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Screenshots of first Googlephone app [Exclusive] — Screenshots of first Googlephone app — Remember, the stealth search startup that piqued Google cofounder Sergey Brin's interest last month? Brin was so intrigued he told the founders to keep the company hush-hush.
Search Engine Land, Engadget,, Compiler, Mashable!, John Cook's Venture Blog and

Research Note: Evil is in the DNA, Special Facebook Edition — "..."There are these small bands of people who are trying to take over the world," Yu said. " This is so much more fun than working at a hedge fund or an investment bank. ie, Gideon Yu, Facebook's CFO. — That's a really (really) important quote.

Digg close to a $300 million sale? [Rumormonger] — Digg is close to announcing its sale to a major media player for $300 million to $400 million, according to sources close to the company, I hear. When I floated this Digg rumor past some knowledgeable friends, several scoffed: "When isn't Digg up for sale?"
Deep Jive Interests, BoomTown, Pulse 2.0, CNET, Compete Blog, Mark Evans, Mashable!, ParisLemon and Digg

Just Sell Digg Already, Jay — One thing that has become a certainly in our little tech world - a few months can't go by without rumors surfacing that a sale of Digg is imminent. CEO Jay Adelson and cofounder Kevin Rose are in a perpetual rumor cycle. The problem is, they seem to be the ones at fault for the rumors.

Fear Among Facebook Developers — LOS ANGELES - — Travel back in time six months to Facebook's last big event, at a warehouse in an artsy part of San Francisco, where scrappy independent developers were the apple of Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg's eye. — How things have changed.

Apple confirms international 1.1.2 iPhone update to Pocket-lint — In a meeting this morning with the UK Apple press team, it was confirmed to Pocket-lint that version 1.1.2 will be an international update on Friday 9th November for iPhone owners. — Although the time could not be confirmed …

Encrypted E-Mail Company Hushmail Spills to Feds — Hushmail, a longtime provider of encrypted web-based email, markets itself by saying that "not even a Hushmail employee with access to our servers can read your encrypted e-mail, since each message is uniquely encoded before it leaves your computer."

Microsoft CEO plays down Google threat in online business — TOKYO: Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, in Tokyo to launch the new Windows Live services, played down the threat of Google Thursday, denying the rival was ahead in any way but in online searches.

TiVo offers a temporary price break on its service fees — Just in time for the holidays, TiVo's making some temporary changes to its service fee structure. For new TiVo buyers from now through February 2, 2008, service choices are as follows: … To reiterate: those pricing discounts apply …

Alibaba vs. Google: Showdown in Asia? — Despite Stock Performance, Alibaba Not Expected to Threaten Search Leader — On Tuesday,, the second-biggest Internet company in Asia just behind Yahoo Japan, debuted on the Hong Kong stock market to spectacular demand.

Two updates to site targeting — We'd like to announce two changes to site targeting in Google's content network. First, because site targeting now offers more precise targeting options, we've given it a more appropriate name: placement targeting. Second, we're introducing …
Search Engine Land, WebProNews, TechCrunch, Search Engine Journal and John Battelle's Searchblog

OpenSocial: It's the data, stupid — While I'm a huge fan of the idea of an open social networking platform, I'm bemused by all the enthusiasm over Google OpenSocial. As I sit with what I learn, the mild skepticism I expressed the other day has turned into full blown disappointment.

My Google phone hangup — San Francisco - That's right: Google has announced a consortium of companies to develop an "open" mobile device platform, designed to unleash the creativity and innovation heretofore stifled by the major big, bad wireless carriers.

WANT SEARCH ENGINE TRAFFIC? PEN A BLOG — LAS VEGAS—Writing the blog, Stephane Dion has learned at least one lesson, and it's not just that he has a lot of company as an Apple iPhone fanatic. — Rather, it's that blogs are the best way to reap traffic from Google and other search engines.

If You Purchased MLB Game Downloads Before 2006, Your Discs/Files Are Now Useless; MLB Has Stolen Your $$$ And Claims "No Refunds" — Just bumping this to the top for awhile. — Great to see non-baseball sites like Boing Boing, Wired, Slashdot, Techdirt and others posting about this.
Guardian Unlimited,, TechBlog, Podcasting News, p2pnet, Techdirt, Ars Technica, WebProNews, Gadget Lab and Digg

MLB rips off fans who bought DRM videos
The Joy of Sox, TeleRead,, Mashable!, Wendy's Blog, Download Squad, Geek News Central, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Digg