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Announcing LinkedIn News, Redesigned Homepage & more — The past few weeks have seen the release of a slew of features that have helped augment your experience of LinkedIn; features ranging from refined network updates to the ability to add a photo to your profile.
Read/WriteWeb, VentureBeat, BetaNews,, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Searchviews, Todd Watson, /Message, Techland, Download Squad, The Social Times,, AppScout, CenterNetworks, Digital Daily, TechCrunch, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Valleywag,, Search Engine Land, Web Strategy …, Mashable!, Between the Lines, Silicon Alley Insider and Digg

YouTube Partner Program Opens to All; Chocolate Rain Guy Gets Ad Deal — Tay Zonday, the young man behind the Chocolate Rain song and megameme, is among 100 YouTube power users selected to be added to the YouTube Partners program - the site's ad revenue sharing plan for high quality, original content.

Are You a Video Sensation? YouTube Wants to Give You Money — After a long period of soul searching, YouTube has expanded its partnership program to allow anyone in the United States and Canada to apply for acceptance. The partnership program, launched in May, allows users to earn a share of ad revenue on the site.

VoIP confirmed!!! — Amazing news, guys! I have no words! We all knew it will come. — So here it is: — eok did manage to make the Nintendo DS-based SIP app from Samuel running on the iPod Touch!! — Samuel's page here: — His SW does use pjsip from

Breaking: VOIP on iPod touch — Remember Marian, the guy who's building a preamped mic [mike] for the iPod touch? Today he writes that touch hacker eok has ported Samuel's SvSIP to the iPod. SvSIP uses the SIP protocol to connect to other participants and to allow you to talk over WiFi.

"Cloudbook" UMPC to run Googlish Linux — Everex has confirmed plans to ship a UMPC (ultra-mobile PC) with a 7-inch screen, similar to competitor Asus's EEE PC. A source close to the company revealed that the device — codenamed "Cloudbook" — will ship with the Google Apps-oriented "gOS" Linux distribution early next year.
Gizmodo, Engadget,, UMPCPortal feed., Hardware 2.0 and Incremental Blogger

NYTimes Surges, Cnet Slumps — Ever since the swept away the last remaining boulders of its subscription pay wall (aka Times Select) in mid-September, its traffic has been going through the roof. According to comScore, it gained 7.5 million readers worldwide from the end …

Apple Confirms iPhone Sales Limit Raised from Two to Five — The rumor late last week was that Apple had quietly bumped up the sales limit on iPhones from two to five both here in the U.S. and U.K. — After much speculation over the weekend, an Apple representative told EPICENTER on Monday morning that this is indeed the case.

'Digital locks' future questioned — One of the world's largest hard disk manufacturers has blocked its customers from sharing their media files online that are stored on networked drives. — Western Digital says the decision to block sharing of music and audio files is an anti-piracy effort.

Dude, My Bad: Buyers Forgive Facebook — Perhaps they are caught up in the holiday spirit, or maybe everybody loves a good mea culpa, but most digital media buyers are in a forgiving mood when it comes to Facebook's recent string of Beacon blunders. — Buyers say they are generally satisfied …

Apple Ultra-Portable MacBook Rumor Roundup — As rumors start to build for Macworld San Francisco 2008, the most consistent rumor appears to be one of an ultra-portable Apple notebook computer. — These rumors started back in March 2006 by MacScoop who indicated that "very reliable" …

Nobel Laureate Says The Internet Makes Us Dumb, We Say: Meh — Newly awarded Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing has used her acceptance speech to tell the world that the internet makes us dumb. — According to Lessing, who was too old and ill to make the speech herself and instead …
broadstuff, WinExtra, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, The Open Road and

Yahoo to Start Internet Program for Technology Investors — Yahoo, which already owns one of the most successful financial sites on the Web, is putting the final touches on a new online program for technology investors that is scheduled to begin next month.
Silicon Alley Insider, Search Engine Journal, Download Squad, PDA, BloggingStocks, Search Engine Land, broadstuff and Mashable!

In Memorium: Marc Orchant — I received the news around 3PM today that my closest friend, business associate, co-conspirator, sometime mentor, sometime — protege and full time confidante had passed away a week after suffering a massive heart attack at his home in New Mexico. He was 50 years old.