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How to save money running a startup (17 really good tips) — [ UPDATE: This post caused some big debate over at TechCrunch. I respond here with the blog post titled “can you work at a startup and have a life?” I updated #11 to make my point a little less harsh, more true to my true feelings ]

Can you have a life and work at a startup company? — < warning: somewhat rambling post follows. will probably be a little disjointed > — My “pal” Duncan Riley seems to be channeling Valleywag today. He took my post centered around tips to save money at a startup and spun them into the headline …

Calacanis Fires People Who Have A Life — Mahalo founder and serial entrepreneur Jason Calacanis has some interesting tips up today about how to squeeze every single last thing from your startup employees. — Helpful advice includes (our interpretation):

How to save money running a startup, and your workers, into the ground
Trends in the Living Networks

Rumors and Speculation — Normally our policy is to not comment about things like this, but this morning's rumors about a bidding war involving Google and Microsoft have created such a stir we feel compelled to tell you all directly that they are completely inaccurate.
Discussion:, Silicon Alley Insider, The Social, Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab, Tech Beat, WebProNews, Good Morning Silicon Valley, ContentBlogger, Mike Stopforth, p2pnet, MarketingVOX, VentureBeat, MediaFile, The Social Times, Electronista, 901am, Between the Lines, Digital Daily, Search Engine Watch Blog, Search Engine Journal, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Screenwerk, TechCrunch, Todd Watson, Profy.Com, AppScout and Google Blogoscoped

Chinese hackers: No site is safe — ZHOUSHAN, China (CNN) — They operate from a bare apartment on a Chinese island. They are intelligent 20-somethings who seem harmless. But they are hard-core hackers who claim to have gained access to the world's most sensitive sites, including the Pentagon.

Sun: We'll put Java on the iPhone — Sun Microsystems is developing a Java Virtual Machine for Apple's iPhone and plans to release the JVM some time after June, enabling Java applications to run on the popular mobile device. — The JVM is to be based on the Java Micro Edition (ME) …

Steve Jobs Made Me Miss My Flight — Or: On my way to San Jose. — On waking, I reach for my blackberry. It tells me what city I'm in; the hotel rooms offer no clues. Every Courtyard by Marriott is interchangeable. Many doors into the same house. From the size of my suitcase …

A Question of Programming Ethics — From the ACM Code of Ethics: … It's hard to square that with the following hair-raising tale Dustin Brooks sent me via email: … I generally try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but it's difficult to imagine any scenario …

BBQ-smoker-turned-'Robocop' chases off drug dealers — ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — It's midnight on the streets of Atlanta, and bar owner Rufus Terrill patrols his neighborhood with a rolling crime fighter of his own creation. Meet “Bum-bot,” as Terrill describes it; others in his neighborhood call it simply, “Robocop.”

Motorola Announces Departure of Stu Reed — Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced that Stu Reed, formerly the president of Motorola's Mobile Devices business, has decided to leave the Company, effective immediately. — Mr. Reed and his team launched a number of key initiatives important …

Chris Anderson and Michael Arrington: Back-to-Back on Charlie Rose — Yesterday was Geek-Out Night on The Charlie Rose Show. Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson and our own Michael Arrington appeared on back-to-back interviews (30 minutes each, separate interviews).

Bungie Unscrews Previously Screwed Gamer — Exactly one week ago today I told the story of Nathaniel. Nathaniel had an Xbox 360 upon which he collected signatures and custom artwork from notable members of the gaming community. When the console broke, he called Xbox support and explained the situation.

Hulu: Launch Next Week? — When will NBC and Fox's Hulu launch? Let's see... - Glowing Fortune profile just hit newsstands. — The company has summoned analysts for a Monday briefing. — It's supposed to launch this quarter. This quarter ends in March, right?

EXCLUSIVE: 60GB Xbox WILL Replace 20GB Model — It's world exclusive time again. — Following my outing of the 16GB iPhone I have once again have attained from a rock solid source that Microsoft WILL be replacing the 20GB hard drive on the standard Xbox 360 with a larger 60GB version.
Electronista, Engadget, Gizmodo, Next Generation, Destructoid, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Kotaku, Xbox 360 Fanboy, CrunchGear and Joystiq

Howard Chui: Howard Forums is set to take on MobiTV over breached security — Here we go with another lawsuit again. But, this time around we aren't talking about any patent infringement-flavored lawsuits, no, this latest lawsuit is actually quite interesting.

MobiTV seeks to shut down Web forum — NEW YORK - MobiTV Inc., which provides TV services on Sprint Nextel Corp. cell phones, is trying to shut down a Web forum that is carrying instructions on how to get access to its channels for free. — MobiTV sent a letter to …

CloudBooks may use Intel's Diamondville processor — Everex is refreshing its CloudBook line of ultraportable, Linux-based notebooks with redesigned models that may eventually include low-power Intel Diamondville processors, bigger screens, and more storage.