Top Items:

Yahoo Exec Bails: Bradley Horowitz Leaves For Google — Bradley Horowitz, head of Yahoo's Advanced Technology Division (and mentioned in a post earlier today), has accepted a position with Google, we've confirmed via a source at Yahoo. We have a message into Bradley for a comment, but have not yet heard back.

Getting Fired At Yahoo: A Twitter Log — Yahoo's Ryan Kuder was canned today. A drag for him, but a gift for the rest of us—because he Twittered it. A new form of literature is in the making... Y! layoffs today, I'm “impacted”. I'm heading into work to pack my desk …
Valleywag, The FASTForward Blog, Vacuum, Between the Lines, Jaffe Juice, Bits and The WebGuild Blog

Yahoo And News Corp. Continue Marathon Discussions; Possible Bid To Counter Microsoft — At the start of the Microsoft/Yahoo saga we reported that News Corp. was scrambling to put together a bid to compete with Microsoft, but backed down because they were unable to find outside funding …

Quitting Facebook Gets Easier — Aiming to address the privacy concerns of disenchanted users, said on Tuesday that it was trying to make it easier for people to delete their accounts permanently from the social networking site. — Until now, Facebook has offered only a deactivation option …

Firefox 3 Beta 3 now available for download — Please note: We do not recommend that anyone other than developers and testers download the Firefox 3 Beta 3 milestone release. It is intended for testing purposes only. — Firefox 3 Beta 3 is now available for download.
Insider Chatter, Ars Technica, The Register, Digital Inspiration, Computerworld, Security Watch, jkOnTheRun, Ryan Naraine's Security Watch, Tom Raftery's Social Media, All News Feeds, gHacks technology news, Lifehacker, Mozilla, CyberNet, Mozilla Links, Compiler, Hardware 2.0, greg hughes, Mashable!, Insanely Great Mac and Digg

Apple TV 2.0 Review — Ever since our Apple TV 1.0 review decided that Apple's thrust into the living room wasn't pantsworthy, we've been waiting for them to step up and make a revision that was. Apple TV 2.0 is their answer. (Let's stop calling it Take 2, please!)

Super-Slim ThinkPad Sneak Peek — Only a month or so after Apple announced its MacBook Air laptop, which it calls the world's thinnest laptop, Lenovo is about to spring its own super-skinny machine: the ThinkPad X300. Here's a sneak peek. My full review will appear after I have fully tested …

Michael Dell Pays $150M For His Bro's Startup — At a time when Michael Dell has regained control over the helm at the firm he has founded, it seems dicey for him to close a deal that smells of nepotism. But Dell seems to taunt the critics with this one. — Dell says it will pay $155M …
WebProNews, TechCrunch, Direct2Dell, CNET, Mashable!, Technology Live and GigaOM

New Twitter and RSS “Firehose” feeds include all headlines — High-volume, “complete” RSS feeds are available now for Techmeme, WeSmirch, memeorandum, and Ballbug. For years, the RSS feed for each site has included the day's most important 20-30 headlines, typically those placed “above the fold”.

Bebo: $1 billion Acquisition “Definitely Happened” Says Source — Following up to our post last week talking about a possible acquisition of social network site Bebo: A high level source has told us that Bebo has been in discussions via their investment bank, Allen & Co. …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

What if... you could have your doodle on the Google homepage for a day? — Posted by Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Products & User Experience, and Dennis Hwang, Webmaster Manager and Chief Google Doodler — Today, we're excited to announce the Doodle 4 Google competition.

Rupert Murdoch's New Startup Incubator — The SlingShot Labs venture is designed to spawn Internet startups for News Corp. and also likely to help MySpace compete with Facebook — With 110 million members and $800 million in annual revenue, MySpace has become a growth engine for Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (NWS) media empire.

Man arrested at gunpoint after police mistake his MP3 player for a gun — Armed police held an innocent mechanic at gunpoint when they mistook his MP3 player for a pistol. — Darren Nixon, 28, was arrested and put in police cell for simply listening to music on his way home from work.

Palm ranks last in satisfaction survey, no one surprised — We know it's probably going to be pretty hard to believe this, but according to a recent survey of mobile phone users, Palm ranks absolutely last in customer satisfaction. If you believe what the folks at ChangeWave Research have to say …

Comcast Stands By Its Internet Filtering — Says it has to manage traffic flow — Comcast has admitted that it intentionally slows down some traffic on its network, including music and movie downloads. — The company said in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission that slowing …