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NewsGator's RSS clients are now free! — We've got a lot of big news today at NewsGator. — First, we've got new releases of our most popular applications: FeedDemon 2.6, NetNewsWire 3.1, Inbox 3.0 (beta), and NewsGator Go! for Windows Mobile 2.0. Each of these is a pretty major release on its own …

FREE Demon? Yes, FeedDemon is Now Free! — That's right, FeedDemon is now free. As in, you don't have to pay for it anymore. Just download it and use it free of charge. — And we're also making NetNewsWire, NewsGator Inbox and NewsGator Go free. In other words, all of NewsGator's consumer RSS readers are free.

NewsGator Releases New Versions of Client Products; Best-of-Breed …
Infinite Loop, Download Squad, TechBlog, Podcasting News, Web Worker Daily, Kevin Burton's NEW FeedBlog, Macworld and MacUser

The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry — The demo was not going well. — Again. — It was a late morning in the fall of 2006. Almost a year earlier, Steve Jobs had tasked about 200 of Apple's top engineers with creating the iPhone.

Ten Reasons We're Doomed: CES Edition — Oh, CES. You are a disgusting, bloated beast oozing everything that makes this industry horrible. Nay, everything that makes our culture horrible. Sure, to you fine readers it might look like it's all product announcements and good times, but that's far from the truth.

Google Maps Making Inroads Against Leader, Mapquest — I took a look at traffic to Maps websites after hearing repeatedly over the holidays that people didn't need directions as they would use Mapquest, Google Maps or GPS. With the rise of GPS, I wondered if traffic to Maps websites …

Wizzard Media: 1 Billion Downloads in 2007, Podcasting Far from Dead — Wizzard Media, owners of the Libsyn, Switchpod and Blast Podcast networks, will announce tomorrow that it passed the 1 billion download mark in 2007. While online media consumption numbers are notoriously hard to verify, Wizzard's have some serious merit.
Podcasting News

Former OLPC C.T.O. Aims to Create $75 Laptop — A laptop under US$100 could reach desks if a new venture formed by former chief technology officer of One Laptop Per Child, Mary Lou Jepsen, can deliver on its promises. — A “spin-out” from OLPC, the company, Pixel Qi is looking to create …

Analysis: Plaxo and Friendfeed, pushing the “feed” — Facebook news feed has been a hit with users because it automatically displays the latest photos, newest friends, and other updates from your Facebook friends. — The problem, though, is that most people use any number of other sites as well …

Microsoft dealmaker Bruce Jaffe going startup — While Microsoft has yet to come up with a search engine that wows consumers, it has successfully wooed Wall Street with its push into online advertising. Alas for Microsoft, it's losing a key dealmaker. Bruce Jaffe, a top corporate-development executive …

CES: Podcasting Coming To TiVo — CES: Digital video recorder purveyor TiVo Inc. has announced that its subscribers will soon be able to select Internet video (i.e. podcasts!) for playback on televisions, expanding the digital recording service's capabilities beyond TV offerings.

Urban Mapping Gives Us Free Neighborhoods — For those of us who dwell in cities neighborhoods are an incredibly useful convention that is usually only known by locals. They break a city up geographically or architecturally or socially. Until now there has been no freely available source of neighborhood data for geohackers.

Penguinistas hack Android onto real hardware — Several actual hardware devices have been hacked to run Google's Java-based Android software stack, according to blogs and forum posts around the Internet. Although Google's preview release last fall included a software emulator based on Qemu …

Best Buy wants Macs in more of its stores — Apple's store-within-a-store partnership with Best Buy is going to expand this year, according to Best Buy executives. — So says UBS analyst Ben Reitzes, who met with Best Buy during the Consumer Electronics Show this week in Las Vegas.

Sources say Universal and Paramount are both going Blu — Rumors just won't stop about the future of HD DVD, and while we try not to post all of them, some seem too believable to pass up. Our friend Bill Hunt, at the Digital Bits, — still waiting on those permalinks, Bill — is reporting that his …

French Press Falls For Major Facebook Prank — This is probably the biggest hoax in the history of Facebook. It happened in France and is one of the most discussed stories in the French blogosphere right now. It all started a few weeks ago with a simple third-party Facebook application …

Yahoo Tech Ticker: More Details And A Screenshot — Yahoo's new technology business video show, TechTicker, is set to go live soon (officially, in the next few weeks, but I'm hearing that some early stuff may come out as soon as next week). — The show will be hosted by Henry Blodget …