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Intel Makes a Push Into Pocket-Size Internet Devices — SAN FRANCISCO — Intel plans to proclaim Wednesday in Shanghai that the next big thing in consumer gadgets will be the “Internet in your pocket.” — The challenge for the giant chip maker will be to prove that it is not too late …
Between the Lines, ZDNet, Guardian Unlimited, IDG News Service,,, Electronista, Engadget and CNET

New Intel® Centrino® Atom™ Processor Technology Ushers in ‘Best Internet Experience in Your Pocket’ — With 45nm High-K Transistor Formula as Centerpiece, Execs at Shanghai Intel Developer Forum Outline ‘Milliwatts to Petaflops’ Hi-Tech Plans — Intel Corporation today introduced five …

Why Apple Will Go Atomic — What will Steve Jobs do next? — Intel's plans may offer the best Rosetta stone for decoding the secretive Apple chief executive's intentions. The latest clue came Monday in Shanghai at the Intel Developer Forum, where the chip maker detailed its new lineup of low-cost …

Google/Skype Acquisition or Partnership Imminent? — Something big is brewing between Google and Ebay's Skype, we've heard from multiple sources. Actually, for weeks now there have been low level rumors of the two companies talking, but nailing down any details was difficult.
STARTUP CHATTER,, A VC, Silicon Alley Insider, Search Engine Journal, PDA, Digital Daily, Mark Evans and The Praized Blog

Amazon Launches SMS Buying Service — Amazon has launched Amazon TextBuyIt, a service that allows Amazon customers to purchase items via mobile phone text message. — To use the service, customers text the name of a product, its description, or its UPC or ISBN number to Amazon (262966).
Ars Technica,, AppScout, Gizmodo, WebProNews, Mashable!, CrunchGear and Texas Startup Blog

BLINKX INTRODUCES BBTV, FUSING HIGH-QUALITY, PREMIUM TV CONTENT WITH THE INTERACTIVE POWER OF THE WEB — Video Search Leader Delivers First Broadband TV Offering to Integrate Video into the Fiber of the Web for Full-screen, Online Television — blinkx, the world's largest video search engine …
Silicon Alley Insider

Is sharing a folder copyright infringement? — $10,000 Panda Challenge - are you really protected? — A US Judge on Monday upheld the view that sharing copyrighted music is infringement. It's a defeat for defendant Denise Barker and the Electronic Frontier Foundation …

Microsoft hopes mobile update will help shed its all-business image — LAS VEGAS — While Apple's iPhone wants to attract business users, Microsoft is desperately trying to move away from its “all work and no play” image. — On Tuesday the Redmond-based company unveiled an updated version …

TechMeme Leaderboard's Top Ten: Six Months In — Gabe Rivera turned the world of ranking technology blogs upside down six months ago, seemingly overnight, with the debut of the TechMeme leaderboard, constituting the top 100 blog or news sources whose posts reached the popular site in the prior 30 day period.

Lessons of YCombinator: Things I'd do differently after 2 startups — Editor's Note: Serial founder Tony Wright recently completed a 3-month stint at the incubator YCombinator, where, in November 2007, he and two partners launched RescueTime, which hawks free software to help individuals …

Internet book piracy will drive authors to stop writing — Book piracy on the internet will ultimately drive authors to stop writing unless radical methods are devised to compensate them for lost sales. — This is the bleak forecast of the Society of Authors, which represents …
Discussion:, Ars Technica, Virtual Economics, The Globe and Mail, CrunchGear, WebProBlog, broadstuff, TeleRead, TechCrunch, paidContent and open

Microsoft Surface launching April 17th... with AT&T — No, Microsoft hasn't suddenly transformed its 30-inch, multi-touch Surface into a big-ass cellphone. It has, however, chosen AT&T to launch the world's first Surface into retail. Shoppers in New York, Atlanta, San Antonio …
Microsoft Watch, CyberNet, Electronista, Microsoft, Dan's Tech-n-Stuff Weblog, PalmAddicts, Tech Blog and Digg

Apple's new campus still a long way off — Apple CEO Steve Jobs addresses the Cupertino City Council on April 18, 2006. Image: City of Cupertino — According to city maps, the site of Apple's new campus will be bounded by Interstate 280, Wolfe Road, Pruneridge Avenue and Tantau Avenue.

What PR won't fix — No amount of PR and no number of company blogs can make a bad company look good — or smart. Wal-Mart is the poster pig for that lipstick. Again and again, they prove themselves to be mean, greedy, and stupid. Again and again, they and their PR people are forced to apologize.

Apple: More On The iPhone Shortage; Why Bernstein Does Not Buy The Theory That A 3G Phone Is Imminent — So here we are again, wondering about missing Apple (AAPL) iPhones. — The last time this became an issue, the question was why Apple's iPhone unit sales were so much higher than the sales …