Top Items:

More Bloggers Raising Money. Here Come The Politics. And Here Comes My Rant. — More blogs are raising venture capital, we're hearing from people they've pitched. Newcomer Silicon Alley Insider is looking for a $3 - $5 million round, if reports are correct.

comScore Releases February 2008 U.S. Search Engine Rankings — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the search marketplace. February 2008 saw Americans conduct nearly 10 billion core searches …

Fast is better than slow — A few weeks ago, we launched a plug-in for Symbian devices that put a Google search shortcut onto the phone's home screen. This shortcut reduces the time it takes for you to get answers from Google by eliminating the initial search steps (e.g. finding the browser application …
TechCrunch, Google Operating System, MobileCrunch, Engadget Mobile, MobHappy, jkOnTheRun, eWeek, Pocket PC and the::unwired

More Privacy Options — Today, we are introducing privacy changes that work towards our goal of giving you the control you need in order to share information comfortably on Facebook. There are two ways we've changed things: a standardized privacy interface across the site, and new privacy options available through this interface.

Flaws emerge in Facebook's new privacy controls
Threat Level

Supernova — I'm writing this from EclipseCon in Santa Clara, California, where I'm going to announce the beginning of Microsoft's collaborative work with the Eclipse Foundation. — This started about a year ago when I met Mike Milinkovich at an open source event (the Open Source Software Think Tank 2007) …
Open Sources, Computerworld, People Over Process, CNET, Ian Skerrett, and Micronet's blog

Is your Airport Extreme suddenly Time Machine-happy? — Update 9 pm ET: Our comrade David Chartier from Ars Technica points out that the 7.1.3 firmware itself may not be necessary for the new functionality to work; he says he tested a 7.1 AEBS with a machine running Time Capsule & Airport 1.0 …
MacFixIt, The Apple Core, Dan's Tech-n-Stuff Weblog, jkOnTheRun, Gizmodo, Ubergizmo and Engadget

Apple may bundle unlimited iTunes with iPods — A report by the Financial Times (registration required) cites unnamed executives who say that Apple is in talks with record labels to offer access to the entire iTunes music library for a lump sum price. The fee would be added as a premium option …
Bits, Techdirt,, Macworld, Coolfer, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Electronista and Media Bullseye

Thoughts On FriendFeed — I know I am late to this discussion and that many bloggers have already weighed in on this topic already. — Back a few months ago, the New York Times covered FriendFeed and after reading the story I set up my FriendFeed. I have always been a fan of aggregation and life streaming.

Opening Google Docs to users and developers via Gadgets and Visualization API — Whenever we're asked “how do people use Google spreadsheets?”, we always struggle with where to start. It's not that we can't think of examples, it's just that the examples are all so different, so unique.

SugarSync: Most useful sync tool ever. But you'll pay for it. — Today, Sharpcast is launching the public beta of its new file synchronization product, SugarSync. Like other sync tools (FolderShare [recently updated] and BeInSync), it performs the useful service of automatically keeping the data on one PC the same as on another.

Yahoo turns to radio ads to lure Google Web searchers — Updated 10 a.m. PDT with quotes from radio ad. — Yahoo is running radio ads in the San Francisco Bay Area and several other markets in an effort to get more people to use its search engine instead of Google's.

Verizon Wireless opens its network — Verizon Wireless unveiled specifications for its new open wireless program Wednesday as part of a strategy that could change the future of the wireless market. But the road ahead will likely be a long and slow one. — Traditionally, cell phone operators …

VC confab: Please, no more social networks — REDWOOD CITY, Calif.—The consensus here at the Dow Jones Web Ventures conference this week seems to be that the world doesn't need another social network. — That's considering that the advertising model for even the largest social networks …

Online Advertisers To Spend Through Turbulence — The shift online will continue in 2008. — eMarketer predicts that, despite the economic rough patch, US online advertising will continue to grow through 2008. Online ad spending will rise by 23%. — Yet even that reduced rate of growth …
Discussion:, Valleywag,, Silicon Alley Insider, 901am, Todd Watson and Darren Herman

Dell's Latitude XT2 plans revealed — That's Dell's product rendering for its second generation Latitude XT convertible tablet. Expected in November 2008, the XT2 will ship with Intel's latest Montevina, er “Centrino 2” architecture in your choice of ULV or LV CPUs, new UMA graphics supporting Vista Aero …
Crave, GottaBeMobile, Gizmodo, DailyTech, Ubergizmo, jkOnTheRun, Electronista and UMPC Buzz

Google about to drop the other Enterprise shoe on Microsoft? — I'm hearing about a few things that Google is planning to do to newly compete with Microsoft's enterprise offerings. — Several people have told me about an offline version of Gmail, coming soon.