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They Criticized Vista. And They Should Know. — ONE year after the birth of Windows Vista, why do so many Windows XP users still decline to “upgrade”? — Microsoft says high prices have been the deterrent. Last month, the company trimmed prices on retail packages of Vista, trying to entice consumers to overcome their reluctance.

Startups Must Hire The Right People And Watch Every Penny. Or Fail. — Yesterday Jason Calacanis, the founder of Mahalo (and, full disclosure, our partner at TechCrunch40), wrote a blog post titled “How to save money running a startup.” Boy was he attacked. Bloggers lined up to take their shots at him.

Calacanis is right: startups can't afford slackers

The Brit dishing the dirt on America — Gawker's Nick Denton tells Jay Rayner how he became the king of gossip — The king of the gossip blogs is holding out on me. — ‘Where did you get the video?’ — ‘It had been hanging around for a while.’ — 'How do you mean “hanging around”?

Coming Soon: Nothing Between You and Your Machine — IT has been more than two decades since Scotty tried to use a computer mouse as a microphone to control a Macintosh in “Star Trek IV.” — Since then, personal computer users have continued to live under the tyranny of the mice, windows …

Every Piece of Startup Advice is a Lie (including mine) — Well, not all of it. That title was blatant click-bait. You're here and I've won. Nyah! — I've long been passionate about reading and digesting every tidbit of information about what it takes to build a successful startup.

Anonymize BitTorrent Transfers with BTGuard — BTGuard is an easy to use proxy service that adds an extra layer of privacy to your BitTorrent transfers. The service is designed for BitTorrent users who don't want their ISPs or any third party to log or throttle their IPs or traffic.

Your Email Password: A True Horror Story About Why We Need Authentication Standards — Blogging developer Jeff Atwood has written up a story of password theft that will run a chill down the back of anyone who enjoys trying out new applications online. — The story is about a GMail archiving application …

Mix'08 Review: How Microsoft Is Fighting a War on Three Fronts — Microsoft is fighting a war — one in which it's being attacked on three sides. Cut through the flurry of announcements out of its Mix conference this week and what emerges is the Redmond giant's three-pronged defense strategy: consumer, enterprise and developer.

Girls and young woman are now the most prolific web users — The internet began as an almost exclusively male preserve. Now young women, from primary school age upwards, are now making it their own — Kate Spicer and Abul Taherreport — When 12-year-old Clover Reshad gets home from school …

Hulu: Great Product, Still Screwed — Michael Learmonth puts two and two together and concludes that Hulu, the News Corp (NWS) and NBC (GE) joint venture, is finally about to launch for real. So it's time to revisit its potential as a business.First, Hulu's product is great—much better than we initially expected.

Lessig Questions Pirate Party's Existence — At a preview of his new ‘Change Congress’ project, the Stanford professor took a swipe at the Pirate Party of the United States. Whilst expressing skepticism about it's utility, his main criticism seemed to be the name.

When Social Just Means Another Way To Hype Yourself — Ever since becoming active on Twitter and FriendFeed I have noticed something that really makes me wonder if in the long run what Robert Cringely wrote the other day might in part be true. In his post Robert equated …

NEWSWEEK ADVANCES ANDREW KEEN'S IGNORANCE — I've had a few days to calm down after reading Newsweek's “Web Exclusive” this week — Revenge of the Experts — so I think it's safe to comment now. Newsweek has done what many of us feared, they've picked up Andrew Keen's meme about the …

Apple Won't Block VOIP over Wi-Fi on iPhone — Apple says it will limit VOIP calls over cell networks, but not over Wi-Fi. — At least one company that already provides Mac-compatible voice-over-IP services has expressed a desire to work with the iPhone platform after Apple officials disclosed …