Top Items:

Microsoft Reports 27% Revenue Growth; Fastest First Quarter Since 1999 — Broad-based strength drives operating income and EPS growth each in excess of 25% — Segment Revenue/Operating Income(Loss) — Microsoft Corp. today announced revenue of $13.76 billion for the quarter ended September 30 …

Microsoft's $30 Billion Vista Bump — It turns out someone does like Windows Vista, along with Office and the other stuff Microsoft sells. Indeed, the company sold $1.1 billion more of that stuff in the second quarter than analysts expected. The company's profits rose by 23 percent.

Memo to Mark: BoomTown Is Baaaack and We're Still Dubious! — Please see this disclosure related to me and Google. — Well, we're glad it's done, our conflict of interest shoved aside by the hey-big-spenders at Microsoft and we can again resume our incredulous analysis of the insane $15 billion valuation of Facebook.

Facebook Rumors: Making Friends with More investors — Two hedge funds from New York have apparently jumped into the Facebook deal.We've got our ear to the ground to figure out who it is but each put in about $250 million—for $500 million total—at the same valuation as Microsoft Corp.
Techdirt, Wall Street Journal, Business Week,, TechCrunch, Sramana Mitra on Strategy, O'Reilly Radar, Silicon Alley Insider, PE HUB, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Technology Live, Screenwerk, Read/WriteWeb, Between the Lines, Valleywag, Epicenter, 901am, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs,, All Facebook, Search Engine Land, Microsoft News Tracker, and Inside Facebook

More Goodies in Apple's New Operating System — In today's Times, I reviewed Apple's latest operating system, Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard." I noted that Apple claims to have added over 300 new features. — Trouble is, if I tried to describe them all in my 1,280-word column, I'd have 4.3 words to describe and assess each one.

In Depth: Apple's Leopard leaps to new heights — A refined look, revamped apps and new options build on an already solid OS foundation — It's been two years, five months and 26 days since Apple Inc. last released a new operating system — the longest gap between releases since the company first released Mac OS X six years ago.

Apple's Leopard Falls Prey to Torrent Feeding Frenzy

CNET Networks Announces Sale of Webshots to American Greetings — CNET Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ:CNET), a leading interactive media company, today announced the sale of its Webshots business to American Greetings, effective immediately, for approximately $45 million in cash.

Leopard backpedals again: No more iPhone note syncing — Looks like Apple now believes that it has said a little too much with the new Leopard feature pages. Yesterday it backpedaled on letting us use an AirPort Disk with Time Machine, and now it appears as though all references to the iPhone …

Zune 1-Click Podcast Subscriptions — Podcasters can now plan to display a Zune icon or chicklet graphic on their websites to enable an easy "1-Click Podcast Subscription" process for podcast listeners or viewers. This 1-Click process will launch the new Zune Marketplace software and place …

An Open Letter To Jeff Bezos: Please Stop Pissing Off People Over Amazon Prime — from the pretty-pretty-pretty-please dept — Back in May, we tried to alert you to a serious customer service problem that your company is facing concerning the way you are marketing Amazon Prime.

Prism — Personal computing is currently in a state of transition. While traditionally users have interacted mostly with desktop applications, more and more of them are using web applications. But the latter often fit awkwardly into the document-centric interface of web browsers.

Comcast feeling the heat from competition — Comcast added fewer Internet and video customers than expected in its third quarter. — The cable giant on Thursday reported net income of $560 million, or 18 cents a share, on revenue of $7.78 billion. Those results were in line with estimates …

Mozilla can live without Google's money, Baker says — Thunderbird spin-off should find its own revenue, the Mozilla CEO adds — Mozilla Corp. will walk away from Google Inc. and the millions it collects from the search company each year, if that's what it takes to stay independent …