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Microsoft Launches Beta of New All-in-One Service for Consumers — Q&A: Group Product Manager Bryson Gordon discusses “Albany” — a new service to help consumers be more protected, productive and connected and to stay current with essential software and security updates.
Bits, One Microsoft Way, LiveSide, p2pnet, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Computerworld Blogs, Microsoft News Tracker and WebGuild
Microsoft readies ‘Albany’ subscription trial for consumers
One Microsoft Way
Comscore: The Google fallout — Google's first quarter earnings call didn't have much in the way of theatrics, but a serious brush back pitch was delivered to Comscore. What should we make of Google CEO Eric Schmidt essentially throwing Comscore under the bus?
Most Bloggers Don't Deserve Any Ad Revenue — It's routinely shocking to me that so many bloggers think they should try and make a profit from their Web site. — Urged on by the success of mega blog networks like TechCrunch and spurred forward by stories from ProBlogger …
Apple should call PayPal's bluff — PayPal is in another stand-off with Apple over EV SSL (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, but Steve Jobs & Co. may call the transaction service's bluff. — According to Ryan Naraine, PayPal is about to launch a whitepaper …
The World's Most Innovative Companies — Smart ideas for tough times: The 50 companies that make up our annual ranking nurture cultures that value creative people in good times and bad — Suddenly, innovation has a bull's-eye on its back. As the recession debate shifts from “what if” …
The Difference Between Wordpress and Facebook — Is about $14.8bn according to the publicly available information about the most recent financings of the two companies ($15bn for Facebook and $200mm for Automattic). — But consider this comscore chart of unique visitors over the past year.
Minimum Bids No Longer Fixed at $.10 — How to manage your new Sponsored Search minimum bids — Starting today, minimum bids for some Sponsored Search keywords will no longer be fixed at $.10. Throughout the next week, you may start noticing new minimum bids on some of your keywords.
Yahoo Tweaks Its (Advertising) Algorithm
Silicon Alley Insider
Five Wrong Ways to Pitch RWW and One Great Way — Here at ReadWriteWeb we get piles and piles of pitches for coverage from companies all day long and they almost always come in by email. You'll notice that only a tiny percentage of those pitches result in write-ups here.
The Blog Herald
Google Video gets a facelift — As part of our mission, we on the Google Video team want you to be able to search, browse and discover videos from across the web. More than a year ago, we described our renewed focus on organizing all the web's video. Today, in addition to expanding Google …
AT&T: Internet to hit full capacity by 2010 — U.S. telecommunications giant AT&T has claimed that, without investment, the Internet's current network architecture will reach the limits of its capacity by 2010. — Speaking at a Westminster eForum on Web 2.0 this week in London, Jim Cicconi …
After complaints, Apple tweaks Software Update for Safari — Following a storm of criticism, Apple has changed its Software Update software to mark a distinction between new programs, such as its Safari on Windows browser, and updates to existing ones. — Last month, Apple started …
Infinite Loop, TechConsumer, Computerworld, Asa Dotzler, Compiler, The Mac Observer, CyberNet and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
iPhone sellers braced for hit on cheap handsets — Mobile operators with exclusive contracts to sell Apple's iPhone are bracing themselves for significant losses on unsold stock as they clear the shelves to make way for a new, faster version expected this summer.
Joy Division Coming to DVD and Zune — Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the digital music playing device — Hey, who wants a Zune? Anybody? Anybody? OK, fair enough. — But what if said Zune were limited edition? Aaaaaand emblazoned with the artwork from Joy Division's classic Unknown Pleasures LP?
Android Developers Have Risen to the Challenge — Posted by Azhar Hashem, Product Marketing Manager for Android, Google Developer Products Team on 17 April 2008 at 9:47 PM — I'm thrilled to share the news that developers from over 70 countries submitted 1,788 entries to the Android Developer Challenge!
Secret Merger Talks Between Technorati And b5media Blow Up — Blog search engine Technorati was days away from merging with blog network b5media when the whole deal blew up earlier this week, according to a source familiar with the negotiations. — Technorati has been searching …
Microsoft Security Advisory (951306) — Vulnerability in Windows Could Allow Elevation of Privilege — Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a vulnerability which could allow elevation of privilege from authenticated user to LocalSystem, affecting Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 …