interface. Founder Starts Social Networking Site for the Dead — founder Jeff Taylor helped you find a job, and helped ease you into middle age. Now he wants to help you build the last web page you'll ever need. — is scheduled for a soft launch in June.

Twisney — Here's a unique mashup - Twisney - Virtual Earth, Twitter and Flickr all based on Disney Parks in Orlando. I love this because it's so simple, yet has some great filtering and searching capabilities. You can filter listings on the months and/or days the Twitters were posted …

What To Do With Failed Startup IP? — Jaisen Mathai, a Yahoo engineer, asks a good question: What can we do with failed startup intellectual property that might help the community? — The large majority of most startups fail, and a lot of them have software, patents and other intellectual property …