Top Items:

Porn, Ning, and the Internet — There's been a recent flurry of commentary about Ning and porn. While I appreciate everyone's thoughts on the topic, I wanted to post directly and tell you what we know and what we think. — Let's take the issues in order:
Insider Chatter, WebMetricsGuru, TechCrunch, Download Squad, CPM Advisors and Howard Lindzon

Vodafone Roadmap: Palm Drucker! — Been a Palm fan forever but feel you're getting quite shafted lately? We'd agree. So let's see if the Palm Drucker can change any of that! To start it off, the Palm Drucker is going to rock quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE with a tri-band UMTS/HSDPA radio!

Vodafone Roadmap: BlackBerry 8xxx — Remember the BlackBerry 9000? It looks like that wasn't a BlackBerry 9000 at all, but rather another device in the BlackBerry 8000-series! According to this document, which completely validates all our predictions of specs for the device …

Saddest Sight in the World: HD DVD Sponsored Bags at CES — Oh, poor HD DVD. Toshiba pays big bucks to stamp its name and the HD DVD logo on every journo bag they hand out at CES. But Warner's bitchslap has sent them home to cut their wrists and cry in the corner, so they're not even here!

What This Gadget Can Do Is Up to You — “HACKERS, welcome! Here are detailed circuit diagrams of our products — modify them as you wish." — That's not an announcement you'll find on the Web sites of most consumer electronics manufacturers, who tend to keep information on the innards of their machines as private as possible.

Magellan and Google buddy up for Maestro Elite 5340+GPRS — The GPS magicians at Magellan and the search wizards at Google have combined their relative (and also fantastical) talents to deliver the Maestro Elite 5340+GPRS, a GPS unit rocking some GPRS cellular capabilities.

FAA: Boeing's New 787 May Be Vulnerable to Hacker Attack — Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet may have a serious security vulnerability in its onboard computer networks that could allow passengers to access the plane's control systems, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

Data And The Future Of The Web — After I asserted several times that data is the key to the future of the web, Umair Haque gave my head a good spin by asserting that data is in fact a commodity. Umair is half right — we are increasingly overrun by data, and SOME of it is a commodity.
Matt McAlister

Telecom Firm in China Sets Sights on U.S. Market — ‘Opaqueness’ in Firm's Ownership and State Ties Raises Security Concerns — SHENZHEN, China — From a fortress-like corporate campus in this southern city, retired army officer Ren Zhengfei is building one of China's most successful experiments in capitalism.

@twitcrit: instareviews — So here's what I'm trying — and I'm grateful for any help in doing it better: — The idea is that Twitter users can share instant reviews of what they're watching — TV shows, movies, concerts, anything — by twittering (is the verb form tweeting?) to @twitcrit.

Office SP3 and File formats — In Office 2007, we changed the default to disable a number of older file formats where we saw very low usage and a high security risk in our code that loads these formats. From the security standpoint, this is the right thing to do.
Microsoft Help and Support, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Computerworld, Hardware 2.0 and Security Watch

Journalists doing their jobs better is a competitive advantage — In a piece about data portability, John Battelle shifts into a discussion about the difference between a business that competes on price vs. a business that competes on service. He says:

Vodafone Roadmap: HP Oak! — Nope, we're not talking about a tree here! It looks as if the HP Silver won't be the only HP handset sporting some HSUPA action. You now have a pretty decent line, with the Standard version, and now the Professional one making the rounds.

CES Unveiled: We're here — We're here at CES Unveiled, the pre-pre-pre CES event that debuts some new products before the actual show starts. We're in line and already being hassled by people to get us to view their goods. The actual Unveiled opens at 4PM PST (7PM EST) …

New Mahalo toolbar and user created stubs — We have two evolutionary announcements today from Mahalo that I decided to announce on Twitter. Yes, it's a slightly different process than we normally do at Mahalo, but since these are evolutionary steps, and since we just had the big Mahalo Social launch …