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Apple Tablet PC is real, says Asus — Crave hangs with people in high places — that's how we get exclusives and free food. A few weeks ago we were having a civilised dinner with our friends at Asus and angling for cool stories when we were told in a very hushed manner: "Asus is helping Apple build a Tablet PC."

Apple Tablet "confirmed" by Asus? — After a relative dearth of Apple rumors, Crave has resurrected the ol' Apple Tablet fiesta. In fact, they claim to have received a hush-hush confirmation whispered across their meatloaf and pie. The quote from some anonymous "friends at ASUS" …

More Readers Trading Newspapers for Web Sites — THE circulation declines of American newspapers continued over the spring and summer, as sales across the industry fell almost 3 percent compared with the year before, according to figures released yesterday.
Insider Chatter, Screenwerk, TechCrunch,, ClickZ News Blog, Joe Duck, MarketingVOX and How To Split An Atom

5 newspaper giants in talks about online ad network — Five of the nation's top newspaper companies are taking steps to create a national online advertising network they hope will help them recapture ad revenue leaking away from their print products. — Sources close to the situation said Gannett Co. …
Epicenter, Read/WriteWeb, WebProNews,, Silicon Alley Insider, Mashable!, Lost Remote, Romenesko and 24/7 Wall St.

I'm not happy with Leopard — I've given Leopard a chance, but it's pretty clear, this is not a good operating system release. — I've been out of the Mac loop for most of the last decade, just got back in a bit over 2 years ago. I don't know if early OS releases are generally as crappy as this one …

massive data loss bug in leopard — Update: The bug occurs regardless of the type of destination being moved to (whether it's local USB, local Firewire, SMB, etc.). Also, I have been informed that this bug goes back all the way to Panther. — Leopard's Finder has a glaring bug …
DailyTech, Infinite Loop, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, AccMan Pro, MacUser, The Register, 9 to 5 Mac, Macsimum News, Channel 9, Technovia, Hardware 2.0, The Last Podcast and Digg

Why Google chose the Apache Software License over GPLv2 for Android — Google finally entered the mobile software market by turning the 2005 acquisition of Android into the Open Handset Alliance. Google hopes to promote third-party mobile software development foster a broad developer community …

Microsoft readies free enterprise-search product — Microsoft is expanding its family of enterprise-search products with a new, free, entry-level product, Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express, which is due to ship in early 2008. — Microsoft made available on November 6 for download via …

Nokia perfects the clicky tactile touchscreen - iPhone gnashes teeth, swears revenge — It's taken them 10 years but Nokia boffins have finally perfected a 'touch feedback' touchscreen. Don't be fooled by simple vibrational imitations folks, this is the real McCoy - you press a key on the screen …

Five New iGoogle Themes — Here are some new iGoogle themes that will probably added soon to the customization dialog (the descriptions are from Google). To add one of these themes to the active tab, go to iGoogle and type in the address bar the JavaScript code you'll find below.

Alibaba Shares Triple in Hong Kong Trading Debut — Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) — Ltd., operator of China's largest online trading site for companies, almost tripled on its first day after an initial public offering in Hong Kong, making the stock four times more expensive than Google Inc. relative to earnings.

Shares of Climb on First Day of Trading
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Phase: almost Guitar Hero on your iPod — Apple released iTunes 7.5 yesterday and one of the prominent new features is Phase, a game for the 5G, nano and classic. Developed by Harmonix/MTV, the game is essentially Guitar Hero for your iPod. That makes sense seeing as though Harmonix developed GH as well as the upcoming Rock Band.

First Looks: MTV/Harmonix Phase — It's unusual to see Apple note that one of the major reasons for an iTunes update is to add features to support a game, but MTV Networks/Viacom's Phase ($5) was singled out for such attention in iTunes 7.5. Developed by Harmonix, makers of popular rhythm games …

Why Is Google Afraid of Facebook? — Google (GOOG) announced its OpenSocial strategy last week, starting with some of the smaller (albeit fast-growing) social networks, and quickly ensnaring MySpace (NWS), Bebo and a bunch of other companies to join its efforts.