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Checkmate? MySpace, Bebo and SixApart To Join Google OpenSocial (confirmed) — Google may have just come out of nowhere and checkmated Facebook in the social networking power struggle. — MySpace and Six Apart will announce that they are joining Google's OpenSocial initiative.
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Facebook, Your Move — Not so fast, Mike. The anti-Facebook coalition piling onto Google's OpenSocial platform does not constitute checkmate for Google just quite yet. These are developer announcements. No actual consumers have changed their social networking habits because of OpenSocial.

MySpace Joining Google's OpenSocial — We hear Google is planning to announce yet another partner to its anti-Facebook coalition today — News Corp.'s MySpace. [Haven't confirmed]. Look for an announcement by the end of the day. This makes a lot of sense for both sides …

Facebook: "We Have Not Been Briefed On OpenSocial" — When Google was asked during the press conference earlier today if they had invited Facebook into OpenSocial, the answer was "yes," and then changed to "we can't comment, followed by "we have reached out to virtually everyone in this space" …
Between the Lines

The Great Facebook Team-Up? — As we reported below, MySpace has joined Google's OpenSocial initiative, along with social network Bebo and blogging network Six Apart. That means developers can now write their programs only once to make them work on those sites, and others including LinkedIn …

MySpace Joins Google — The search leader signs the world's largest social network to its platform. — SAN FRANCISCO—Web search leader Google has signed on MySpace, the world's largest social network, to its platform for allowing outside developers to write programs for social Web sites.

Google's OpenSocial APIs pick up steam-MySpace and Bebo
Associated Press

The New York Times' Blogrunner—A Techmeme Killer? — Last night, the New York Times quietly launched Blogrunner on the technology section of its main site. Blogrunner was one of many techmeme copycat sites, until the New York Times bought it last year. Like Techmeme, Blogrunner is a service …

New York Times Adds Techmeme-like Feature to Tech Section — has today launched a new version of its technology section, which includes more aggregation of news from around the Web. Of most interest perhaps is that its Techmeme-like news aggregator, Blogrunner, has been fully integrated into the Tech frontpage.

Invention Of the Year: The iPhone — Stop. I mean, don't stop reading this, but stop thinking what you're about to think. Or, O.K., I'll think it for you:

A dangerous conflict of interest between Firefox and Google — The Firefox browser may not be as independent as previously thought. Mozilla essentially owns Firefox, and it proved so whenit flexed its muscles last year in forcing Debian to rename its browser IceWeasel.

HD DVD players hit $99 at Wal-Mart, Best Buy — Earlier this week it was big news that HD DVD broke the $200 price barrier. Well, in the same week it looks like HD DVD has broken the $100 price barrier as well. As previously reported, Wal-Mart is running a "Secret In-Store Specials" …

An open letter to Steve Ballmer — Hi, this is François, from Mandriva. — I'm sure we're way too small for you to know me. You know, we're one of these tiny Linux company working hard for our place on the market. We produce a Linux Distro, Mandriva Linux.
CrunchGear, Digital Daily, Between the Lines, Microsoft Watch, p2pnet, CNET, PC Magazine, BlogRunner, BetaNews, Jeremy's Blog, Engadget and Slashdot

New Release: Tumblr 3.0 & Interview with Founder on Read/WriteTalk — For the most recent episode of Read/WriteTalk I sat down with David Karp, the founder of Tumblr. Tumblr is a platform that makes it easy to create Tumblelogs - which Wikipedia defines as: … Tumblr is announcing a number of new features today.

First Pics of Bug Labs Open-Source Hardware — I keep hearing more and more buzz about open-source hardware. One of the most ambitious open-source hardware startups is Bug Labs. The company is creating a Lego-like hardware platform that tinkerers and engineers can use to create their own digital devices.

Apple Updates MacBooks to Santa Rosa, GMA X3100; 2.6GHz MacBook Pro — As rumored, Apple has quietly updated the MacBook tonight to the Santa Rosa architecture with mild speed bumps and the GMA X3100 integrated video. — White 13.3" — $1099.00 2.0GHz/1GB RAM/80GB/Combo/GMA X3100

A Computer That Works With Google, Not Microsoft — Advocates of Linux, the free open-source operating system, like to say that buying a standard-issue computer involves a Microsoft Tax, because you have no choice but to pay for Windows. New versions of Linux and inexpensive hardware …
InsideGoogle, TechCrunch, Open Source, Microsoft News Tracker, MarketingVOX, Insider Chatter,, Ars Technica and BlogRunner

Microsoft upgrades its Office for Mac upgrade offer — Correction 2:10 p.m. PDT: This blog initially misstated the savings for buyers of Office 2004 for Mac Student and Teacher edition if they choose to upgrade to the 2008 Special Media Edition. The savings would be $350.