Top Items:

Google Pre-Launches New iPhone Interface — We heard a rumor that Google was going to launch a new interface for users accessing the site via an iPhone in the next few days. But an anonymous tip let us know it actually launched without any warning or announcement this evening.
Between the Lines, Insider Chatter, Search Engine Land, jkOnTheRun, ParisLemon, IntoMobile, Engadget Mobile, Scobleizer and Digg

Marc Orchant Updates and Information — This page is dedicated to providing information and updates concerning the status of my good friend and colleague, Marc Orchant. — As you know, Marc suffered a massive cardiac infarction on Sunday morning, December 2nd 2007. My original post is copied below.

Nielsen to Be Video Cop — For years, media and technology companies have been ensnarled in a battle over the rights to video posted online. Now ratings giant Nielsen wants to be the policeman. — Nielsen is rolling out a new service that aims to ensure that video is distributed and viewed …
Discussion:, IP Democracy, Search Engine Watch Blog, Silicon Alley Insider and Mashable!

Nokia's unlimited "Comes With Music" plan misses the boat due to DRM — Universal announced a promising new business model last month that will allow device manufacturers to offer an all-you-can-eat music subscription service with devices. Called Total Music by Universal …

Free Universal Music Downloads on New Nokia Phones — Nokia, the telecommunications company, and the Universal Music Group, the recording company, said on Tuesday that they would offer unlimited free downloads of Universal songs to buyers of certain Nokia phones as a way to promote cellphones …

World Turns Attention to iPhone, Boobs and Videos, Forgets Osama (Verdict: Life as Usual) [Yearmodo] — The final Google trends for 2007 were officially announced yesterday, with the iPhone and the late plastic buxom wonderkid Anna Nicole Smith bracketing the Top 10 fastest-rising search terms.

Google Trends API coming soon
GigaOM, Techland,, IntoMobile, 901am, Googlified, Web Analytics World and Google Operating System

Edit your photos! On Flickr! — Picnik's awesome photo editing tools are now only a click away. If you've ever wanted to deal with the dreaded red eye or crop a photo just so, click on the new "edit photo" icon located above one of your photos and get started.

Inside the "Ron Paul" Spam Botnet — On the weekend of October 27, 2007, the Internet was suddenly bombarded with a rash of spam emails promoting U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul. The spam run continued until Tuesday, October 30, when it stopped as suddenly as it began.

Apple Wants To Make DRM Extortion Explicit — For years, DRM critics have been arguing that the technology isn't so much about stopping piracy as it is about taking away traditional fair use privileges and then selling them back to you. I've agreed with this for a while …

ISO Ballot for PDF 1.7 Passed! — Adobe has received word that the Ballot for approval of PDF 1.7 to become the ISO 32000 Standard (DIS) has passed by a vote of 13:: 1. — Countries voting positive with no comments: Australia, Bulgaria, China, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine. rolls out customer data sharing; eyes 1 million subscribers — on Wednesday will roll out business networking tools so customers can securely share information such as sales leads, product information and other communications. — Think Facebook and LinkedIn meets corporate data sharing files.
Yet Another Software Blog

Will the Holy Grail of marketing revive Dell? — If Dell wants to regain its former glory, it will have to do a better job selling laptops like its XPS m1330; and that means new marketing methods. Image: Dell — Two years from now, we'll be hailing Dell as a marketing innovator …
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs

Cellphone could be boarding pass, too — Continental Airlines passengers in Houston will be able to board flights using just a cellphone or personal-digital assistant instead of a regular boarding pass in a three-month test program launched Tuesday at Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Live Documents Screenshots - The Replica of Microsoft Office 2007 — Here are the first screenshots of Live Documents, a Microsoft Office like productivity suite that seeks to challenge Google Docs and Zoho Office. — As you may have noticed, the individual programs of Live Documents look …

Thoughts on Seth Godin's keybote at SES — Seth Godin provided the morning keynote on Tuesday morning at SES Chicago. His talk was an overview of his latest book, Meatball Sundae. He recently did a pre-show seminar that received excellent coverage from Kevin Newcomb and Lisa Barone …

The Platform Paradigm — Post by Padmasree Warrior, Chief Technology Officer — It is an exciting time to join Cisco. — Cisco is the company whose leadership legacy defines "The Network" in many ways. Today, it is a company driving many new paradigms in communications and information technology.

Cisco Appoints Padmasree Warrior as Chief Technology Officer
CNET,, Reuters, Business and financial news, Tech Trader Daily and GigaOM

Hulu Adds HD — Online video distribution startup Hulu has added high-definition content, one of the first tests of the new Adobe Flash Player that was released today, which supports streaming HD. Hulu's HD content is limited, just a gallery of sample movie trailers and clips from Universal …