Top Items:

Cookie tracking: How Facebook could be worth $100 billion? — When Facebook launches its "SocialAds" advertising product on November 6th, the technology will reportedly rely on cookies — unique identifiers sent to each user's computer from Facebook, and returned to Facebook when they visit web pages …
Digital Daily, ReveNews Online Revenue …,, Zoli's Blog, PC4Media and

Facebook Launching the Google Adsense Killer — Earlier today Lee Lorenzen of Altura Ventures sent me a message referencing a note where he postulates about Facebook's upcoming ad network. He brought up something that I previously hadn't thought of: the opening of Facebook's ad network.

Google Fears Facebook-Enhanced, Open-Source, AdSense Competitor

Apple Sells Two Million Copies of Mac OS X Leopard in First Weekend — Apple® today announced that it sold (or delivered in the case of maintenance agreements) over two million copies of Mac OS® X Leopard since its release on Friday, far outpacing the first-weekend sales of Mac OS X Tiger …

Leopard with chinks in its armour — A second look at the Mac OS X Leopard firewall — Apple is using security in general and the new firewall in particular to promote Leopard, the latest version of Mac OS X. However, initial functional testing has already uncovered cause for concern.

Apple: 1 weekend, 2 million copies of Leopard sold

Web Bubble 2.0 — Well, maybe it is a bubble. But out in Silicon Valley, they don't think of that as a bad thing at all. — T — he Silicon Valley venture capitalist Michael Moritz is kinda-sorta the West Coast version of New York's own Steve Rattner.
Don Dodge on The Next …, A VC, Silicon Alley Insider, and Howard Lindzon

The Web 2.0 World is Skunk Drunk on Its Own Kool-Aid
Insider Chatter, Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog, PDA, Silicon Valley Watcher, Guardian Unlimited, Read/WriteWeb, The Last Podcast, SmoothSpan Blog, BlueBlog, This is going to be BIG., Todd Watson, SYNTAGMA, Life On the Wicked Stage, Marketing Begins At Home, WeBreakStuff, WinExtra, point being, Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, A VC and Mashable!

Can a Google Phone Connect With Carriers? — Google Inc. is close to unveiling its long-planned strategy to shake up the wireless market, people familiar with the matter say. The Web giant's ambitious goal: to make applications and services as accessible on cellphones as they are on the Internet.
Digital Daily, InfoWorld, Between the Lines, Today @ PC World, Reuters, Valleywag, Engadget Mobile, Search Engine Land, VoIP Blog, Gadget Lab, Seeking Alpha Internet stocks,, BloggingStocks, MediaBytes with Shelly …, MacDailyNews,, ResourceShelf, Mobile Entertainment,, ParisLemon, WinBeta, 24/7 Wall St., Mashable! and

Google Phone News: This Not Just in from the WSJ — My feeds were buzzing this morning over a Wall Street Journal article discussing the infamous Google GPhone. At last-I thought-if the WSJ is talking about it, then they must have something substantial to share. — Alas, my hopes were dashed.

Whois database targeted for destruction — The long-running attempt by privacy advocates to bin the Whois database will be up for vote at the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles tomorrow. — Cheerleaders for the six-year-old "sunset proposal" say people shouldn't be required to give …

Not All Is Gloomy in Real Estate: A Blog Network Attracts Capital — The residential real estate market may be troubled, but property-focused Web sites are still attracting visitors and investors. —, a popular real estate blog network with sites in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles …
Valleywag, alarm:clock, CenterNetworks, WebProNews, The Local Onliner, Lost Remote, and Silicon Alley Insider

Plentyoffish: 1-Man Company May Be Worth $1Billion — We've written before about PlentyOfFish, a leading online dating site that is run by a single person and is raking in money. Markus Frind is the singular force behind PlentyOfFish. At the time of our last review, June 2006 …

SORRY PR PEOPLE: YOU'RE BLOCKED — I've had it. I get more than 300 emails a day and my problem isn't spam (Cloudmark Desktop solves that nicely), it's PR people. Lazy flacks send press releases to the Editor in Chief of Wired because they can't be bothered to find out who on my staff …

PC stripper helps spam to spread — A virtual stripper is helping to defeat anti-spam security checks. — Spammers have created a Windows game which shows a woman in a state of undress when people correctly type in text shown in an accompanying image. — The scrambled text images come …

Mydeo scores US deal with Best Buy — UK video technology firm Mydeo confirmed a deal with the American retailer Best Buy today to power a paid-for video sharing service, with Best Buy taking a minority stake in the company. — The video sharing service is a curiosity …
RELATED:® Launches Suite of Tools for Advertisers to Target Homeowners in Ways Never Before Possible — Zillow Home Direct Ads offers advertisers the ability to reach homeowners on a home by home basis, at the right moment of purchasing intent — Leading real estate Web site Zillow …

So Long Apple. The Party's Over — Fresh Jobs for Developers — » - a "Founders At Work" company seeks a Senior/Lead Java Engineer in Needham MA — You only have to spend a few minutes at JavaOne to know that Apple is popular with Java developers.

Apple plays with fire, courts iPhone gift card lawsuits — Apple set the blogosphere on fire Monday when word leaked of the company's latest effort to limit iPhone unlocking. Recent media reports reveal that that the company has instituted a two-device-per-visit limit for iPhone purchases …