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Blockbuster Proposes Combination With Circuit City — Blockbuster Inc. (NYSE: BBI) today announced that it has offered to acquire Circuit City Stores, Inc. (NYSE: CC) for at least $6.00 per share in cash, subject to due diligence. The offer was made in a letter sent to Circuit City Chairman …

Blockbuster sees media convergence; Offers to buy Circuit City — Updated: Here's a deal where 1 + 1 = 0.5: Blockbuster is offering to acquire Circuit City for “a least $6 a share.” — Blockbuster went public on Monday (statement) with an offer to buy Circuit City.

Blockbuster's pending acquisition of Circuit City is laughable — Reuters is reporting that Blockbuster has offered Circuit City between $1 billion to $1.3 billion to acquire the floundering electronics retailer. And now, all that's left for us to do is laugh.

Crazy Blockbuster Circuit City Bid Great News For Netflix

‘OpenMac’ Promises $399 Headless Mac... But Not From Apple — A company called Psystar has started advertising a $399 computer called “OpenMac” which claims to be a Leopard compatible Mac built from standard PC-parts. For $399, you get a tower computer with the following specs: — 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

Company claims to sell Mac clone for $399 — Source: Psytar (at least until Apple Legal has their morning coffee) — Personal technology enthusiasts yearning for the Mac Experience without the Apple Tax—that huge markup that Mac users pay for off-the-shelf PC hardware with OS X—your days of gnashing teeth may be over.

Nick Denton “Pruning” Gawker Media, Ditching Three Sites — Gawker Media boss Nick Denton is “rationalizing” his blog business by spinning off three underperforming sites: Wonkette, Gridskipper and Idolator. The sites will find new homes/owners as follows:
Discussion:, The Social, FishBowlNY, Valleywag, Deal Journal, WebProNews, MediaFile, The Blog Herald, Pro Blogging News, and hypebot

Storage Space, The Final Frontier — Developers who have found our cloud computing model attractive have been asking us to be a little bit more open about what we are planning to do in the future. To date we've simply announced new additions to the Amazon Web Services lineup …
GigaOM,,, SmoothSpan Blog, Data Center Knowledge and Smalltalk Tidbits …

Persistent Storage for Amazon EC2
Phil Windley's Technometria

Google mapping spec now an industry standard — Members of an industry group called the Open Geospatial Consortium have approved Google's KML technology as an open standard for describing some geographic data. — KML is used to manage the display of geospatial information in Google Earth …
Google Earth Blog

LI's wireless Internet project seems less likely — Long Island's much-heralded wireless Internet project, billed as a free-to-taxpayers endeavor that would bring the Web to underserved communities, is months past its initial target date and the company charged with building it has failed to deliver on Wi-Fi efforts elsewhere.

Verizon Wireless Offers Smartphone Users Unlimited Web Browsing And Access To Favorite E-mail Accounts — For customer inquiries, please call 800-922-0204 or go to — BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Multi-tasking moms, tech savvy young professionals, and entrepreneurs will be able to access e-mail …

Introducing Salesforce for Google Apps — Today we are excited to announce that we have expanded our partnership with Google and together have delivered an industry-changing new product called Salesforce for Google Apps. It went live last night at 11pm PST to all customers.
TechCrunch, Download Squad, Between the Lines, Digital Daily, CRM FYI, Software as Services, CenterNetworks and Changing Way

The press becomes the press-sphere — One problem I've had with much discussion about the future of news lately is that it's too press-centric. It focuses on the press as if it were at the center of the world, as if it owned news, as if news depended on it, as if solving the press' problems solves news.

Qualcomm missing in industry pact on LTE patent costs — As the fight for 4G (fourth-generation) supremacy continues, seven industry heavy weights have joined forces to set up rules for licensing LTE technology, but Qualcomm is missing. — The companies on board are Alcatel-Lucent, NEC …

Sony KDL-XBR6, KDL-XBR7, and KDL-XBR8 specs, and release dates! — What could possibly be better than your 52 inch Sony XBR5 TV? The XBR6, XBR7, and XBR8, of course! If there was any doubt about Sony's seriousness with the XBR line, we can safely put that to rest right now.

Google XSS — Now, normally when I find an XSS vulnerability on a popular domain I just report it to the appropriate security team and move on, but this one is interesting... By taking advantage of the content-type returned by (and a caching flaw on the part of Google) …

TwitLinks: The Techmeme of Twitter? — Just launched today is a new Twitter mashup called Twitlinks. This one aggregates the latest links posted to Twitter by tech industry pundits. The end result is a homepage that kind of resembles Techmeme, only without the threading of topics.