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Google ventures into health records biz — SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) — Google Inc. will begin storing the medical records of a few thousand people as it tests a long-awaited health service that's likely to raise more concerns about the volume of sensitive information entrusted to the Internet search leader.

Google Health Begins Its Preseason at Cleveland Clinic — For 18 months, Google has been working to come up with a product offering and a strategy in the promising field of consumer health information. Until now, the search giant hasn't had anything to show for its labors other than bumps along the way …

Google Health Pilot Launches Today? — Early hints surfaced almost two years ago when I found a service called M Scrapbook (presumably short for “Medical Scrapbook") which later changed its name to “Weaver”. Since then, we've seen some leaked screenshots and found more login pages.

Fueling creativity in online video - with AdSense for video beta — We know that publishers are quickly adding video to their sites and looking for ways to earn additional revenue. If this sounds like you, look no further than AdSense for video, our solution for qualifying publishers.

Google Plans Push to Sell Ads to Appear Inside Videos — SAN FRANCISCO — Hoping to earn more from its vast advertising network, Google said it planned to begin selling ads to appear inside videos on sites across the Web. — While the money spent on Web video ads is a small fraction …

Google Launching AdSense for Video - Minus the Video — After nearly a year in closed beta, Google is expected to announce tonight that its AdSense for Video program is now open to publishers. When the program's pilot was announced last May, AdSense for Video was intended to serve up video-in-video ads.
Search Engine Land, CenterNetworks, IDG News Service, NewTeeVee, Contentinople,, Beet.TV, Mashable! and Search Insider

Price May Be Steep, But Thin ThinkPad Has Abundant Features — I am writing these words on a new laptop computer that packs a full-size screen and keyboard into a body that's quite thin and light. And it has a solid-state drive with no moving parts instead of a hard disk.

Sorry, Boys, This Is Our Domain — THE prototypical computer whiz of popular imagination — pasty, geeky, male — has failed to live up to his reputation. — Research shows that among the youngest Internet users, the primary creators of Web content (blogs, graphics, photographs, Web sites) …

Adobe is pushing DRM into Flash — The Electronic Frontier Foundation has posted a story that says Adobe Pushes DRM for Flash, and obviously they're against it. The story says: … The DMCA bans tools that help “circumvent” any DRM system (as well as the act of circumvention) so this could stop people remixing them.

Facebook sees first dip in UK users — Facebook has suffered its first fall in UK users, with a 5% drop between December and January, according to new figures. — However, Facebook still had 8.5 million unique users in January and remains the most popular social networking website in the UK …

M&A Bankers on Yahoo-Microsoft: Done Deal — We canvassed a couple of Wall Street M&A moguls last night for their thoughts on how the Microsoft-Yahoo (MSFT/YHOO) deal would play out. Their thoughts: — It's a done deal. — Jerry's language in his “letter to shareholders” was a bold move.

The hands-free way to steal a credit card — WASHINGTON D.C.—Adam Laurie, an RFID security expert, used the Black Hat DC 2008 conference here, to demonstrate a new Python script he's working on to read the contents of smart-chip-enabled credit cards. — As part of his presentation Wednesday …

Microsoft preps mystery “significant” news... Microsoft will make a “significant company announcement” within hours, the firm announced today. Without providing details, the software developer notes that it will hold a mid-day conference and makes clear that the news is unrelated to its attempted acquisition of Yahoo.

Earnings: Q4 Revs Up 38 Percent; Net Income Up 19 Percent — (NSDQ: TSCM) reported Q4 revenue of $19.9 million, a year-over-year increase of 38 percent from $14.4 million. Net income grew 19 percent to $4.7 million from $4.0 million.

Friend Spam Is The Worst Kind Of All — Facebook announced a number of steps today to battle the growing problem of application spam - stuff that is sent from your Facebook friends asking you to try out new services. Generally, applications force users to send these invitations in order to get access to the more interesting features.

Application Spam — Recently, a lot of people have been frustrated …
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life