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Purchase New Movies on iTunes Same Day as DVD Release — Apple® today announced that new movie releases from major film studios and premier independent studios are available for purchase on the iTunes® Store ( on the same day as their DVD release.

Studio films going day-and-date at iTunes Store
Gizmodo, Bits, Podcasting News, Gadgetell, Contentinople, BloggingStocks, I4U News and VentureBeat

Blockbuster beware: iTunes Store gets same-day DVD releases
9 to 5 Mac

AOL, RealNetworks, Yahoo Owe $100 Million For Digital Music Services — The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York today made public a decision in the proceeding to determine reasonable license fees to be paid to the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers …

FEDERAL COURT DECIDES LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID TO ASCAP BY AOL, REALNETWORKS AND YAHOO! — Historic Decision Provides Framework for Valuing Use of Musical Works Online — Also Validates Need to Appropriately Compensate Songwriters & — Composers for Role Their Works Play in Success of Online Businesses

Place ads on television with Google TV Ads — We'd like to introduce Google TV Ads, a flexible, all-digital system for easily and efficiently buying more accountable and measurable TV advertising. The program, which has been an invitation-only beta test since June 2007, is now available to all US-based advertisers.

Ballmer Tells Microsoft Troops He's Not Insane: Willing To Walk Away From Yahoo — Steve Ballmer said there's nothing new to report about Microsoft-Yahoo!, but he did use the presentation to the employees to explain the motivation for going after Yahoo!, take some shots at a Google-Yahoo! …

Ballmer to Microsofties: “Yahoo Announcement in Very Short Order”
Tech Trader Daily

Michael Arrington — Michael Arrington, a former corporate attorney who, via his TechCrunch blog, has become one of the most influential figures on the Web, is the quintessential blogger: intense, passionate, consumed with his subject, opinionated, sleep-deprived, forward-thinking, easy to irritate and apt to air his grudges in public.

The iPhone: Apple's Magic Wand — Even as Research in Motion and Palm target Apple's touch-sensitive wonder phone, the broad outlines of Steve Jobs' grand strategy for wireless domination are coming into focus. — Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) is knitting together a broad coalition …

AT&T Providing Free Wi-Fi Access to iPhone Users [Updated] — A couple of readers have reported that AT&T hotspots are now offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users. Barnes and Noble, Starbucks and presumably AT&T's 71,000 other Wi-fi hotspot locations are now offering iPhone users a custom portal to access free Wi-Fi.
Gear Diary, jkOnTheRun, Podcasting News, Alec Saunders SquawkBox, CyberNet,, Infinite Loop, The Apple Core, Silicon Alley Insider, Gizmodo, BloggingStocks, Gearlog, The Mobile Gadgeteer, CrunchGear, Wi-Fi Networking News, VoIP Watch, Gadgetell, Computerworld Blogs, Engadget, O'Grady's PowerPage, 9 to 5 Mac, Insanely Great Mac and The Unofficial Apple Weblog

New Sezmi Set-top Blows Away the TV — Building B, a startup that has since changed its name to Sezmi, has come out of hiding with an ambitious plan to totally remake the television viewing experience. — In short, Sezmi plans to deliver as much video as it possibly can to a consumer's television …
Engadget HD

“We still believe there is human involvement” — “Captcha” is the official term for those wavy strings of numbers and letters that you have to decipher before setting up an online email account or gaining access to other types of web sites. The acronym, coined by someone at Yahoo a few years back …

Kleiner Perkins creates $700M new fund, plus $500M for green investments — Kleiner Perkins, the respected Silicon Valley venture capital firm, said it has finished raising its thirteenth fund (called KPCB XIII) for early-stage companies, totaling $700 million.

EBay-Craigslist Fight Is About Kijiji and Control, Complaint Shows — Last week, eBay sued the classified advertising site Craigslist in a Delaware court. The suit received widespread coverage but its causes were opaque, since a copy of the complaint was not made public and the parties were not speaking publicly.
The Register, Screenwerk,, Recovering Journalist, Techdirt, WebProNews, Between the Lines, Associated Press, Mashable! and TechCrunch

Blu-ray: The Future Has Been Delayed — Hot on the heels of last week's report from ABI Research noting that many consumers may not see the picture quality difference between Blu-ray and standard DVDs comes the latest Blu-ray sales figures from NPD Group. And they're not pretty.
VentureBeat, NewTeeVee, Silicon Alley Insider,, The Tech Report and Gizmodo

Unlimited Internet Access on Vodafone's New Monthly Price Plans — As Facebook, Bebo and eBay top the popularity charts on Vodafone Mobile Internet, Vodafone UK has today changed the way it structures its price plans to include access to the internet and email on their mobile as an integral part of the monthly price plan.

BlackBerry Kickstart, the clamshell flip phone? We're unveiling it to you for the first time! — Are you ready, people? We've been holding this info for a while now trying to confirm it, but no more! We have here pictures of a new BlackBerry device. It is a BlackBerry clamshell — a flip phone and codenamed the Kickstart!
Boing Boing Gadgets, BlackBerry Cool, Unwired View, Gear Diary,, Gizmodo, PalmAddicts, BB Geeks, CrunchGear and blogs

Friendfeed stats show its just Twitter with bookmarks — Yesterday I looked at the latest Friendfeed stats using the nice Friendfeedstats tool build by Benjamin Golub. I looked up which feeds are aggregated most in Friendfeed in the last 30 days. In 30 days approximately 1.3 Mln items were shared on Friendfeed.
Online Media Cultist

The Other New iPhone? — Remember last year, when a little-known company named Uniea announced new iPod nano cases—with correct physical dimensions—before the new iPod nano was ever shown? As we mentioned shortly afterwards, readers were quick to slam Uniea and its mock-ups …